Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 611 Langgan Shenmu Tongtianling

Chapter 611 Langgan Shenmu Tongtianling

The top three treasures in Hanxiang Palace are all publicly auctioned.

On the day when the top three precious treasures were auctioned, all other merchants stopped their auction activities, and only the top three treasures were allowed to be auctioned in the entire Hanxiang Palace auction.

for a full day.

All the people in the city can enter the venue for free on that day.

Guests who intend to bid will be invited into their respective VIP rooms to bid anonymously after paying the deposit of spirit stones.

The Langgan wood of Yanyan's family was originally a huge auction item. On the day of the auction, the entire hall was cleared out a large area, and the huge railing was carried by dozens of Nascent Soul monks with Qifu's unique cloud car. Loaded and transported to the center of the venue in public.

Langgan wood has been covered with a huge blue-gray silk wrap these days. Because of its huge size, it cannot be placed in the auction warehouse of expensive goods, so it can only be wrapped with this huge dust-proof brocade.

The Qi government personally arranged to take care of them.

At this moment, the huge sacred tree was pushed in front of everyone, and all the audience were shocked.

After the Shenmu was properly placed on the booth, it was the host who was in charge of hosting the auction.

A golden auspicious beast jumped onto the booth covered with a big red brocade carpet.

She was a pretty girl in a fiery red dress, her jet-black hair was in a half-tangle, and a strand of lacquer hung on her chest, which was both gorgeous and charming.

On the side of the temple, there is a fiery red and delicate impatiens flower.

As soon as the woman appeared, there was an uproar in the surrounding audience, and the applause was like thunder, and it lasted for a long time.

All the spectators and photographers clamored excitedly, applauding the peerless girl on the booth...

This woman is the master of ceremonies of this auction—Jin Fengjiao.

That's right.The person in charge of presiding over the auction of Langgan wood is the current head of the Jin family, Jin Fengjiao, the sister-in-law of Yan Yan.

As one of the five largest shareholders of Hanxiang Palace, Jin Fengjiao is absolutely qualified to apply for the master of ceremonies for bidding for the top three treasures.

In order for Yanyan's Langganmu to be more brilliant in the shooting, Jin Fengjiao took the initiative to invite Ying, and she had already said hello to Qi Wuji that she would personally send Yanyan's Baomu to marry.

After Jin Fengjiao made a brilliant opening appearance, she bowed her hands to the crowd.

Gently placing her hand on the huge Langgan wood, Jin Fengjiao smiled brightly at everyone.

"Let everyone wait for a long time. The filming of Langgan Wood will start today, and there will be endless lore and good shows. Before all the distinguished guests fight, please go to the leader of the caravan to which Langgan Wood belongs, Miss Yan, to unravel the last veil of Shenmu for everyone. ..."

After Jin Fengjiao finished speaking, she quietly left.

There was a moment of silence in the arena.

Everyone was looking forward to it, wanting to see what kind of person was able to get the Langgan Shenmu...

However, no one appeared on the field.

Everyone couldn't help looking around to find...

Just now Jin Fengjiao said that it was Miss Yan who was invited to come up.

What about Yan girl?
Just when everyone was looking around curiously, a cyan beam of light suddenly surged into the sky from the top of the wrapped huge sacred tree.

The beam of light approached the high dome of the Hanxiang Palace auction house.

At the same time, there was a "buzzing" sound like a bee's wings...

"Ah! My sacred wood amulet!"

"My amulet is moving!"

"mine too!
"Mine moved too!"

"Is this... the awakening of Shenmu's divine power?"

Many of the audience who came to visit Shenmu today bought amulets made of branches and leaves of Langgan wood that were auctioned at the Yan family's stall before.

At this moment, those amulets that were originally dead wood all released faint blue light that flickered on and off.

Surrounded by the blue light, everyone watching has a green sense of vitality.

"Sure enough, it's Shenmu!"

"It really is extraordinary!"

All the people present who bought the amulets were deeply affected by the resonance between the branches and leaves of the sacred tree and its trunk at this moment.

The blue light on the top of the Shenmu lingers for a long time, and the branches and leaves in people's hands are always lingering...

Such a mysterious miracle made everyone present gasp in amazement.

In the dots of blue light, the canopy covered by the tall sacred tree on the booth was finally slowly opened, and the layers of petals were like a giant blue-white flower in full bloom.

The petals open, and gradually spit out a stamen inside that is as white as a pile of snow...

"Ah! These are the flowers of the Langgan sacred tree! The flower shape of the Langgan sacred tree is exactly like this!"

Among the crowd, a wood-attribute Huashen Daxiu who came to watch the excitement suddenly let out an exclamation, and everyone stared in amazement at the huge flower that was gradually unfolding in the field.

Although it is known that it is an imitation, it is impossible for the sacred tree to bloom again, but it can release the power of green wood, and can show the process of a divine tree blooming so vividly for everyone...

This appearance alone is worthwhile for everyone present today.

Not to mention that many ordinary people present have reached the state of transforming gods. In today's mountain and sea world, it is impossible to see the Langgan sacred tree blooming again.

Such a grand scene can only be reproduced in Tiangong.

Too much value!

The huge snow-white column in the center of the flower is naturally the main character to be photographed in this scene - Langgan Shenmu.

When the flowers are fully bloomed, a woman in a snow cloak flies down from the top of the flowers.

The woman's long hair reaches her buttocks, and it is loosely scattered behind her head. The hair on her ears and temples is only fixed with an ordinary wooden hairpin. Like waves, like dreams and illusions.

The woman didn't make up too much makeup, with cherry lips and snow skin and embroidered clothes of the same color as the giant Langgan tree, she looked like a fairy facing the river and a Luoshen coming out of the water.During Miaoman's gaze and expectation, the romance actually overwhelms Jin Fengjiao, but she has another elegant charm.

What a beautiful person.

So handsome Shenmu.

This is the owner who got the Shenmu...

At this moment, in everyone's minds, two words are born together - no wonder!
Fairies can't, who deserves it?

Maharaja turned into a flying swan, carrying Yan Yan and slowly descending around the giant wooden body.

Yanyan's hand gently touched Shenmu's torso, and a blue aura slowly flowed from her fingertips.

The breath dissipated in the air, and all the plants on the site suddenly burst into vitality, with thousands of trees dripping green and verdant flowers and plants.

All the wood attribute monks couldn't help being shocked.

Such strong wood spirit power!
Is this girl as beautiful as a fairy an elf of flowers and trees?
All those who wear Langgan wood amulets seem to be blessed by the power of oriental wood. The blue light cleans the surface of the amulet, making it as bright as lacquer, like an old object that has been played with for many years.

After this awakening, the protective power of these amulets will surely become stronger.

This is the pure oriental power that Yanyan specially borrowed from Canghua, and it is also a small benefit distributed to everyone as a thank you to those who came to join us today.

At this moment, those who didn't buy the amulet regretted it.

Those who bought the amulet could raise the price by sitting on the ground, and the value of the amulet skyrocketed on the spot.

And Shao Yunxin, who was sitting in the middle of the Yanyan caravan, suddenly remembered the boy's voice in his consciousness: "Huh? How could it be that person's breath? This... this is impossible!"

 Yanyan: The giant banner presents auspicious treasures;The titles of these two chapters today are like couplets.

  Bi Cheng: There is no horizontal batch

  Si Si: Hengpi: Eat more and sleep more!

  Xiaoyu: Not good!
  Tonba: Hengpi: Gong Xi Fa Cai!

  Xiaoyu: Not good!
  Lie Shanding: How stupid!Hengpi: Xiaoyu is the most beautiful!
  Xiaoyu: Wonderful!
  Everyone: →_→

(End of this chapter)

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