My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 433 Sir, times have changed

Chapter 433 Sir, times have changed

In April, the Japanese offensive intensified again. The two divisions surrounding Lashio successively launched attacks on the defense area where Long Wenwen was located. Time formed a circle around Xibu.

China's secrecy work has always been full of loopholes. It is easy for the Japanese to detect the news of the expeditionary force's withdrawal from the country. They are eager to take this opportunity to regain their lost territory.

Today's Lashio defense area is not limited to the surrounding towns. In the jungle tens of kilometers in front of it, Long Wenwen has established several defense lines and strongholds, and they are closely connected with each other by radio.

The more than 4000 Nanyang self-rescue troops who were chased all the way from Malaysia by the little devils have now become the main force in the hands of the dragon demon. These people may lack training and combat literacy, but they have a lot of actual combat experience, especially in the forest. Like a duck to water.

As long as they are given enough food and ammunition, they can hide in places where the enemy cannot see like ghosts, rush out from time to time to bleed the opponent, and then quickly disappear from sight.When your nerves are relaxed, several black gun muzzles will appear from some unknown direction, making you cry for your father and mother, but you can't find anyone.

This kind of rogue's style of play really made the little devil's teeth itch with hatred but he was helpless. Not to mention the Nanyang people in the forest who were smoother than loaches, the Huaxia people on the front line of defense were not so easy to fight.

In addition to allowing the self-rescue army to play guerrilla warfare, Long Wenwen's several lines of defense also chose not to be tough with the little devil, and used the jungle terrain to play hide-and-seek with the opponent, relying on the advantage of poor information to avoid the enemy's main force, lure the enemy to go deep, and then concentrate The troops carried out encirclement and annihilation.

Regardless of the rapid advance of the Japanese army in the early stage, they almost entered Lashio City in less than three days. It was all intentional by Long Wenwen, and the purpose was to make the opponent appear vulnerable.

On the fourth day, with the cooperation of the tanks and armored vehicles of the 200th Division, the soldiers of the 88th Army Engineering Corps and the Nanyang people in the forest launched an anti-siege on several Japanese brigades that were alone.

Flying birds are flying high, all animals are scattered, the sound of guns and guns swept the entire primeval forest, and the sound of explosions and bullets roared everywhere. In this endless blue ocean, it is impossible to know the direction and number of enemies.

For a while, the headquarters of the 54th Division of the Japanese Army was so busy that they received three urgent telegrams in a row within half a day, all of which were news of being surrounded by the enemy without exception.

The head of the division, Kamishima Kunimitsu, quickly sent reinforcements, but with little effect. The opponent dispatched a large number of armored vehicles to fight for reinforcements, and the mortars smashed like they didn't want money. The road ahead was full of hardships.

At this time, there was "hail" in the sky, and more than a dozen Allied fighter planes crossed the ridgeline and dropped aerial bombs weighing several hundred kilograms on the little devil's head.

The flames of the explosion were like scorching suns, dancing in the forest like suns one by one, and the violent shock wave destroyed everything encountered along the way.

The Japanese were dumbfounded. When all the blood turned into a series of casualties, they finally understood how ridiculous the so-called bushido spirit that is not afraid of death is.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three shells landed near the headquarters of the division and regiment. The huge explosion shook the temporary fortification to the ground. This scared all the Japanese officers. The experienced Uejima quickly realized their position Already exposed, enemy artillery is calibrating!

"Retreat! The command retreats 15 kilometers and informs the frontline troops to withdraw from the battle. Move quickly!"

"But... what about the Kimura United team that is surrounded in front?"

"Excuting an order!"

"Hi huh..."

Without the slightest hesitation, Uejima quickly issued an order to retreat, his angry face full of helplessness.

Right now, in this situation, the only choice is to dock the tail to survive. The enemy's firepower and coordination are not generally strong, and if it continues to drag on, there may be more casualties.

Even if you are unwilling in your heart, you can only admit it.Uejima knew very well in his heart that this war had completely changed, and it would never be as easily crushed as it was at the beginning of the war between the two countries, but now, the weaker side has become himself.


The defense of Lashio lasted for nearly half a month, and the repeated attacks of the two divisions failed to shake the mountain of Long Wenwen.

Although the main force of the 88th Army is not here, the dragon demon also made the little devil understand a truth, if you don't pay the price of tens of thousands of people, don't even think about passing here.

The 49th Division attacking Xibu next door was not much better. Sun Liren's 38th Division's weapons and equipment and heavy firepower were only higher than Long Wenwen's. The 72nd mixed brigade was almost beaten into autism, and fled in a panic after throwing more than 2000 corpses on the battlefield.

The high-level Japanese army was really helpless, and had to evolve from the initial active attack to an endless confrontation, waiting for reinforcements to be sent from the rear before making plans.

And Long Wenwen didn't intend to take the initiative to attack, he was also waiting


Two kilometers outside the Lashio Defense Zone, on a hilltop...

Dozens of little devils are measuring secret positions and arranging artillery positions.They dug artillery pits on the ground, carefully pushed up six 6 infantry guns, woven them into blocks with weeds and branches, and covered the guns for camouflage.

I have to say that the concealment of the 92 infantry artillery is quite strong. Even if the enemy hears the sound of the artillery, it is difficult to find the firing position in a short time. For a long time, it was called "ghost artillery" by Chinese soldiers.

The reason why an artillery position is established here is also to hide it here to prevent the enemy from attacking at any time.

The commander, Major Nozawa, used a telescope to observe the scene in front of him. The trees on the top of the mountain provided excellent cover for the artillery, but his brows slowly frowned.

The foot of the mountain is the only way to go south. If the Chinese want to attack, this is the place where they can condescend to pour shells. There are even a few machine gun positions on the mountainside. If the ammunition is sufficient, it can even block the attack of 800 people.

But this is the most ideal situation. The Chinese people have too many heavy weapons now. Machine gun positions, artillery fortresses, and others don’t use life-saving as before. It doesn’t make sense to just send a few rockets over Ok.If it doesn't work, fighter planes can be called to dive and bomb. How do you think this battle should be fought?
These little devils were still digging the pit, but they didn't know that on a hillside more than 800 meters away, two pairs of eyes were silently watching them.

"Brother Zhang, these dog days are quite courageous. How dare you push the artillery position to such a forward position."

Yangdanzi moved his sore arm a little, and the Garland equipped with a quadruple mirror in his hand aimed at one of the Japanese soldiers.

Zhang Liu didn't speak, and lay motionless behind the stone. The dark green auspicious suit covered his figure, as if blending with the surrounding environment...

(End of this chapter)

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