Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 610 The giant flag presents treasures

Chapter 610 The giant flag presents treasures

Yan Yan on Jin Fengjiao's side is not worried.

After going through these few incidents, the Jin family has long been extremely wary of the Miao family.

Jin Fengjiao withdrew as much business as possible that had intersected with the Miao family in the past.

For Miao Jingchen, Jin Fengjiao now has 120 distrust.

All that's left is empty homes.

She thought about Kong Nantian's side...

Kong Nantian mainly deals with caravans, and most of his subordinates trade with caravans.

And the Miao family opened a shop on the ground, it seems that they have never heard Kong Nantian say that they have business contacts with the Miao family...

Yanyan breathed a sigh of relief.

Maybe she was thinking too much, even if Miao Jingchen wanted to swallow the control of Hanxiang Palace, at least the sky on Juyan Castle would not completely collapse.

The biggest interest body of Juyan Castle is Hanxiang Palace.

There are a total of five major shareholders in Hanxiang Palace, even if there are problems with those three, at least there are still the Jin family and the Kong family, and there is a Qi Wuji behind them.

Although Qi Wuji mainly relied on the help of the five major families to manage the Hanxiang Palace, if something happened to the Hanxiang Palace, he would definitely intervene.

In this way, it will be at least half to half, evenly matched and even a tie.

But after living in Qi Mansion for so long, Yan Yan always had a question in her heart.

She didn't see Qi Wuji planting people in Hanxiang Palace, but inside and outside of Hanxiang Palace, everyone obeyed him.

How did Qi Wuji control Hanxiang Palace?

Yanyan suddenly discovered that there are too many secrets in this Qi mansion, and she can't break the tip of the iceberg even if she lives in this mansion every day.

"It's getting late, don't delay your cultivation, I should go back."

Shao Yunxin stood up and prepared to leave.

Yan Yan followed and stood up: "What are your plans next?"

Shao Yun smiled lightly: "Tomorrow morning, I will go thank Young Master Qi and leave."

Yan Yan frowned: "Then where do you plan to live temporarily?"

Now, all sects or merchants who have some contacts with the reincarnation hall must have received Shao Jiaying's picture wall.

Perhaps many people are still waiting to catch Shao Yunxin and go to the Hall of Reincarnation to receive the reward, or they are all taking this opportunity to solve Shao Yunxin for Shao Jiaying so as to win over the relationship with the Hall of Reincarnation...

The picture wall sent by Shao Jiaying can be said to have really driven Shao Yunxin to a dead end.

She's really struggling right now.

Shao Yunxin lowered her eyes: "My mother has several relatives who live in Juyan Castle. I went to join them, and they should take me in."

Yan Yan sighed softly: "Yun Xin, are you deceiving yourself? Or are you planning to throw yourself into a trap? You can think of your father, who must have already thought of it. When you go there tomorrow, it happens to be delivered to your door."

"Besides, even if your mother and relatives treat you well, it is because of your status as the hall master's daughter. Now that you are being hunted down by your father, you are already at odds with the reincarnation hall. Even relatives may not be willing to take you in. Then Offend your father."

Shao Yunxin raised her head to look at Yanyan, her eyes filled with tears.

She also understands what Yan Yan said, but she is really desperate.

Although she has a marriage contract with Qi Wuji, she actually has no relationship with Qi Wuji, not to mention that she only wants to break up the marriage contract, so living in Qi Mansion is really inconvenient.

Besides, even if Yanyan is a distinguished guest of the Qi mansion, but she doesn't have a deep friendship with Yan Yan, how can she rely on her to force her to stay in his mansion...

Shao Yunxin suddenly felt very hopeless.

Why has this world suddenly become so difficult?

Yanyan put her hand lightly on Shao Yunxin's shoulder, and said gently: "I know what you think, you don't want to live in the Qi Mansion. But now people from the general family must not dare to keep you, and they can't protect your safety. Go out by yourself Stay here, and people from the Reincarnation Hall will find you soon."

"I can go and tell the owner of the Kong family or the second sister that you are allowed to live in the Kong family or the Jin family temporarily. The Kong family and the Jin family will definitely agree to allow you to enter the mansion in terms of affection. But the Kong family, the Jin family and the reincarnation hall are jointly in charge. In Hanxiang Palace, there are many things to do, so it is really inconvenient."

What Yan Yan was talking about was human feelings.

Even if the Kong family and the Jin family have no business relationship with the reincarnation hall, it is not easy to tear themselves apart with the reincarnation hall.

Today, Shao Yunxin was left behind for Yanyan's sake. Later, when the Samsara Hall questioned him, there was the Samsara Hall on one side and Yanyan on the other, making it difficult for those two families to be caught in the middle.

Shao Yunxin can also understand what Yan Yan said.

Now Shao Yun had no idea at all, he just lowered his head and wiped his tears.

Yan Yan said: "I think, right now, there is no place more suitable for you than Qi Mansion."

"But I..."

Yan Yan shook her head lightly: "It's a matter of urgency, you put aside the matter of engagement for now, let's talk about it first. The Qi Mansion is not afraid of offending the Samsara Hall, and the Samsara Hall will definitely not dare to come here to ask for someone. You are in this mansion Staying here can ensure your own safety first, right?"

Shao Yunxin finally stopped her tears and nodded slightly.

Yan Yan said again: "Besides, Uncle Ax also made it clear just now that keeping you here is not because of your engagement to the Qi Mansion, but because of your friendship with me, even if you owe favors, It's also because I owe Qi Wuji a personal favor, which has nothing to do with you. Isn't this exactly what you want?"

After finishing speaking, Yanyan blinked her eyes playfully: "Anyway, sooner or later I will withdraw the marriage for you, and then I will owe Qi Wuji's favor, why not owe him all at this moment. Anyway, there are too many lice to bite , Don’t worry if you have too much debt.”

Her last sentence made Shao Yunxin laugh.

But I couldn't help sighing in my heart: This girl is really open-minded, and she will definitely become a great person in the future.

After placing Shao Yunxin properly, the serious day of Langgan Shenmu's auction came in a blink of an eye.

Langgan wood is one of the three treasures recognized in this grand auction of Hanxiang Palace.

Three days before the filming started, a huge colorful brocade banner was raised in front of the gate of Hanxiang Palace.

The whole banner is divided into upper and lower parts, the uppermost part is embroidered with a palace surrounded by cranes.

The center and bottom are completely occupied by a Langgan sacred tree embroidered with gold thread.

The golden light of the Shenmu is shining brightly, and when it is flashed by the sun's rays, it is scorching and dazzles people's eyes.

In front of the Shenmu, a pattern of flames was embroidered using floating embroidery techniques mixed with spiritual power.

Surrounded by flame patterns, it is a vigorously written "flame" character
Crane Shrine is the symbol of Hanxiang Palace.

The Shenmu in the center naturally refers to Langgan wood.

The "flame" pattern suspended in front of the Shenmu represents the logo of Paibao's shop.

The logo of the Yanyan Caravan is the word Yan.

This logo has been used by the caravan since it was used for hunting in the Xiling Grassland last time, and it has been determined by the caravan to be a fixed caravan bodyguard. It is the word Yan with a golden flame pattern in the center of the black tooth flag.

Splendid Long Banner is a giant banner specially made in previous auction events of Hanxiang Palace.

The length of the flag stretches from the top of Hanxiang Palace to the bottom, and it is as long as a colorful waterfall, pouring down gracefully.

The furs of all the gods woven into it are woven by Shuishi using spiritual power to transform the real objects into silk threads. Therefore, all the auspicious beasts and auspicious birds embroidered on it can emit their own singing.

The sound of auspicious cries will ring throughout the inner and outer cities of Juyan Castle for a long time on the two days and the day before the treasure auction.

The sound enters the heart and makes people excited.

This huge flower banner is the best publicity for the treasures photographed.


(End of this chapter)

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