Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1378 Return to the ruins, return

Chapter 1378 Return to the ruins, return

The way of heaven is actually bullying the weak and fearing the hard!

The gods were amazed.

The gods sighed even more.

All the gods couldn't help but cast their eyes on the Canghua on the big black rock.

In Canghua's gaze, there is only Lie Shanding...

"Even the thieves know how to look at the dishes. It really is that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked! Ding ding ding ding..."

Lie Shanding let go of his short legs and galloped towards Canghua.

At the same time, the five secondary stars also fell behind Canghua.

Standing beside Lie Shanding, Cang Hua looked down at Yan Yan, who was quietly immersed in the flames.

Yan Yan was still the same as when she was brought back by Maharaja, her eyes were blank, staring blankly ahead.

"Take them back to the ruins."

Canghua gave an order and disappeared in place.

Lie Shanding glanced to the left and right blankly, then looked at the five deputy stars opposite: "Where's the emperor?"

Weihuoxi and the others came over, surrounded Lie Shanding and looked into the cauldron.

"I probably went to find Ah Yan."

Ditu raccoon looked at Yanyan's sluggish expression, and there was some distress in his gloomy eyes.

Tail Fire Rhino corrected: "It should be called Emperor Yan."

The Jishui Leopard next to him took a look at Ditu Raccoon, and said, "The emperor should have entered the Yan Emperor's consciousness, let's go back."

After Jishuibao finished speaking, Kang Jinpan turned around and turned into his original body to soar into the sky, sending out a long dragon chant towards the East China Sea.

Following Kang Jinpan's voice, the pure power of wood was sent to the East China Sea, and after a while, an island shrouded in green mist gradually floated on the distant eastern horizon.

The island is not very eye-catching, it is a black lump floating on the sea, but a giant tree growing on it is particularly ostentatious.

The giant tree is verdant and luxuriant, with red, yellow and green leaf veins growing side by side on the mammoth crown, which looks like a large cloud lifted by the branches from a distance.

Seeing that large cloud, the faces of the five sub-stars showed relief at the same time.

Mr. Yumei has fainted, and only Lie Shanding who is awake on the big black rock knows that there is the magnificent Eastern Qing Emperor Palace, Guixu.

Lie Shanding gently shook the flame in the cauldron, slowly closed the huge and tired bronze animal eyes, and called silently in his heart:
Girl, did you see it?
Guixu, we have really come to Guixu!


The dream-like blue sea was so beautiful, Canghua looked around and walked to the depths of the blue sea.

He walked into the sea, and the sea water automatically separated to the two sides as if it knew him, making way for a dry path.

This is Yanyan's spiritual consciousness, Yanyan's true spirit was forcibly imprisoned in a corner of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Canghua almost didn't need to look for it, as soon as he entered, he sensed the place where Yanyan True Spirit was imprisoned.

But the moment he saw Yanyan, Canghua was stunned.

Yanyan's true spirit sat cross-legged on the ground, with both hands raised in front of his chest, and there was a strange irregular shape between the palms, which was changing into various shapes from big to small.

Yanyan was concentrating on the strange things in her palm, she had almost nothing outside her body, even the arrival of Canghua didn't divert her attention in the slightest.

Canghua didn't know what Yanyan was doing, but noticed that her hands were covered in blood, and her body was also covered in blood. She looked a bit embarrassed, as if she had just finished a fight with someone.

Canghua knew that the Heavenly Dao would not kill Yanyan's true spirit easily, but imprisoned her true spirit temporarily for the convenience of obtaining her body.

Although it is easy to completely obliterate Yanyan's Heavenly Dao, Yanyan is the only bloodline of Emperor Yan left in the world after all.

Even if her body can make up for the big enchantment, before the problem is completely solved, Tiandao will not rashly block the back road completely.

Moreover, Yan Yan has been certified as a god, and she is the veritable Emperor Yan.No matter how tyrannical the way of heaven is, it has to rely on the protection of these emperors, and dare not be too arrogant.

When Canghua walked a few steps away from Yanyan, a golden lightning flashed in front of him suddenly, and the electric wall blocked Canghua's approaching steps.

This is the enchantment where Heavenly Dao imprisoned Yanyan True Spirit.

Canghua didn't even lift his eyelids, and with a flick of his long sleeves, he shattered the thunder wall set up by Tiandao.

But even with such a commotion, Yan Yan still focused on the things on her palm and never raised her head.

Walking up to Yanyan, Canghua squatted down, looked at the dense cuts on her body, frowned and asked, "What happened?"

Yanyan: "I don't want to faint."

"So you hurt yourself into this virtue?" Cang Hua's tone was a little joking.

Yanyan finally shifted her gaze from the objects in her palms to Canghua's face, and then smiled.

Canghua looked at Yanyan calmly, and found that her face was very pale, then looked at the thing in her palm and asked: "What is this?"

"Particles." Yan Yan answered very simply.

Yan Yan didn't explain too much, but just lightly touched her palm, and the gadget called "Particle" that was originally in her palm disappeared.

In the next second, a complete and huge new space suddenly spread above their heads.

Canghua's eyes rarely showed surprise: "Is this also the particle you mentioned just now?"

Yanyan nodded: "Yes. The particle was in a two-dimensional state just now, and now I fully unfold that particle in a one-dimensional state, and it becomes as big as we see it now."

Canghua looked down at Yanyan.

Yanyan's gaze still stayed on the huge golden light plane above her head, and she continued excitedly: "This is only a two-dimensional expansion. If a four-dimensional particle is expanded, the area will be enough to cover the entire mountain and sea world!"

"If we can find a particle that is tough enough, and then expand the particle from a four-dimensional state to a one-dimensional state, then we can create another mountain-sea barrier!"

"In this way, all the problems in front of me will be solved!"

The more Yanyan talked, the more excited she became, because of her emotional excitement, two patches of reddish gradually appeared on her originally pale face, which made Yanyan seem to have some complexion.

But Canghua knew that this was because she wasted too much energy and forcibly mobilized the few remaining powers in the true spirit for high-intensity thinking.

Before Yanyan, Zhenling had always been in a dangerous state of fainting at any time, and this was the reason.

Canghua looked at Yanyan quietly.

At this moment, even Cang Hua sincerely admired Yan Yan.

Even if she has come to a desperate situation, even if she is deprived of her vitality by heaven, Yanyan is still working hard.

Canghua felt that in Yanyan's heart, it seemed that she didn't know that there were failures and compromises in this world.

What a strong heart she must have to be able to achieve such tenacity that is almost indifferent to the burden!

Canghua stretched out his hand towards Yanyan.

Yanyan froze for a moment, then took Canghua's hand, and let Canghua pull her up from the ground.

Walking out behind Canghua, Yanyan lowered her head, her voice was a little shivering: "I was really sleepy just now, so I was very scared."

Canghua stopped and looked back at Yanyan.

Yanyan raised her head, and quietly revealed a guilty smile.

Quietly looking at Yanyan's smiling eyebrows, these eyes, in Canghua's heart at this moment, are like thousands of soft vines combing, the softness makes people feel distressed.

Stretching out his hand, Canghua held Yanyan's hand in his palm, and led her out.

(End of this chapter)

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