Chapter 371

"Sensei, when will you send us some more people? Now our regiment and food soldiers are less than 2000 people."

"Besides, those raw melon skins are still holding the old Qijiu. There are only three light machine guns in a company, and no heavy machine guns. It's really shabby."

"There are too many vacancies for officers, you have to find a way to participate..."

In the headquarters, Meng Fan came running to complain to Liao Mingyu with snot and tears, it was miserable, it was too miserable...

In the past two days, he had to organize the reorganization of a regiment, arrange the appointment of junior officers of each unit, train new recruits, and deal with the dead soldiers.

In addition, the old brothers Bula and Milong were injured and were lying in the hospital again, and all the affairs of the whole group were basically on him, which made the little grandfather almost exhausted.

This is not worrying, except for the 500 veterans transferred from the guard battalion, most of the others are melon eggs who have never fought in war, and they want guns or guns or cannons, which is a mess. .

Looking at Meng Fan who was full of grievances, Liao Mingyu shook his head helplessly and said:

"Don't worry about weapons and equipment. I've already sent the approval slip. You can go to Kang Ya later and ask for it. As for the people, wait a minute. Don't we have hundreds of wounded from previous wars in our hospital? It's okay to see." Go, I will give you the right to this point, no matter which unit he belongs to, as long as you like it and take it away without reporting."

"As for the officer, he should be selected from the hundreds of soldiers who passed by the guard battalion. They are all veterans who have fought for several years. It is more than enough to be a company platoon leader or something. Anyway, you can figure it out yourself, and report to the police when you are done. I will be, the regiment has no combat missions within three months, but I must train the troops to form combat effectiveness during this time, do you hear me?"

"Yes, the task is guaranteed to be completed!"

After getting the approval, Meng Fanle finally felt relieved. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something. His face that had been cloudy just now turned cloudy again.

"Er... the seat... Can you stop letting me serve as a combat staff officer? I'm too busy with things on my side, making people almost insane..."

Liao Mingyu rolled his eyes. This guy thinks he has done too much work. It seems that his ideological consciousness is not high enough.

Because of the fighting between the north and the south, several major senior officers of the third division were sent out, which also led to the fact that there were basically no people in the division except Liao Mingyu.

It doesn't sound like an imposing division headquarters doesn't even have a decent combat staff officer, but the main reason is that Liao Mingyu is lazy, suddenly everyone around him is gone and he has to do everything by himself, and he is really not used to it for a while.

So Meng Fanle, who had just returned to Nankan, became his target. In addition to the basic work in the regiment, Meng Fanle had to go to the division headquarters every day to plan the action plan to attack Bhamo and arrange follow-up supplies. Team itinerary...

Anyway, in a word, he is doing all the dirty and tiring work, and he has to report the situation to the boss when he is done, and he has to arrange the operation himself after the boss gives instructions. He is already a diligent old scalper.

"It's small, the layout is small! Have you heard a saying? It says that with great ability comes great responsibility. Now that you are given these tasks, the superior appreciates you and trains you. You must be content, little comrade."

Liao Mingyu had a serious face, and his words were sonorous and forceful. Those who didn't know it really thought it was true, but Meng Fanle knew very well that they were sitting here and talking about it in a serious manner.

"As if the co-author doesn't know you yet..."

"What are you mumbling about!?"

Seeing the latter's disgusting and slightly resentful eyes, Liao Mingyu also smacked his face in embarrassment, coughed and continued:
"Ahem...don't fucking look at me like that. Everyone in the division has run away. Where can I arrest anyone except you? The battle at Bhamo is coming soon, so you have to work harder, you know? Look at who is idle now ?”

Now the three divisions are fighting at both ends. On the Lashio side, there are 200 division headquarters, the third division engineering regiment, and an artillery battalion. With Long Wenwen as the main force, Fang Jingyao and Gao Jiren as the assistants, more than 1 people have assembled here.

The second and third main regiments attacking Bhamo, together with the artillery regiment and the chariot battalion, headed by Chen Jize, assisted by Xing Fuquan, Hong Mu, Li Liansheng and others, also had a force of more than 1 people.

The huge combat force is not as simple as it is literally said. As a transit place, Nankan must ensure the transportation of logistics materials on both sides, such as food, ammunition, clothes, medicine, and the transfer of the wounded. Guarantee in place.

The entire Third Division seemed to be like a huge war machine. Everyone was mobilized, especially Kang Ya and Zhao Gongming, who were in charge of logistics, and the transport convoy from Wanding to Nankan to Bhamo Lashio in the past two days It didn't stop for a moment.

This is the case with marching and fighting. Blood and bravery alone cannot win a war. It is even more important to plan a strategy and mobilize the overall situation. Otherwise, for these reasons, Liao Mingyu would have rushed to the Bhamo battlefield with the guard battalion in person.

"Have the funerals and pensions of the fallen soldiers been paid out?" Liao Mingyu asked suddenly.

As soon as I mentioned Meng Fanle, it seemed like a different person, so I immediately shook off my sad face and replied seriously:
"Well, the remains have basically been shipped back. We built a cemetery in the east of Nankan and buried them all there. Those with parents and family members have already remitted the pension according to the address, and those who don't... leave it to the disabled Soldiers as resignation allowances."

"It's not enough to have resettlement allowances alone. Those brothers who are seriously injured and disabled have to take care of them and find a way to send them back to the country. They will stay in the back and wait for free time before making unified arrangements."

"This... Senator, do you know how much effort it takes to do this? How can we have so much energy to take care of it? Let me tell you, we should pay some money. After all, other teams do the same. point……"

"Your uncle's Meng is annoying! Have you forgotten that you are still crippled?"

Liao Mingyu interrupted his words angrily, with an unquestionable majesty in his tone, he said decisively: "Stop fucking nonsense, I don't care what other troops do, but the soldiers of the Third Division must not bleed and cry! "

"Yes! Attend!"

Meng Fanyao answered loudly, and couldn't help thinking of the miserable appearance of being crippled and surviving with no one caring for him. He also secretly vowed in his heart to let those soldiers get the care and respect they deserve.

A soldier in this era is not only a title, but also a synonym for misery. Countless young lives shed blood for various reasons, but what they get back is not necessarily honor.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that good men don't serve as soldiers, and good men don't nail nails. Many people look down on being a soldier, thinking that Qiu Ba is a completely lowly profession.

Those illiterate big-headed soldiers are even more disgusted by people. They seem to be just a series of numbers in the casualty book. Maybe some people will remember and pay homage to the dead, but few people will pay attention to those who have retired from the battlefield. wounded soldiers.

These people may have survived on the battlefield by chance, and then recovered their lives in the hospital. Those with no missing parts will be recalled to stay in the army, while the other missing arms and legs are basically ignored. If you are lucky, you will pay some travel expenses. Fuck yourself, or if you are unlucky, you will be thrown to the side of the road like garbage to fend for itself.

This is already the most common phenomenon in the army of this era, without many exceptions... I have to say that this is also the tragedy of a nation.

But Liao Mingyu, who came from modern times, could never tolerate this kind of thing happening. Those were all his soldiers, even if he quit the army, they were still his brothers.

Soldiers defend their homes and country without fear of sacrifice, use their blood to defend the dignity of the country, and use their lives to support the backbone of the nation, then they should be respected!Even if they are physically disabled, they cannot take away the glory that should belong to them!

(End of this chapter)

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