Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1379 One Tree, One Island

Chapter 1379 One Tree, One Island
"I don't know how many millions of miles to the east of the Bohai Sea. There is a big ravine, which is actually a bottomless valley, and there is no bottom below it. There will be no increase.”

When Yan Yan was speaking, she lightly placed her palm on the trunk of the Three Sang Sacred Tree.

There is an east wind blowing above the head, caressing the branches and leaves makes the sound like silkworms eating, which adds to the sense of majesty and majesty of the sacred tree.

It is also a kind of persistence and tenacity that a tree grows into a world.

According to the explanation in "Lie Zi Tang Wen", Guixu is somewhat similar to sea eyes.But the meaning of Guixu in classical literature is very simple, that is, "homecoming".

The reason why the Guixu in the world of mountains and seas is so mysterious is that it is the location of the Canghua Emperor's Palace.

And Canghua's return to the ruins is actually very simple, that is, the three mulberry tree grows too big, and there is no place to put it on the land, so it simply grows itself into an island.

The entire Guixu God Island is a three-mulberry tree.

Canghua didn't speak all this time, and quietly stayed by Yanyan's side until she finally cast her gaze a little further away.

There is a small red and green tent, which is a caravan, the White Mist Palace, and the temporary dwellings that the sages built with the branches and leaves of three mulberry trees.

Canghua's Guixu has never received so many people, and there is no house supply on Shendao Island.

The colorful tents formed a big circle, like a huge garland, with a lively bonfire burning in the middle.

The night wind blew people's laughter from far away, and the woody charm like sandalwood from the burning branches of the sacred tree scattered in the air, Yan Yan couldn't help but smile.

"They've been with me all these years, and they've been laughing and joking on weekdays, but they've never laughed so sincerely like tonight. It's really hard work!"

"The hardest person is you."

Canghua's tone was calm, as usual, and he still couldn't hear any emotion.But these words already revealed his affirmation of Yan Yan.

Yanyan looked at Canghua with a smile: "It's not the same. I am fulfilling the contract. My hard work was already clear when I signed the contract, so my hard work is innumerable."

When she said this, Yanyan unconsciously remembered the scene when she signed the contract with Canghua in Xumi Realm.

Time flies, like a dream on a yellow beam, the destination that was agreed on back then is returning to the ruins, even she herself did not expect that she actually came here.

Canghua calmly raised her long purple eyes: "Your contract has been overfulfilled."

Yanyan raised her eyebrows, and said suddenly: "I didn't expect you to kill Chixinhu. I don't think he did anything wrong, it's just a different standpoint. You can forgive even Jishuibao, why can't you forgive Chixinhu? "

But Canghua shook his head: "The red-hearted fox is different from the Jishui leopard. The Jishui leopard chooses from the heart, while the red-hearted fox is overstepping."

When mentioning Chixinhu, Yan Yan suddenly remembered another thing, and asked: "Before Chixinhu, you killed Emperor Yan in my spiritual world. You had a close friendship with Emperor Yan back then, why did you also attack him ruthlessly?"

Canghua: "Because the spirit that appeared in your consciousness is not Emperor Yan."

Yanyan was surprised: "Then who is he?"

If it's not Emperor Yan, how can it be possible to control the power of space?

Canghua thought for a while, and explained: "It should be a ray of spiritual power left on the Sumeru Realm during the process of refining the Sumeru Realm by Lord Yan. Because the Sumeru Realm was activated by you, you woke up and felt proud." Only by cultivating can you have the opportunity to show up."

"It inherited the consciousness of Emperor Yan's main body, but it was attached to the Sumeru Realm, and at the same time it knew what happened later."

"It doesn't have the real power to control the Sumeru Realm. It can only project a bit of space power and the blood relationship between Emperor Yan and you into the world of your consciousness. This ray of Lord Yan's consciousness does not represent Lord Yan himself. .”

"It's like a person who was born to be good, but after death, he turned into a evil ghost by chance. Then this ghost cannot represent the living good person. Although they have the same origin, they are two unrelated things."

Yan Yan nodded slightly.

In fact, she really wanted to ask another question, but seeing that Canghua had already walked towards the bonfire, she didn't seem interested in talking, so she didn't continue.

The two walked quietly, and gradually came to the periphery of the bonfire surrounded by tents.

Yanyan and Canghua restrained their aura tacitly at the same time, but their arrival still made the originally lively scene quiet down quickly.

Everyone stood up and turned their eyes to Yanyan and Canghua.

To be exact, they were all looking at Yanyan.

Yanyan glanced around the audience with her nimble eyes, and said with a smile: "You look at me for everything? Now if you want to ask for bacon and sausage, you have to find Axiang. I don't have anything here."

The factory buildings, houses, manufacturing equipment, rubber plantations, wineries, magical medicine shops, and many screens in Xumijing were all removed by Yanyan when they entered Guixu.

Now that it has arrived at the Guixu, there is no need for the beast to stay in the Sumeru Realm.

Canghua has been born, no matter where the beast herd inhabits in the Eastern Continent, it will definitely not be disturbed again.

Therefore, Yan Yan is not joking at this moment, she is telling the truth.

She emptied the Sumeru Realm, it was really empty.

But no one made fun of her, all the people, the sluts, still looked at her seriously.

Yan Yan raised her eyebrows, and turned her gaze to the caravan.

But as soon as her eyes fell on that side, Bi Cheng lowered his head deeply, and was the first to avoid her.

Bi Cheng hid his face behind Shen Yuyun's back, his shoulders trembled especially violently, but he didn't make a sound.

As soon as Bi Cheng took the lead, there was a low choking sound from the crowd beside the caravan.

Yanyan didn't look at it any more, turned her eyes away, picked up a wine jar from the ground, turned around and left.

She hates this the most.

Taking one step forward, Yanyan disappeared in place.

No one knows where she went, she is Emperor Yan now, if she doesn't want to see anyone, even Canghua is not easy to find.

Canghua stood there quietly for a few seconds, turned and left without saying anything.

Shen Yuyun patted Bi Cheng on the shoulder: "You know your master hates her the most."

Mr. Yumei also came over, persuading: "The Emperor's decision cannot be changed, and the most important thing right now is to ask her to leave a reminder, this is not the time to just make her sad!"

Bi Cheng snuffed his nose vigorously, wiped the tears off his face with the back of his hand, and nodded vigorously: "I know, I just thought that Master would leave us, and in my heart... just..."

The eye circles that had just been wiped were wet again, and Bi Cheng couldn't continue talking.

These people knew that Yanyan was going to leave, but before, they only felt that the day when she would leave was far away, and the days they would be together would be long.

But the day came in the blink of an eye.

No matter how calm Shen Yuyun and Mr. Yumei were, they couldn't suppress the deep sadness of the crowd, and no one could bear to speak anymore, couldn't bear to persuade them anymore, and choked speechlessly...

Just when everyone fell into a silent and sentimental mood, a golden figure came from the forest.

Walking to the crowd, the visitor's enchanting and beautiful eyes swept across the faces of several people, and said coldly: "Just now I said that time is running out, but now I'm crying again, I don't know what you guys know I don’t know what to do right now!”

Bi Cheng frowned: "You leopard, how can you understand human emotions!"

After going through the fierce battle with Tiandao, these friends of the deputy star Tong Yanyan also became familiar, and everyone spoke naturally and casually.

Even if he knew that the enchanting beauty in front of him was Canghua's Deputy Xingji Water Leopard, Bi Cheng was in a bad mood and would not speak politely.

Ji Shui Leopard sneered coldly: "Hmph! If it weren't for your pity that you couldn't even find the shadow of Emperor Yan, I wouldn't be bothered to talk to you."

Even though he knew that the Ji Shui Leopard had come to help specially, Bi Cheng was in a terrible mood at the moment, so he still stuck his neck and said nothing.

Mr. Yumei and Shen Yuyun stepped forward to thank Ji Shuibao.

Ji Shuibao glanced coldly at Bi Cheng's stubborn back: "For Emperor Yan's sake, I don't care about you."

After finishing speaking, she walked towards the Three Sang Sacred Tree, shaking her slender waist.

Seeing this, Mr. Yumei and Shen Yuyun quickly followed.

Lie Shanding poked Bi Cheng with his corner and followed.

Ah Xiang came over, took Bi Cheng's arm, and walked with him at the end.

Everyone knew that this might be the last time they saw Yan Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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