Chapter 418
"Da da, da da pa da... pa pa da... the bamboo board knocked out the words in my heart, calling out Daddy and Dama..."

A beggar with unkempt hair, dirty face and dirty body was half lying on the stone slab by the side of the road, knocking on the bamboo board. Looking carefully, the trousers on one of his legs were empty, and his thigh was almost broken at the root.

His body was tattered, his hair was messy and his beard was unshaven, and he hadn't showered for an unknown number of days, and he still exuded a stench.

It's just that he was very proficient at the work in his hands, and he sang the allegro while knocking along with the rhythm.

"Damn it, where did you get the beggar? You've got a lot of guts to come here to beg for food."

The company commander led his men to push away the crowd and walked to the back cursingly. Just as he was about to raise his foot to teach this lifeless beggar a lesson, he saw the ID card printed on the opponent's chest.

It was something only found on military uniforms. Although it was already tattered, it could still be discerned that the beggar was definitely wearing the standard military uniform of the Expeditionary Army.

"Hey, he's still a sergeant, why? Just retired from the front line, squad leader?" The company commander sarcastically said with a smile. Although he was still a comrade in arms in name, his eyes were full of disdain.

Indeed, who can look straight at a cripple?Several soldiers around also began to mock unscrupulously.

"I wonder if it's a mud leg who stripped people's clothes and pretended to be a soldier, cheating food and drink here."

"Hmph, he must be a deserter, otherwise why would he be begging in the street? Why don't he be arrested and interrogated!"

"Ha ha…"


Facing the ridicule and insult of others, the beggar didn't say much, and continued to beat on the bamboo board and sang:

"I grew up on the edge of the Xiangjiang River. I killed the enemy on the front line of the Nujiang River. I also went to fight Songshan and blow up the enemy's fortress..."

"Going all out for the country and the people, I'm not afraid of going into battle. I just want to go home victorious, and still plow the fields and grow pumpkins..."

"The front line of Longling was fought tightly, flowers were hung in front of the two armies, the field hospital saw off the leg, and it was difficult to go home with the remaining foot, so they came to beg along the street, served as disabled soldiers as beggars, and gave half a bowl of leftover soup, Even if you become a ghost, you must protect the protect the country!"

A low rhyming allegro caught the attention of most people present, even the few soldiers who were still laughing just now were silent, listening to what he sang could not help but make people feel sad, as if they could be there Jing felt the cruelty on the battlefield and the helplessness in his heart.

Maybe... this beggar has really experienced many things...

"Did I ask you to sing!?"

The company commander's expression gradually turned ferocious, and the reaction of his subordinates made him feel very shameless. Being narrow-minded, he would not allow others to steal the limelight in front of him, let alone a cripple with a broken leg.

Before the beggar could speak, the company commander slapped the other party on the head and cursed angrily: "Get out of here quickly, stop pretending to me here, if it wasn't for the sake of your brat having fought wars, I would have to deal with you !"

The beggar lowered his head, pretended to be indifferent and smiled, but the slightly trembling hands holding the bamboo board showed his restless heart at the moment.

Once upon a time, he was also a soldier of the expeditionary army who had fought the Japanese with a steel gun, but now he was alone with the scolding and insults of his compatriots, but no one could stand up and say a word for him.

Several elderly people felt a little bit unbearable, but they dared not extend a helping hand due to the company commander's coercion.


After struggling to get up from the ground, just as the beggar was about to turn around and leave, the convoy coming from the west road attracted everyone's attention.

"Company Commander, there seems to be a high-ranking official?" The soldier reminded cautiously.

At a glance, there are eight ten-wheeled army trucks in the front and back, full of heavily armed soldiers, and several jeeps in the middle. The large-caliber heavy machine guns on the front of the cars are frightening. This team is not simple at first glance. .

The convoy quickly stopped in front of the checkpoint, and a tall lieutenant colonel jumped out of the car and strode forward.

"Who is the commander here?"

Dong Dao's sharp eagle-like eyes were cold and seductive, and the bloody murderous aura was by no means possessed by ordinary people. His gaze swept across it, and the soldiers on the checkpoint forgot to salute for a while.

"Yes, yes, here!"

The company commander hurried up to greet him without saying a word, and greeted with a nod and bow while saluting: "I have seen the commander, that... the duty of the humble job, I would like to ask, the designation and intention of the unit your department is in."

Dong Dao looked at him lightly, and he didn't talk nonsense because of his straightforward personality, and said straight to the point: "We are from the third honor division of the 88th Army. We are going to Zenda for important military affairs. Don't inquire about other things. Move the roadblock quickly. open it."

The company commander was surprised. Although the 88th Army hadn’t heard much about it, the title of the Honorable Third Division was impressive. It went all the way from Zen to Posong Mountain, attacking Longling, and Zhanmang City... and finally killed the Japanese army in northern Burma. Throwing away their helmets and armor, this famous army has almost become a legend in the entire western Yunnan.

While speaking, he quietly glanced behind Dong Dao, and I'll be good... This is terrible, there are still a lieutenant general and a colonel sitting in the car, and there is really a big man here.

"Oh, I'm so humble, I really don't know Mount Tai with my eyes, please hurry up please. Come here! Clear the roadblocks for the officer and let him go!"

This guy's ability to see the wind and turn the rudder is so perfect that he is completely different from the arrogant and domineering look just now.

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling face. Although he looked down on this guy's groveling appearance, Dong Dao didn't bother him too much, and turned around to call the convoy to continue.

"and many more!"

Liao Mingyu suddenly gave a cold shout, opened the door, got out of the car and walked over slowly.

The company commander's heart skipped a beat, and sweat drenched his back in an instant. He knew very well what he had done that was not clean. If this boss blamed him, it would be the end of the calf.

"Sir...sir, hehe...what are your orders?"

Unexpectedly, Liao Mingyu didn't even look at him, and went straight to the lame beggar.

"Little brother, which unit are you in?"


The beggar was very surprised, and looked at the other party in surprise, never expecting that someone would be interested in this cripple, so he was so dazed that he forgot to answer.

Liao Mingyu frowned, trying to keep his attitude calm, and asked, "Don't be afraid, tell me which army you are from? What happened?"

The beggar was very excited, and hurriedly propped up the branch he used as a crutch, tried to stand upright and raised his right hand, and replied loudly with his head held high:
"It's the officer! Sergeant Li Changsheng of the 53th Company and 332th Platoon of the [-]nd Regiment of the [-]rd Army is reporting to you. It’s up to this field.”

Liao Mingyu sighed slightly, Li Changsheng's Hunan accent reminded him involuntarily of his hippie smile all day long.Although they were in a state of embarrassment in tattered clothes, they were still able to maintain a smiling face and were optimistic, as if no difficulty could knock them down.

In fact, you can guess without asking, the soldier with a disabled thigh in front of him must be an abandoned son who was discarded as a burden by the army.

And the reason why Li Changsheng didn't tell the truth was because he didn't want others to know the fact that he was abandoned by his companions.

(End of this chapter)

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