My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 420 Seeing Sun Liren for the First Time

Chapter 420 Seeing Sun Liren for the First Time

Zenda Henglan Mountain, the headquarters of the original Yu division...

This is a villa courtyard located on the mountainside. It should have belonged to a certain landlord Lao Cai's private property, but in the end it was requisitioned by Yu Xiaoqing as his only command post on the east bank.

During the confrontation with the Japanese army for more than a year, the former has already built this courtyard like a military fortress. The ring-shaped fortifications of the machine gun battlefield are close to each other, and there are several forts that make people daunting to look around.

And right now... the defense here is even better than before. The heavily armed soldiers have three steps, one post and five steps and one sentry. , Anti-aircraft guns, machine gun positions are countless, and they even transferred a few Sherman tanks.

"His uncle, this posture... the one from Chongqing is nothing more than that." Meng Fan impatiently handed over his identity documents to the guards, still muttering.

After crossing the river from Zenda Huitong Bridge, they rushed to Henglan Mountain non-stop, but the defense force here refreshed the perception of Meng Fanle and others.

Soldiers patrolling along the road since entering the mountain can be seen everywhere. This is already the fifth checkpoint. Every time they have to check them from beginning to end, they almost pull out their pants to see if there is any goods inside.

"Hehe, sir, don't blame me, we have confirmed your identity to pass, but they have to stay here."

Inside the checkpoint box, a lieutenant officer just put down the phone, saluted and apologized with a smile on his face, and at the same time slowly pointed his arm to the rear convoy.

"These are the guards of our Junzuo, why aren't they allowed in?" Meng Fanle questioned.

"This is the rule from above. Every army chief who enters from here is like this. He can only lead one guard squad at most."

The lieutenant was neither humble nor overbearing, and continued to maintain a smile, but there was an irresistible meaning in his attitude.

"Brother, you have to take a good look. We belong to the Honorable Third Division of the 88th Army. The man sitting in the car is our deputy commander of the South Burma Army. You must have heard of his name?" Seeing the attitude of the other party Being tough, Meng Anfan began to use his identity to suppress others.

"Hehe, of course I've heard of the official's name and low position, but rules are rules, please forgive me for ordering so."

The lieutenant still smiled politely, unmoved at all: "And there is one more thing, I have to ask you to hand over your guns before entering the meeting room, but don't worry, sir, it will be returned to Zhao after it's over."

"Damn it, isn't this disarming in disguise? Ask the men behind me to see if they agree!?"

When Meng got annoyed, his temper also came up. He didn't allow this or that, no matter what he said, and he had to surrender his gun in the end, who could bear it.

"Excuse me, sir, all these are orders from General Stilwell and General Wei Lihuang. I am just following orders. Please understand."

The lieutenant put away his smile and took a half step back. The defenders behind him immediately raised their guns and became vigilant. It was obvious that this guy who didn't get into oil and salt didn't take Meng Fan's tricks.

The worst army commander who came here today was a major general. Several lieutenant generals have entered, and they all have to follow the rules without exception. Obviously, Liao Mingyu's team cannot give him the green light.

"Okay, don't make trouble!"

Liao Mingyu gave Meng Fan a strange look. This kid has lost some of his tact and twitch, and has become more and more confident and powerful.

"Jun Zuo, the main reason is that this kid is too irritating..."

Meng was annoyed and wanted to say something, but was stopped by the former with a wave of his hand. This place is not like being in his own territory. The leaders of various armies gather here. It is better to keep a low profile.

"Why are you all arguing here? Which army do you belong to!?"

At this moment, a middle-aged officer in American combat uniform came out from the inner courtyard with someone. Looking at the crowd at the door, his brows frowned involuntarily.


The lieutenant immediately put his legs together and shouted loudly, and the other guards quickly stood at attention and saluted the officer, only the members of the third division who didn't know what was going on remained in place, still staring at each other coldly.

"Who can tell me what is going on?"

"Report to General Sun, they are members of the Honorary Third Division of the New 88th Army. They just arrived at Henglan Mountain and were about to enter the meeting place, but there was some disagreement on the security arrangement and gun control." The lieutenant did not exaggerate, and told the truth.

"Honorary third division?"

The middle-aged officer was a little surprised, and then turned his deep eyes to Liao Mingyu who was standing in the front row, who was also looking at him curiously.

"You... are Liao Mingyu?"

In fact, this is not difficult to guess. It has long been heard that there is a dark horse in the west of Yunnan, leading the honorary third division invincible in the Burmese jungle. Who else can there be except for this extraordinary young man in front of him.

"Yes, if my guess is correct, you should be General Sun Liren, right?" Liao Mingyu nodded and asked with a smile.

"Well, yes, it seems that we need to strengthen our secrecy work. You can recognize me at a glance." Sun Liren made a rare joke, which surprised the guards next to him.

He was dressed very casually. He didn't have a general's uniform, just a very ordinary American military uniform with a coat, without a flower on the neckline, and an M1 helmet on his head. Thought it was just a big shot.

Although he had never actually met Sun Liren, Liao Mingyu had seen a photo of Sun Liren in an article when he was in the original time and space, so he had some impressions in his mind. Coupled with the name of the lieutenant, he guessed that this aura The officer is probably the one.

"General Sun, I have admired your name for a long time!" Liao Mingyu suddenly stood up straight, raised his hand and saluted first.

Seeing a historical legend again, Liao Mingyu felt a surge of emotion when he saw Sun Liren who was taller than himself. He also respected this "fox of the jungle" who killed little devils in Burma and ran away with his head in his arms.

This famous anti-Japanese general was born in the 26th year of Guangxu. He is 44 years old this year, but there are not many traces of time on his face. He is 1.8 meters five and slightly thinner, standing out from the crowd like a chicken.

Sun Liren raised his hand to return the salute, and said with a smile: "Hehe, when I was in India, I often heard about the astonishing deeds of your third division. When I saw you today, you were all fierce and fierce, but you didn't give those two inside any face."

Two black lines flashed across Liao Mingyu's face. How could he not hear that there was something in the other's words, so he could only apologize with a wry smile: "The general is joking, these boys are usually too arrogant, I will definitely discipline them when I turn back."

"Okay, it's not a problem to stand here, let's go in and talk." Sun Liren smiled lightly, turned around and gave orders to the guards:

"Let them go, and you don't have to hand in your guns. However, there are too many guards, and it's hard to control them when they go in. Just stay in the camp below the mountain like them. Someone will arrange it here. Brother Liao, what do you think?"

As he said that, he looked at Liao Mingyu, which was considered a step up for each other.

"It's all up to the general's arrangement."

Of course Liao Mingyu would not refuse, Meng Fan and the others were stunned by his polite appearance.

They have never seen Jun Zuo being so "reasonable" before, with that kind of respect from the bottom of his heart, even when facing Commander Song, he never had such an attitude...

(End of this chapter)

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