Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 930 Rock-paper-scissors

Chapter 930 Rock-paper-scissors

At this moment, Chen Zhen's attention returned to himself and Mrs. Chen's family.

At this moment, the Chen family's wife is rapidly signing in sign language.

Chen Zhen thoughtfully translated to Yan Yan: "My mother asked me if I had any strange dreams."

Then Yan Yan saw that Chen Zhen shook his head.

At this time, Chen Zhen didn't even have a nightmare.

Yan Yan frowned.

When the whole town was having nightmares arranged by monsters, Chen Zhen didn't have nightmares. How could this be?
Just when Yanyan was thinking about the internal connection, a familiar voice suddenly came from the front.

"Ding ding ding ding..."

Yan Yan and Chen Zhen looked towards the direction of the sound at the same time, and when they saw something that made the sound, their expressions changed instantly at the same time.

The thing didn't make any noise just now, the two of them just listened to the conversations of the people around them and collected information, they didn't notice that it was hanging on the big tree in front, only now they heard the sound and realized that it was actually here.

It's no wonder that Yanyan and Chen Zhen are sensitive to this thing, it's because they are too familiar with the sound of this thing.

Especially Chen Zhen, who used to be woken up by this thing almost every day.

That's right, the thing making the noise is the cloud panel hanging in the courtyard of the Master.

But isn't this the master's stuff?

Why does the cloud board appear in this place? And it is also a communicator used by monsters to summon the townspeople of Huntun Town.

Yanyan's and Chen Zhen's expressions landed on the cloud plate that no one tapped, but it automatically made a crisp sound.

The monster did not appear, but the cloud board rang by itself.

While Chen Zhen was still staring at the cloud board in a daze, Yan Yan quickly swept across the crowd and said, "Master is not here."

When Yan Yan mentioned it, Chen Zhen suddenly looked around and found that Master was not among these people.

He frowned, looked at Yanyan: "What do you think about this?"

Yan Yan pursed her lips, looking at Chen Zhen's expression, she was really helpless:
"These are all things that happened to you, and you can't remember them at all?"

You always ask me about your own affairs, is this plausible?

Chen Zhen could see Yanyan's mood, and he was also very depressed, but he really couldn't remember, so he could only honestly shake his head: "I really can't remember."

Seeing that Chen Zhen was hopeless, Yanyan bit her lip and thought for a while, then said: "There are two possibilities. One, the master is not in town right now, and the monster stole his cloud board for use. Second, this is a monster After returning, the master will snatch it from the monster for your use."

After finishing speaking, Yanyan looked at Chen Zhen: "Since you can't remember it, you can only guess. How about we rock-paper-scissors and whoever wins will choose one?"

Chen Zhen looked at Yanyan with a complicated expression.

Is this a rock-paper-scissors decision?

The little girl is too naughty.

After thinking about it carefully, Chen Zhen said, "It doesn't matter who owns this thing, let's see what the monster wants to do first."

While the two of them were discussing the topic of ownership of the cloud board, the attention of everyone around them had been drawn to the front by the cloud board.

The cloud board rang for about 3 minutes, but Yan Yan and Chen Zhen never saw the monster appear.

I don't know if it's because the monsters are hiding too deep, or because they have become soul bodies and spiritual bodies, even Mahalaka who followed behind didn't respond, and looked around quietly.

However, everyone at the scene stood obediently, especially the parents who were with the child nervously protecting the child in their arms.

The lady of the Chen family also had a nervous expression on her face, holding Chen Zhen's hand firmly beside her, and looked around quietly with vigilant eyes.


Just as everyone was waiting in panic, not knowing what would happen after the sound of the cloud panel, a woman's scream suddenly came from the crowd.

Everyone immediately turned their eyes to the mother who made the sound.

Chen Zhen and Yan Yan also looked at the yelling woman.

It was discovered that it was the young mother holding the little girl just now.

At this moment, her face was pale, the baby girl she was holding in her arms just now was gone, and the woman's eyes were fixed on the top of her head.

Yanyan and Chen Zhen followed her gaze, and were surprised to find that the little girl who was held in her arms just now had been pulled into the sky by an invisible force.

The little girl was crying and howling in pain, her feet kept kicking and kicking in the air, but her hands tightly hugged her head.

Yanyan noticed that the little girl's braids were standing up almost vertically, and the little girl's entire scalp was stretched tightly.

Combined with the action of the little girl clinging to her head, from the perspective of gravity, the monster may have picked up the little girl by her hair.

That's abominable!

Yanyan's eyes suddenly turned cold, and she clenched her fists with both hands hanging by her sides, and there was a faint golden spirit entwined around her fists.


Just when Yan Yan was about to make a move, the big snake who had been quiet beside her suddenly wrapped her fist with its flexible tail.

Yan Yan turned around in surprise.

Seeing Maharaja who had been quiet all this time, now he narrowed his green vertical pupils and shook his head gently at her.

Then the snake tail let go of Yanyan's tightly clenched fist, and lightly twitched the back of her hand with a "pop!".

The spirit qi condensed on Yanyan's fist was directly drawn away by Maharaja's tail.

Yan Yan stared at Mahalaka in surprise.

Is Maha Luoga trying to fight against the army?

But she quickly reflected that Mahalaka's spiritual power was much stronger than hers, and in the state of only the spiritual body at this moment, it was indeed stronger than her.

Maharaja shook his head again at Yanyan, and then turned his gaze to the child in the air.

Yan Yan looked at Mahalaka, then slowly let go of her fist, and looked up.

Chen Zhen, who was standing at the other end, naturally saw the interaction between a man and a snake just now, and he asked curiously, "What did it mean just now?"

Yan Yan was expressionless: "It's reminding me not to be impulsive. The people we see now are actually dead, and I can't beat this demon."

Chen Zhen frowned, and glanced suspiciously at Yanyan and Maha Luojia twice.

He doubted that the simple movement of Maharaja just now could really express so many meanings?
He felt that if it was him, he would definitely not understand what the big snake meant.

Then, Chen Zhen suddenly recalled those older memories that he recalled when he fainted just now.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at Mahalaka again.

But as soon as Chen Zhen turned his head, he found that Mahalaka was also looking at him.

Meeting Chen Zhen's eyes, Maha Luojia slightly raised the snake's body too high, and then looked down at Chen Zhen with a condescending attitude.

Then, Maharaja narrowed his vertical pupils like emeralds with beautiful water heads.

Chen Zhen kept staring at those gloomy green eyes.

Gradually, he found that Maharaja actually showed a contemptuous expression towards him.

This guy……

This guy!

It has become a weapon now, yet it still despises him!

(End of this chapter)

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