Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 929 Mrs. Chen is lying

Chapter 929 Mrs. Chen is lying

This man was dressed decently, but he was obviously a dusty man, he should be the leader of a small caravan.

Through the simple conversation between the two, Yan Yan understood that this person is a tenant of Laisheng Inn.

Before this tenant had been inquiring about the nearby caravan trading information with the proprietor of Laisheng Inn, but the following conversation between the two aroused Yan Yan and Chen Zhen's ideas.

The shopkeeper asked in a low voice: "The people gathered here today are all from our Chaos Town, why did you come here?"

The tenant's face changed when he heard it, and he stared at the boss in horror: "Didn't you dream last night?"

This time it was the innkeeper's turn to widen his eyes in surprise: "You, did you have that scary dream too?"

The tenant nodded: "It was because of that scary dream that I came here, otherwise, what would I come here for!"

The innkeeper was sweating from his tense forehead at the moment. He was already fat, but when he got nervous again, his whole face looked greasy.

Wiping his forehead with his sleeve, the innkeeper sighed: "It seems that this monster is getting more and more powerful. In the past, only people in Huntun Town dreamed, but now even you and other outsiders who pass through here can't sleep." I've started to have that dream. Hey, if it goes on like this, I'm not sure what will happen..."

The tenant asked curiously: "So, didn't you start to have this dream last night? You have already started to dream?"

The shopkeeper nodded weakly: "About more than a month ago, people in our town began to have this dream one after another. The first ones were families with children, and then the whole town began to have that dream. ..."

The tenant hurriedly asked: "Has such a horrible thing in the dream really happened?"

The shopkeeper nodded: "I have."

The tenant's face suddenly turned pale: "Yes, is it as miserable and terrifying as in the dream?"

This time, the shopkeeper shook his head: "The accident happened to a child of a family. The child slept in his mother's arms overnight and disappeared without a trace. So far, his life and death are unknown, and his whereabouts are unknown."

The tenant frowned: "Since I haven't seen it, could someone steal it?"

The shopkeeper's face was a bit ugly: "That night, the child's parents dreamed that their child would be taken away by a monster. If it wasn't for the monster, how could the couple have the same dream and wake up in the dream? Can dreams come true?"

The tenant nodded immediately: "Indeed, only monsters can do such a thing."

This tenant is a low-level monk, because the merchant has obviously seen some worldly experience, he continued: "Although the great monk has the ability to enter the dream world, it is a good thing to accept apprentices, and he will never be so sneaky. A god with real abilities, even if he sends Shuxiu, he may not be able to be worshiped under his name."

The shopkeeper nodded with a bitter face: "Who said it wasn't. Later, some boy dolls were lost overnight for no reason, and the whole town was in a state of panic."

"So, hey! No, yesterday I dreamed about letting Shanghuangchang come here today. Look, all the old and young in the town have come here, and no one dares to neglect."

In addition to understanding the content of the conversation between the two, Yanyan also caught a new word "wasteland" from this sentence

She has lived in Huntun Town for so long, and she has never heard of such a place in Huntun Town.

Yan Yan raised her eyes to look around, and not far away, she saw a particularly familiar dead wood block.

It's a dead Migu tree!
Yanyan immediately understood, she turned around and tugged at Chen Zhen's sleeves, and said, "This place is Yewu Wilderness."

It turns out that there were no trees in the night mist wilderness in the past, and this place is just a wasteland.

The dense forest in the illusion that prevents the evil spirit from invading Huntun Town must have been created by Mr. Yumei after he came.

After Yan Yan finished speaking, seeing that Chen Zhen didn't respond, she went to see him curiously.

He found that Chen Zhen was staring at himself and Mrs. Chen's family.

At this moment, Chen Zhen and Mrs. Chen are also talking.

The two of them were standing not far from the shopkeeper and the tenants. Probably what they said here reached the ears of Chen Zhen's mother and son. Chen Zhen asked the Chen family's wife in a low voice: "Mother, have you ever had such a dream?"

Hearing Chen Zhen's question, the lady of the Chen family lifted her head up quickly. She glanced at Chen Zhen beside her, then smiled gently and shook her head gently.

Chen Zhen frowned slightly: "Since you have never had such a dream, why did you come here?"

The lady of the Chen family quickly glanced around, then she stretched out a finger, and gently pressed Chen Zhen's lips, this action meant to signal him not to speak.

Then Mrs. Chen made a series of sign language quickly.

Because her gestures were so fast that Yanyan didn't understand anything, she just felt that Mrs. Chen was a little nervous when she signed.

Then she saw Chen Zhen standing beside the Chen family's wife and nodded.

She cast her eyes on Chen Zhen beside her: "What did your mother say?"

Chen Zhen: "She said, because everyone has come here, if they are the only ones who don't come, they are easy to be discovered by monsters."

After finishing speaking, Chen Zhen added another sentence: "My mother was obviously lying at the time."

Yan Yan nodded.

She saw it too.

The abnormal behavior of Mrs. Chen's family was too obvious. Her nervous eyes and vigilant expression all gave away the fact that she was lying.

This lovely little lady is so innocent.

But Yanyan glanced at Chen Zhen beside her again, and subconsciously curled her lips: "You didn't seem to realize that your mother was lying."

Chen Zhen nodded honestly: "I was really dull at that time."

Yan Yan glanced at him silently.

She wanted to say: In fact, you are not much better now.

However, it seemed that she could see through Yanyan's mind. As soon as she finished her slander, Chen Zhen turned his face and looked at her: "I am much better now than I was then. The me now is different from the Chen Zhen at this time."

After finishing speaking, Chen Zhen passed Yanyan again, and glanced at the big snake following behind her.

The eyes are still so complicated, even a little...sorrowful?
Yanyan opened her eyes wide.

Isn't she dazzled? How could Chen Zhen look at Maha Luoga with sad eyes?
Then she suddenly turned her head to look at Mahalaka behind her.

Maharaja didn't have any expression on his face, he slowly swallowed the snake letters, and looked around with his green vertical pupils, as if he was visiting a market.

Then Yanyan turned around, and found that Chen Zhen had regained that calm and almost calm expression.

She was completely sure this time, Chen Zhen had really changed.

The time he passed out on the road, something must have happened to him!

(End of this chapter)

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