My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 370 The Reminder Above

Chapter 370 The Reminder Above

Now Veterinarian Hao has basically left the front-line troops, staying behind the stable hospital and continuing his work as an angel in white.

Although the veterinarian's medical skills are limited, no one can match his heart of a living Bodhisattva. Meng Fanle once said a word, don't look at this old man who babbles endlessly, but if I am about to die, I will die. If you want to have him by your side, at least he will hold your hand tightly with those wrinkled old hands, and say something that can make your skin crawl all over the ground, so that you will not be so lonely when you leave.

At present, the veterinarian is the vice president of the field hospital of the division headquarters. Although it is an idle job, it is stable and not busy at ordinary times, because Li Lei has finished all the busy things, and he only needs to laugh and laugh. The hospital is helping out, and everyone has to respectfully address him as vice president when they see him.

This old angel in everyone's eyes is now considered old and blessed. After all, people in their fifties may disappear if they are not careful on the increasingly fierce battlefield. This is what no one wants to see.If it's possible... Liao Mingyu is willing to support him like this for the rest of his life.

It's just that there is one more thing that must be done, otherwise Lishi will still beat this good old man to bruises all over his body like Yuan Shikong did. Liao Mingyu doesn't want to see that veterinarian Hao who has become demented due to the pain of losing his son.

That's why during this time he asked Yu Sifan to use the power of their investigation bureau to find the veterinarian's son and find a way to transfer him to his army.

This can not only avoid tragedy, but also reunite the veterinarian with his son, which is considered to satisfy the old man's last wish. Why not do it?

"The 35st Division of the 101th Army is Fu Zuoyi's unit, right? By the way, how is the negotiation going?" Liao Mingyu took a sip from his water glass and asked expectantly while holding the document.

"Yes, attend. The 35th Army is Commander Fu's unit. I have arranged for the subordinates there to contact Hao Zhipeng. At the same time, the people in the Shanxi office will also notify the head of the regiment to make personnel arrangements. It is expected that they will also I won’t give the investigation bureau a face because of a company commander.”

Yu Sifan replied confidently that there are not many people in China who the investigation bureau wants to stop.

"Hehe, I have to trouble you again this time, say hello to Boss Dai for me..."

Speaking of which, Liao Mingyu accidentally glanced at a string of numbers. He didn't pay much attention to it just now, but at this moment he inadvertently thought of a familiar number in his memory:

"Wait!? The 101th Regiment of the 358st Division? How could it be the 358th Regiment? Is their leader's surname Chu?"

"Ah... sorry for the attendance, I didn't investigate too much about the information about this regiment leader, but I only know that this regiment is also a reinforced regiment, and its combat effectiveness is considered to be the top existence in the 35th Army."

Looking at Liao Mingyu who suddenly became fanatical, Yu Sifan was very puzzled, what happened to the attendees, why somehow he became interested in this group again?

"Sure can't be such a coincidence, can it?" After listening to his explanation, Liao Mingyu's face looked very exciting, and he couldn't help muttering to himself: "The 358th regiment has appeared, so the Shanxi Northwest Iron Triangle may also be there." Is it near there?"

"Shanxi Northwest Iron Triangle? What is that?" Yu Sifan asked curiously.

"Hehe, it's nothing, just look up the information of this group leader for me later, if he is from Whampoa Phase [-], we probably still know him."

Liao Mingyu smiled noncommittal, further confirming the conjecture in his heart, maybe there are some other interesting characters in this time and space.

"It's for the seat, but there is one more thing... This is a personal letter from Boss Dai, please read it."


Liao Mingyu was a little surprised, and took a quick look at it, but the short content in the letter made him frown:

Ming Yu, first of all congratulations on your triumphant progress in Myanmar. The head of state speaks highly of your recent achievements, and has the intention of leapfrogging the Western Yunnan Expeditionary Force system to form another army.

But you also need to understand the principle that haste makes waste, and being abroad and sticking to one side will attract a little bit of suspicion.

Things will be smooth when things are slow, people will be safe when people are slow, water will be deep and the flow will be slow, and words will be expensive if you speak late. Don't rush everything, remember...

After reading it, Liao Mingyu tapped on the table thinking day by day, but Director Dai's simple words in the letter secretly revealed two meanings.

First, the 200rd Division and the [-]th Division were invincible all the way and achieved important results in the Burmese battlefield. This was in stark contrast to the main force of the expeditionary force who was still trapped in western Yunnan. The head of state expressed that he was very happy and that there might be new awards appointment.

The second thing is that you have been jumping a bit recently. You are too anxious to do things, and you will definitely cause trouble and suspicion if you don't care about other people's ideas. You need to pay more attention.

From a strategic point of view, the position of the third division is very important. The bald head of state probably wants to expand the third division to echo the expeditionary force and the Indian army.

West Yunnan really needs a capable "Meng Zhang Fei" to bring victory to China. Just a while ago, the news that Liao Mingyu conquered Wanding, Nankan, and Lashio successively shocked the high-level circles at home and abroad. Helping the foreign ghost with an upturned nose earn enough face.

But the entangled mentality has always affected the heart of the head of state. Let's see... he won another battle, how should he reward him?It's not too much to upgrade to another level with these records, right?

Although able to fight, Liao Mingyu's high-profile appearance and strong demeanor also made the head of state a little uneasy. In addition to his record...whether it is seniority or intimacy, this supreme commander who is naturally suspicious is hesitant.

Coupled with the fact that the former is now in a foreign country, the degree of control over him can be said to be minimal, and some other people with ulterior motives secretly slander him, which makes the head of state still undecided.

If it weren't for Liao Mingyu's ability to fight and his status as a student of the sixth batch, as well as the guarantee and strong recommendation of Boss Dai, General Chen and others, maybe the head of state is considering sending him back to China for investigation and inspection before making another decision.

As one of the closest people to the head of state, his ability to read words and demeanor is quite excellent. Director Dai quickly noticed something, and immediately sent a cryptic reminder letter to Liao Mingyu.

Maybe some of my recent behaviors made some people unable to sit still, and then made some small moves to slander themselves, Liao Mingyu thought so.

Although I control two divisions now, most of the logistical support still has to rely on the country, even if it is exchanged from the system, I have to go the domestic way, even if the one standing at the top of the pyramid is cut down with a knife, in that case I If you don't die, you have to be disabled.

It seems that it's time to expand the battle situation. Only by establishing a base early can we completely break free from the shackles from the country, otherwise those guys are like the sword of Damocles hanging above their heads, gesturing to you from time to time.

Liao Mingyu raised his head and looked at Yu Sifan with blazing eyes, but there was an unpredictable deep meaning in his eyes:

"Well, it's okay, let's get busy first, but you have to take Hao Zhipeng's transfer into consideration, and in the next few days, let the Intelligence Department collect the enemy's movements in the direction of Bhamo and Myitkyina. The troops... are going north soon."

"Understood! Farewell from humble position..."


Over the next few days, Namkan was brought to combat readiness again.

First, the third main force group moved to the east of Bhamo, and took a posture with the second main force group to prepare to attack north.

Chen Jize did not go with the troops, but handed over the command of the third regiment to Hong Mu, while he stayed at the Chariot Camp, escorting a large amount of ammunition with Yuan Li, and followed closely behind.

Li Wula and Krupp also led the artillery regiment and began to march northward. Hundreds of various military cards and towed guns drove slowly on the road.

At present, the artillery regiment has 24 M114155mm howitzers and 36 Krupp 125mm howitzers. In addition to the artillery, it is also equipped with a light infantry battalion and a mechanized independent transport battalion, as well as Li Jie's air defense battalion. The artillery of each caliber in the regiment exceeds 70 doors.

Although it is only a regiment, the total number exceeds the three thousand mark, and its combat strength is terrifying, even compared to the division-level artillery regiment of the US military.

Now Li Liansheng is the favorite of the whole division. He holds his head high wherever he goes, and the battalion commanders of the regiments are usually polite when they see him, which makes this kid's vanity burst.

These are all artifacts of land warfare. The reason why the Third Division has the current combat effectiveness is at least half of the credit for the artillery.

No matter which army is fighting, it wants to have their artillery support. Since the establishment of the artillery regiment, it has never lost the wind in frontal artillery battles with the Japanese. Tasted the joy of all-round fire coverage.

The fat and thin combination of Li Liansheng and Krupp is also a very unique landscape. The former is shrewd and sophisticated, handling the affairs and relationships between the artillery departments with ease, and can also arrange the troops in an orderly manner.

The latter is completely the role of a technical backbone. Planning artillery positions during wartime, setting the firing angle of each artillery position, as well as the maintenance of artillery and shooting training for soldiers in peacetime are all inseparable from him.

After all, he's a professional, this fat man can't do anything other than have sex and eat, and he doesn't care about it. The two of them learn from each other's strengths and get along very well.

Two infantry regiments plus one artillery regiment, the mobilization of 8000 troops can frighten the little devils in Bhamo Town, because the Japanese army guarding here has only one regiment that is not fully formed.

The Bhamo Guarding Army immediately asked for help from the headquarters of Myitkyina, but at this moment, the north and the east were all in a mess. The severe situation made the commander of the [-]th Army, Shojiro Iida, almost bald. How can this situation be broken?I have to fucking ask for help.

Let’s not talk about the 31st Division that was fighting with the Indian Army in the Hukang River Valley. The 33rd Division that was split up alone is already exhausted. The meat grinder in the Hukang River Valley was filled, and the rest had to defend the Myitkyina headquarters, so there were no extra troops to support.

In addition to asking for help from the Southeast Asian Front Army Command, Iida could only retreat as much as possible to defend himself in order to improve the situation.


On the Nankan side, only the guard battalion who knew how to use knives remained, and the whole small town instantly became empty and desolate.

The more than 200 fighters who survived the Lashio defense battle, including Meng Fan and others, returned to Nankan. In addition to the battle plan, the supplementary reorganization of the first main force group is also the top priority.

Liao Mingyu was also very anxious about the regiment that had lost its establishment. There were only more than 300 soldiers left in the supplementary regiment, and they were all the old and weak left by the previous troops. It was obviously not suitable for the reorganization requirements. .

So he hurriedly sent a report to the West Yunnan Headquarters, but the answer he got was that there were no supplementary soldiers for the time being, and the supplies and military salaries that were supposed to come would have to wait for a while to arrive.

This is like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, is the damn retribution coming so soon?Half a month ago, he was his own son, but now he is an orphan that no one loves?
Wei Lihuang also explained at the end, because the two armies suffered heavy losses in the Tengchong Battle for several days, and all the frontline departments urgently needed a large number of troops to replenish, and because the positions of the third division were relatively far away, priority was not given to replenishment.

As for supplies, the same is true. Wei Lihuang is very helpless. It's not that he doesn't give it, but he has to prioritize it. After all, tens of thousands of people have been killed or injured in his troops. The situation of your third division is not bad, so just give it to me right now. Bear with me for a little while.

Liao Mingyu, who had received the letter, had no choice but to fight hard with Chief Wei. Now he could only think of his own way.

There was no choice but to pick out hundreds of decent soldiers from the supplementary regiment, and the remaining soldiers who were too young or too old were all arranged in the auxiliary troops.

500 people were divided from the guard battalion, and some were drawn from the guard companies of the two transport regiments to barely gather more than 500 people. No matter what, let's set up a regiment of three infantry battalions first.


(End of this chapter)

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