Chapter 419

The second counter-offensive campaign of the Western Yunnan Expeditionary Force has just ended, and thousands of soldiers have been injured. In this era and country that lacks medical care and medicine, it is not easy to survive a broken thigh.

The next battle is not over yet, and the troops will continue to march westward. There is no extra energy to take care of a useless cripple.In order not to affect the efficiency of the march, unimportant wounded soldiers like Li Changsheng would be given up by the large troops.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in many national armies. It is like a piece of useless garbage thrown on the side of the road and left to fend for itself. No one is willing to give them the slightest help, let alone medals and honors.

"Where did you get the injury?" Liao Mingyu continued to ask.

"Returning to the officer, when the second attack came to Fengshan, my leg was smashed by Xiao Dongyang's machine gun. I didn't lose my life. I happened to meet a doctor who was free in the hospital. Hehe, good luck..."

Li Changsheng narrowed his eyes with a smile, and told his experience nonchalantly, as if the moment of life and death was just an insignificant thing.

The simple and strong Xiang accent sets off the natural optimism and free and easy spirit of this guy from Hunan. No matter how hard or tiring he is, he has to face it with a smile, and he will never compromise with fate!

"What are you going to do now? That's it..."

"I can't help it, I have to ask for an excuse to go home. Don't be afraid of the officials' jokes, if Xiao Dongyang calls back again, I will go up even if I have only one leg left, and he will get a few hairs off!"

Li Changsheng pretended to be relaxed. Although he was laughing, he said the last sentence forcefully: "China is going to perish, and the people of Hunan will die first!"

Liao Mingyu couldn't help being moved. It would be superfluous to say anything at this moment. He stood up straight and solemnly saluted Li Changsheng.

Dong Dao beside him and all the soldiers in the guard battalion also silently raised their right hands, paying the highest respect to the Predator with the etiquette among soldiers.

Although Li Changsheng is ordinary, he deserves more respect than anyone else. This is what a Chinese soldier should be like.

"The [-]th Group Army is not polite to its own people at all. He Huo Kuizhang doesn't care about his subordinates and me." Liao Mingyu said loudly and righteously. From this moment on, he has already decided many things in his mind.

I still remember that in the original time and space, Bula was abandoned by the medical soldiers in the field hospital because of a broken leg. At that time, Milong also had an accident, and the old brothers of the cannon fodder regiment had no time to take care of him, so they could only rely on the remaining leg Begging all the way back to my hometown in Hunan, this kind of tragedy must never happen again.

"Meng is annoying. I remember that you have always been responsible for the wounded in the army. What is the specific situation now?" Liao Mingyu asked.

"Hui Junzuo, we have expanded the original Zenda Field Hospital. Currently, veterinarians and some of the medical staff left by Li Lei are in charge of affairs there. The brothers who were seriously injured on the front line will be transferred there after treatment..."

In fact, long before the troops left the country, Liao Mingyu gave repeated orders to pay attention to the follow-up arrangements for the wounded, especially the seriously injured and disabled soldiers, because losing their hands and feet is equivalent to losing half their lives, and it is basically difficult for them to take care of themselves. No matter what kind of life they will face.

Meng Fanle and several high-level military officers expressed their full support for this. After all, he himself had a serious injury and disability experience before. That feeling... called every day should not work, and the place was not working. He did not hesitate to do it for a few sulfa If he hadn't met Liao Mingyu, he might never have thought of walking on two legs properly for the rest of his life.

For this reason, he established a wounded management office, which together with the Zenda Field Hospital is responsible for post-war resettlement and belongings, and the veterinarian and Milong's wife are there to manage these affairs.

The lightly wounded with minor problems can basically return to the battlefield after receiving treatment. The severely wounded with mutilated limbs were all placed in the third battalion of the Yuanchuan Army in the east of Chanda Town, which has been transformed into a temporary residence for the wounded. , Meng Fanle also invited some local people to help take care of them.

Those who want to go home can also be given some travel expenses. If they still have the ability to move, they will stay in the army to serve as instructors in the boot camp, or go to the town east camp to take care of those brothers with inconvenient legs. In short, try to stay in the town It is impossible to arrange suitable jobs for them, but the most basic food and accommodation can still be guaranteed.

The rest of the disabled soldiers who are completely incapacitated live in the Zhendong camp, and all expenses for food, clothing, housing and transportation are borne by the division headquarters. Anyway, it is just a sentence, as long as the troops exist for one day, they will be taken care of for one more day.

"Dong Dao, ask Li Changsheng to walk with us, and if we encounter someone like him on the road, we will also take them with us."


"Officer! You..." Li Changsheng stared blankly at Liao Mingyu. Even though he hadn't shed a single tear after being ridiculed and insulted by the defenders, his eyes couldn't help but moisten.

It's like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw, a thousand words can't describe his excitement at this moment.

"You have sacrificed enough for this country. Although I, Liao Mingyu, can't guarantee you anything else, I will never allow soldiers to shed blood and tears!"

The soldiers in the guard battalion stared at him with piercing eyes. A soldier died for his confidant. It doesn't matter if there is such a chief who can consider everything for his subordinates, even if he is smashed to pieces.

Even the common people present were shocked by that heroic aura and couldn't help applauding.Which of the officials in this era is not selfish and superior, how many would consider the sufferings of the soldiers at the bottom, but Liao Mingyu gave them a great contrast, but many people believed that this amazingly eloquent officer was definitely not just talking .

"The chief is high-minded and upright, he is really a role model for my generation..."

The company commander of the garrison hurriedly strikes while the iron is hot. What is important in this job is eyesight. He is also very good at flattering, but what he never expected was that this time he actually slapped the horse's leg.

"Why do you want to exploit the common people here?" Liao Mingyu asked coldly with no expression on his face, since you took the initiative to come forward, don't blame me for being rude.

"Ah? I...sir, I don't have one..." The company commander who was poked in his weakness panicked, and broke out in cold sweat instantly.

"No? Do you think I'm blind? Do you want me to ask these people one by one?" Liao Mingyu interrupted his sophistry, and his sharp eyes scratched the former's face like a knife's edge.

When he arrived here, he discovered some clues. The people were lined up in a long line with bitter faces, and some were driven away from the line and were not allowed to pass. Coupled with the greed in the eyes of this group of people, and It's not hard to see the trickiness in this.

"Sir, these soldiers only let us go through after collecting money. A pass costs two oceans. Isn't this stealing money?"

"Oh, just like bandits!"

"Master Qingtian clearly observes..."

Seeing that someone was calling the shots, a few courageous civilians started to complain, and they all pointed their crimes at the commander of the defending army.

"I'm wronged, sir! Don't listen to the nonsense of these unscrupulous people, I really didn't... Ouch!"

The company commander was crying and wanted to pull Liao Mingyu to argue, but was punched down by Dong Dao, who was as jealous as a vengeful man. This kind of rubbish beat him up and made his hands dirty.

"According to the management regulations of the war zone, anyone who uses his power to rob and oppress the common people... be shot on the spot!"

As soon as the words came out, the company commander's face turned pale with fright, he knelt down on the ground with a plop, and cried, "Forgive me, sir! I was confused for a while..."

Liao Mingyu didn't even bother to look, so he turned around and left.

The garrison kneeling on the ground felt remorseful. He knew that he would not be greedy when he met this Buddha, but it was too late to say anything now. The only answer was the cold voice of the bullet being loaded...

(End of this chapter)

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