Chapter 1377

Heaven also has fear.

Thunder and lightning surged like waves and snakes, constantly tearing and reorganizing the space. The phantom of the last stump of the Migu Tree was also being destroyed by the Dao of Heaven at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As fewer and fewer Migu trees remained, Mr. Yumei's body became more and more transparent...

In this completely mismatched and crazy attack that seemed to last forever, Mr. Yumei and Lie Shanding felt that the aura of heaven suddenly became unstable almost at the same time.

There was obvious unwillingness and urgency in that unstable breath.

It seemed that Tiandao also had a premonition that something important was about to happen. The huge thundercloud roared like a tsunami, and countless huge electric pythons entangled together, and crazily pressed down on the root of the Migu tree that Mr. Yumei held up with one hand.

In the turbulent clouds and dust, Lie Shanding smelled a breath of blood.

Mr. Yumei's body staggered suddenly, and the person who had become transparent almost disappeared.


Lie Shanding exclaimed, but at this moment, the blue flame filled in the medicine cauldron could no longer provide any help to Mr. Yumei.


Lei Yun pressed down angrily.

Aunt Huazhi tried her best to hold Ji Mei in her arms, and tightly closed her eyes.

On the brink of the invisible confrontation between Lie Shanding and Migu's tree roots, there is only a small inch left, and Lei Ting will directly fight against Mr. Yumei's real body.

At this time, all the phantoms of the Migu Tree visible to the naked eye have been destroyed by the thunder penalty.

What Lie Shanding didn't know was that when the phantom of the Migu Tree ceased to exist, Mr. Yumei would also cease to exist.

The smell of blood is getting stronger, and Mr. Yumei's body is getting more and more transparent...


Tiandao Jieyun finally charged up his energy for the last time, ready to drop the hard big black rock in one fell swoop.

At this moment, a long humming sound suddenly came from above the sky.


With this sound, the originally chaotic atmosphere between heaven and earth stagnated for an instant, as if the entire world of mountains and seas had been pressed the pause button.

All the gods, including the white tiger, looked up at the high place in the deep space.

The dark robbery cloud that was already full also stagnated and surged amidst this long chant.


Another long chant came down, and layers of white cloud waves appeared in the sky, as if a huge wind had pushed all the heavy clouds on the sea to this side of the sky, and the entire sky was blocked overcrowded.

When the gods searched from the white clouds, mountains and seas in amazement, there was a long wind howling in the clouds suddenly, and a huge white dragon tail that could cover the sky swept out from the clouds.

At a moment when no one could react in time, the snow-like giant tail of the white dragon slapped the thundercloud of punishment that threatened the world without hesitation.

The moment the dragon's tail collided with the thunder cloud, all the gods on the auspicious cloud were thrown off the cloud in an instant.

Even the white tiger roared angrily and hid a little further away.

The huge dragon's tail is like a white blade that cuts the heaven and the earth, straightly cutting through the heavenly thundercloud that gathers the breath of the heaven and the earth, as sharp as the ox blade in Pao Ding's hand.

Canghua actually attacked Tiandao!

All this happened too fast, too suddenly, without any warning before.

Although the gods who were overturned in the clouds panicked, they were even more shocked and panicked and... at a loss.

Canghua is the strongest guardian of this world. In the past tens of thousands of years, no god dared to doubt his loyalty to this world.

However, at this moment, Canghua actually personally cut open the way of heaven that symbolizes the execution of divine power in this world.

Canghua's behavior directly crushed the cognition of all the gods for thousands of years, and made the gods in charge of this world collectively fall into confusion.

However, it's not over yet.

Just when the gods were still deeply in a state of confusion, a strange circle appeared on the side of the dragon when the dragon's tail slashed across the heavens.

The circle seemed to be three-dimensional, as if it was stacked layer by layer. On the edge of the circle, phantoms of different colors such as red, black, blue, yellow, and purple could be vaguely seen.


The white tiger suddenly roared angrily at the strange circle. The roar was resistance, but at the same time as the roar, the white tiger took a few steps back strangely.

The transpiring white clouds were dispersed, and a more spectacular stalwart dragon body appeared in the sky than the heavy clouds.

Canglong didn't even glance at the furious white tiger, the coiled dragon claws suddenly opened, and the circle also changed its posture in an instant, turning into a colorful border of the dragon's tail.

Only at this time did the gods fully realize that the strange circle was just an illusion viewed from the bottom up, and it was actually the original body of the magnificent Nine Tails.

Canglong's long body tossed and stretched, and Nine Tails patted it from top to bottom.

In an instant, the torrential rain poured down like a sky leak.

The gods were dumbfounded.

The thunder and punishment from heaven like Mount Mo was scattered by Canghua, turned into dark clouds, and finally turned into an unwilling rainstorm to pour down on the world.

The heavy rain drenched the mountains and rivers;
Wet the big black rock;

Drenched the gods who fell in mid-air;

Drenched in this vigorous catastrophe.

There are still occasional dull thunderclaps in the dark clouds, but they are just thunderclaps, like Tiandaoyou's unwilling complaints, but that's all.

How could Tiandao have such a good temper?
The gods are at a loss, and the gods are even more confused.

"It stopped."

Suddenly someone in the fairy said something in a low voice.

At this time, the torrential rain was still falling, and the gods of this rain were not spared from being drenched with water all over their bodies, and their heads and faces were messed up. This is the resentment of heaven, and no one can escape.

However, no one made fun of the fairy who spoke.

Because at this time, the gods only realized later: stop, indeed stop!
Originally, the turbulent flow was at the highest point in the void, and the gap in the great enchantment pierced by Mahalaka continued to seep in, and the breath of the alien world stopped.

There is only one reason for the stop, and that is that the breach in the barrier was sealed.

This is the real reason for the beginning of all disputes and the inevitable condition for the end of all disputes.

It is also the reason for the return of Canghua.

Canghua actually sealed the broken barrier!

The astonished eyes of the gods turned to the void again.

The white giant dragon on the dark clouds has disappeared, only the thick clouds all over the sky are still weeping endlessly.

The emperor in white clothes and purple eyes appeared on the wet big black rock.

The torrential rain was dripping, and the potholes in Daheiyan were all filled with water.The people who fainted were soaked in the bleak rain, without any vitality, just like a large cemetery.

Canghua raised his head, looked at the rainy sky, and said in a low voice, "Xi God created the way of nature, the training of respecting what is damaged and making up for what is not enough. If there is no kindness, the damage is not enough to give more than enough!"

After the words fell, there was a "bang" thunder sound in the air.The stuffy one was far away, as if Heavenly Dao was stubbornly resisting and talking back to him, but finally lost his confidence.Even the rain gradually eased.

(End of this chapter)

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