Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1345 The Awakening of Mahalaka

Chapter 1345 The Awakening of Mahalaka
It has been a long time since Maharaja fought side by side with Yanyan heartily.

Since leaving Huntun Town.

As Yanyan's cultivation base rapidly increased, she used spells more and more, and used weapons less and less.

And because she was too busy, Yanyan didn't pay more attention to her absolute magic weapon.

The first thing that Maha Luoga transformed into was its giant snake body.

This is the most commonly used posture of Maharaja when Yanyan needs to strike hard. Especially today, he is using the sword of consciousness. There is no original body that is more powerful than it, and it is more suitable to match the carrying object of this natural sword consciousness.

However, even Yanyan herself didn't notice the change in Mahalaka.

When the body of the powerful giant snake merged with the sword spirit, a beautiful and pure face of a little girl gradually emerged from the sharp point of the sword.

Yanyan held the hilt of the sword with both hands, raised her head, and stared blankly at the little girl who suddenly appeared on the sword's edge.

The little girl has white hair, a white dress, snow-white skin, and white glass-like pupils, dreamily like a crystal-carved doll.

The innocent expression and Yan Yan are exactly the same as when she first met.

The spirit of Mahalaka appeared in front of Yanyan without any warning.

"You're back."

Yan Yan's hand holding the sword of divine consciousness trembled uncontrollably.

She suddenly remembered that some time ago, Yuehuaguo returned to Lord Yuchan.

That's it!

That's it!

Maharaja was suppressed by heaven for stealing Yuehua fruit and almost died.

If it hadn't been for hiding in the Sumeru Realm and Canghua changed its shape with his own hands, there would have been no Mahalaka in the world.

The Moon Blossom Fruit was discovered from the body of Mahalaka when Cang Hua smelted the body of Maha Luoga into a tool.

It turned out that this had always been Maharaja's knot in his heart.

After returning the property to its original owner, her heart knot was opened, and the spirit of the weapon returned naturally.

She was originally a fetish!

Maharaja gently swayed her soft body, her snake body is the white sword fused with sword consciousness at this moment.She swayed, and the blade also swayed in waves.

The straight sword looks a bit like a curved and undulating snake spear.

However, the speed was suddenly pulled up.

That is the great power of the awakening of the artifact.

A clean smile appeared on the face of the little Maharaja girl, she opened her white and slender arms, and flew towards the dark sky.

old sad squire
The servants of the eight entourages

On the banks of the river Styx in the west
All the songs in the world are sad because of you

The wheel of fortune has opened


The melodious singing with a touch of sadness spreads to the boundless darkness.

Yan Yan's eyes were scorching hot.

She wanted to withdraw the sword, but she couldn't control the huge power.

"Maharaka, stop! I order you!"

Yanyan's voice trembled so much that she almost pulled the hilt of the sword she was holding into her arms.

Maharaja was only condensed into a weapon spirit, and if she was not careful, her soul would be scattered. At such a critical juncture, it was used by her to do this kind of thing that pierced the sky.

Yan Yan was extremely guilty, but Mahalaka's spiritual power was too powerful.

The awakening of Maharaja directly multiplied the power and speed of the lightsaber, completely beyond Yanyan's control.

Yan Yan was almost hoarse, but the blade was still pointing directly at the dark sky.

Urged by Mahalaka's divine power, even Xing Yan couldn't see the movement of the sword clearly.

The sword's edge is like a sharp scissors walking on the black cloth, quickly cutting across the entire black screen, and the white light spreads from the cutting track, pushing away the darkness divided into two sides.

The spreading darkness was gradually diluted by the light, and only the white sword was still moving forward.

Yan Yan could no longer see the position of the sword tip clearly, only the perfect sad singing voice could be heard in her ears.

The edge of the sword was still moving forward, and Maha Luoga's soft body flew down the sword and flew to the hilt.

Stretching out her almost transparent white hands, Maharaja gently stroked Yan Yan's face.

The voice is as gentle and sweet as her singing: "Shh, don't cry. If you want to kill that person, I'll give it to you and kill him!"

With a pure and beautiful face like a little girl, she looks so natural and casual when she says such cruel words.

Yan Yan's eyes were red, her voice was about to choke: "But, you just became a spirit, what should you do?"

Maharaja tilted his head, as if he had just started to seriously think about this question.

But she seemed to have figured it out quickly, and gently put her hand on the back of Yanyan's hand holding the hilt of the sword: "Now you are my master, and your thoughts are my mission."

Mahalaka let go of Yanyan's hand, and flew towards the front of the sword again.

Yanyan's eyes widened angrily: "Come back! I want you to stop immediately!"

Maha Luoga still had a sweet smile, and her voice was like singing a cappella: "Little master, don't lie. You want to kill this person, and you want to go home. As your weapon spirit, I must follow the mission."

Maharaja could actually see her spiritual consciousness directly.

It was only at this moment that Yanyan suddenly realized that Mahalaka never listened to her verbal orders, she always went directly to see her spiritual consciousness
That's why she was able to conjure up the weapon she wanted to use every time Yanyan wanted to attack, and at the same time as the attacking move appeared in her mind.

Her weapon itself is too smart and too powerful. In the past, Yan Yan thought that Maha Luoga was the most perfect divine weapon in the world.

But at this moment, she could only smile wryly.

The spirit of Maha Luojia reunited with Cang Zhi's white sword again.

Her face is at the tip of the sword point, her snow-white cheeks are gradually covered by transparent scales, sharp fangs with perfect arcs grow rapidly from the corners of her small and thin lips, her beautiful face gradually
The beautiful face on the tip of the sword gradually transformed into a mighty one-horned giant snake. The snake's mouth suddenly opened, swallowing a long snake letter, biting towards a certain point in the deepest part of the sky.

Once Maharaja, who has practiced for 6000 years, awakens, how can Qi Xiaowei hide his figure in front of her?
Everyone in the Sumeru Realm naturally also saw the process of Maharaja's awakening.

But no one was happy because Yanyan suddenly had this powerful help.

The bronze feet of Lie Shanding made a dull sound, and the whole tripod seemed to be a piece of copper that had lost its spirituality.

Mr. Yumei turned around silently, unable to bear to look any further.

Only the eyes of the five sub-stars are still betting on the screen projected by the stars.


In such a dull atmosphere, Jishuibao spoke again.

"Huh? It's actually Mahalaka. This guy's temper is notoriously stinky. When he wakes up at this time, isn't he going to smash the sky?"

No one took Jishuibao's words.

Because the people around her don't need her to wake them up.

Then Ji Shuibao spoke again: "Oh, if Maha Luoga pierced the sky, wouldn't the little Yandi have to be arrested again to fill the gap in the barrier?"

The sky in the mountains and seas is not the sky of the sun, moon and stars, the sky in the mountains and seas is the invisible but ever-present Great Barrier.

Ji Shuibao then couldn't help but raised his voice and shouted: "Ah, that little girl doesn't know that she is Little Yan Emperor? What should I do!"

(End of this chapter)

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