Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 609 Juyan Castle is about to change

Chapter 609 Juyan Castle is about to change
Faced with Shao Yunxin's accident and pain, Yanyan's expression was very calm.

It's not at all like having seen the content of the screen wall long ago.

"It is because I have seen this thing that I believe your words even more."

Yanyan raised her foot and easily crushed the picture wall that fell on the ground into powder, and looked up at Shao Yunxin: "You didn't steal it long ago, and you didn't steal it late, but you just stole the treasure when you went back this time? Hmph, you fooled others, but Don't try to fool this girl!"

Tears filled Shao Yunxin's eyes again.

This time, she was finally smarter!
This time, she managed to see the right treasure and the right person.

She chooses to trust Yanyan, chooses to join her, this may be the most correct thing she has done in her life.

"Yan, since you trust me, I will tell you everything I know..."

After finishing speaking, Shao Yunxin told how she saw Ba Yiniang turn into a fox;

How to follow her to the ravine, how to see Ba ​​Yiniang turning groups of foxes and raccoons into foxes;

How to see the huge tower tripod that attracts people above the White Mist Temple;

And how was he locked into a secret room by his father...

It even includes father and eight aunts killing many disciples of the White Mist Hall, and harming the old suzerain of the White Mist Hall...

Everything she knew, she told Yanyan all at once.

It's just that when it came to escaping from the secret room at the end, Shao Yunxin didn't mention the boy, only that he escaped by himself.

Because after he came out, the boy asked her to keep it a secret, saying that it was not convenient for him to show his face in front of others.

Shao Yunxin was very grateful for the boy's life-saving grace, so naturally he couldn't tell about the boy's existence.

Right now in Shao Yunxin's heart, she no longer has a home, let alone a sect.

At this moment, she is just an unscrupulous disciple who was kicked out of the Reincarnation Hall and who is offering rewards everywhere!
She is an unfilial girl who even ordered her father to kill her!

She has no peers, no relatives.

In Shao Yunxin's heart, she has nothing left and she has been abandoned by the whole world.

All she has left now is Yan Yan, a friend.

That's right, she still has a friend, Yanyan.

After hearing all of Shao Yunxin's experiences, Yan Yan was also shocked.

Apart from the hall master of the reincarnation hall tacitly allowing eight aunts to collude with Miao Jingchen to kill the disciples of the Baiwu Hall, and the huge pagoda-shaped tripod, Yan Yan was also very surprised that Shao Yunxin almost died at the hands of her own father.

I never expected such a thing to happen.

When she was on Earth, even though she was also a single-parent family, even though her father died suddenly in a car accident, she was forced to bear a lot of pressure who had not yet completed her studies, and she had to protect her mother and younger brother.

But her home, and the family members, are full of warmth, love and trust.

Yanyan suddenly felt that compared with Shao Yunxin, although she was forced to leave the earth, she was still luckier than her.

What a painful experience to be betrayed and hated by a dear father.

Yanyan felt that this kind of blow was even more painful than losing all her relatives.

Shao Yunxin's words caused both of them to fall into silence at the same time.

After the room was quiet for a few breaths, it was Yan Yan who spoke first.

"What you said, except for the eighth aunt who turned into a fox demon in the array, and the tower-shaped tripod that sucks people, which has not yet been verified, the rest are almost in our hands and we have some evidence. For example, what you said The Wudian disciples were replaced by fox-like people."

"This matter was previously discovered by an elder of the White Mist Hall. The uncle of the Jin family happened to be familiar with that elder. She found out that the second sister Jin Fengjiao was also there that day. She saw with her own eyes that the disciples of the White Mist Hall were full of foxes. It was transformed into a demon, which is basically consistent with what you said."

Shao Yunxin nodded quickly: "That's right, last time I overheard Ba Yiniang talking to Miao Jingchen at the entrance of the expensive goods auction warehouse, and they also mentioned the disciples of the White Mist Hall. of!"

Yanyan frowned: "However, the elder who is familiar with the Jin family suddenly can't be contacted, and he seems to have disappeared from the world. I don't know if something happened..."

"Ah? You said that an elder from the White Mist Palace is missing?" Shao Yunxin suddenly opened his eyes wide, staring at Yanyan and asked.

Yan Yan nodded: "Well, that elder's name is You Changqing, and he is one of the elders of the third hall of Baiwu Hall where the accident happened."

Shao Yunxin's face was very ugly: "The elder you mentioned is probably... dead."

Yan Yan was surprised: "Did you see it?"

"The night I went to the White Mist Hall with the Fox Transformation Team, I saw a cultivator from the White Mist Hall mid-air. In order to prevent the cauldron from absorbing the disciples of the White Mist Hall, I blew myself up."

"At that time, I saw a huge mass of spirit energy like a meteor crashing towards the cauldron at an extremely fast speed. In such a situation, it was impossible to see the appearance of the person clearly, only a mass of light remained."

In that case, even the Nascent Soul cultivator would not be able to see the self-destructive cultivator's face clearly, but the ending would definitely be death!

It's just that Shao Yunxin only glanced at You Changqing who blew himself up at that time, and was attracted by the fox-like people around him who preyed on the monk's remnant soul, and didn't see whether You Changqing bumped into the cauldron in the end.

But even if she stared at You Changqing, she would not find the boy who was talking to You Changqing in the void.

Of course, you will not see You Changqing who disappeared out of thin air.

In Shao Yunxin's view, according to common sense, the cultivator who blew himself up must be dead.

According to Shao Yunxin's date, Yanyan did some calculations and nodded: "According to the time you said, the monk you saw should be Elder You. It's a pity, he has a good character and has a good relationship with the Jin family..."

Finally, a person who held some evidence died again.

Seeing that Yanyan's expression was gloomy, Shao Yun comforted him: "Don't worry, Elder You is gone, but those fox-turned people who just entered the sect are still there, and those fox-turned people usually look no different from the disciples of Baiwu Palace, but In fact, it doesn’t have much cultivation, if you catch one and kill it, it will immediately return to the fox shape, and it’s easy to dismantle it.”

Yan Yan shook her head: "Those fox-turned people were also used by Ba Yiniang and Miao Jingchen, even if they were turned back into foxes, it would be useless, our purpose now is to find out what Ba Yiniang and Miao Jingchen are going to do. "

Things have progressed to this point, Yanyan feels that the muddy water seems to be flowing deeper and deeper.

It was far from a simple matter of helping Jin Lanjiao break off the engagement.

Yanyan has an intuition.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the entire Juyan Castle will change...

Although what happened to Juyan Castle, it didn't have a big impact on her.

As long as she successfully catches the little rabbit, the trip will be considered a successful conclusion, and she can leave without any worries.

However, after staying here for so long, whether it's the Jin family's Sanjiao, Kong Nantian, or Niu Nenggan...

She had a real relationship with these people.

Yanyan really didn't want any accidents to happen to these people.

"Right now, the five major shareholders of Hanxiang Palace already have Samsara Hall, White Mist Hall, and the Miao family involved. Miao Jingchen is still engaged to the Jin family. Miao Jingchen has a really big appetite!"

Yan Yan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Shao Yunxin sneered: "Hmph! My father and Eighth Aunt counting on a group of foxes is like killing Baiwu Palace. How can it be so easy? Take Hanxiang Palace as an example. Although my family has a marriage contract with him, Miao Jingchen may not be able to count her out because Miss Feng Er is so shrewd."

At the end of the talk, Shao Yunxin sneered: "My father and Miao Jingchen both have good plans, but unfortunately, there are many people who are stronger than them. I saw that they were the two of them who bit the dog in the end!"

Although what Shao Yunxin said was reasonable, Yanyan always felt that there was another link in the whole trap, but they didn't see it.

She always felt something was wrong there!

 Thank you dear friends for helping Yan Yan compare your heart, bow~~~
(End of this chapter)

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