My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 434 Ginger is still old and spicy

Chapter 434 Ginger is still old and spicy

"Stinky boy, go and send a report to the deputy commander, and ask the artillery to take this nest of mice." Zhang Liu said with a blank expression while holding up the binoculars.

After receiving the order, Yangdanzi moved back quietly, and carefully picked up the backpack radio hidden in the grass.

After looking around to confirm that there was no one there, he immediately took out a map from his pocket, compared the coordinate data, and skillfully operated the radio to start sending reports.

According to Liao Mingyu's requirements, in addition to tactical training, members of the Falcon Squad must also learn radio transmission, vehicle driving and basic artillery knowledge, in order to be able to accurately report the coordinates to the headquarters when they go deep behind enemy lines and find important targets, and guide the artillery or air force to attack. The target fires.

A few days ago, the headquarters of the 54th Division was also discovered by the Falcon Squad. It's a pity that the little devil slipped away quickly that time, otherwise there would be another famous scene of cannon embarrassing his face.

Positioning behind enemy lines and guiding attacks have always been the usual tactics of special forces. Although limited by the technology of the times, it is impossible to achieve precise strikes of hundreds of kilometers like later generations, but it is still a very useful and efficient tactical method. Falcon Squad Just using this trick alone has made great achievements repeatedly, laying a solid foundation for the victory of each battle.

"Brother, the telegram has been sent. It is expected that thunder will start in 10 minutes. Shall we withdraw?" Yang Danzi ran back and lay next to Zhang Liu again.

"No hurry, look at the little devils on the opposite mountain, are you sure how many of them you can kill?" Zhang Liu chuckled and asked enthusiastically.

Yangdanzi estimated the distance. Considering the wind speed and ballistic fall, he was not very sure of hitting the enemy.

"There must be at least 800 meters from here to there. The distance is too far, and the bullet is shot in an arc."

"If I hit the target, you'll have to double the shooting training back for me!" Zhang Liu stared at Yangdanzi eagerly.

"Then what if you miss?"

"Can't hit? Can't hit, I will practice with you."

Without waiting for Yang Danzi to refute, Zhang Liu put down the binoculars and quickly raised the Kar98k beside him, pulled the bolt to load the bullet, and slowly adjusted the scale of the scope.

"About 860 meters, the wind speed is 10 meters southeast, the target is almost static..."

Even with the support of the six-fold mirror, the target is only slightly larger than the crosshairs in the eyes. This distance basically exceeds the effective range of ordinary rifle bullets, and no one is sure that they can defeat the enemy with one shot.

Zhang Liu didn't shoot right away, but adjusted his breathing rhythm, kept his aiming posture motionless, and waited for the opportunity...

In just a few minutes, it felt like a century had passed. Even Yang Danzi didn't dare to breathe, and stared nervously through the binoculars, sweating for him.

"The wind speed is about three meters, and the wind is south..."

Yang Danzi hurriedly reminded that the wind speed was slowly decreasing, and the wind direction was also on the windward side facing the target. At this time, the impact on the ballistic had been minimized.


Almost at the same time as Zhang Liu exhaled, he pulled the trigger with his fingers without hesitation, and the high-speed spinning bullet burst out, drawing a perfect arc in the air and heading straight for the target.


Nozawa was instructing the soldiers to place the shells when he suddenly felt a burst of air. Before he could react, a blood hole exploded in his upper abdomen.

The bullet passed through his abdominal cavity, and the excessive shooting distance changed the kinetic energy and stability of the bullet, and the cavity effect caused by the tumbling had destroyed the internal organs beyond recognition.

Even after being shot, the ear-piercing gunshot came slowly from a distance.

"Enemy attack!!"

The remaining little devils turned pale with fright, and quickly raised their guns to warn the surroundings, but they could see that the surroundings were all dense jungles, and there was no trace of the enemy anywhere.


Major Nozawa, who had a big hole in his abdomen, did not die immediately, but fell to the ground clutching his stomach and howled continuously, desperately feeling that life was slowly passing by.

"Hit!" Yangdanzi clenched his fist tightly, unable to restrain his inner excitement. Brother Zhang is so powerful that he can hit him with a single shot from this distance.

"Remember, go back and practice hard for me..."

Zhang Liu said something casually, without any fluctuation on his stern face, he raised his hand and pulled the bolt to eject the cartridge, and aimed at the next target with the scope again, this time... he moved the crosshair a little bit up.

The deadly gunfire rang out again, and another gesticulating Japanese soldier was pierced through the chest by a bullet, and received a lunch box on the spot.

"Sniper! Get down! Find a cover and hide!"

"Morning Kushiro!"

Another little devil who was running fell into a pool of blood, and the rest of the Japanese soldiers were completely panicked, lying on the ground and not daring to stand up again.

In just one minute, three people were killed one after another, the squad leader and the sergeant both died, and they didn't even know where they fired the shots.

Fear permeated the hearts of all the Japanese soldiers, and the sniper was like a silent god of death, constantly harvesting their lives.

A few thoughtful little devils picked up binoculars and began to look for the gunman's location. The others were not idle, and they used their weapons to shoot in the direction of the gunfire, trying to force out the damn sniper.

The bullets whized through the woods, but they were far away from where Zhang Liu and the others were, at least more than 800 meters away. If you don't have a magnifying glass, even people can see clearly, even if you know the location, you may not be able to hit it.

Seeing that the little devil's counterattack was weak and unable to hurt himself at all, Yangdanzi was also ready to shoot two shots to test his skills.

"Brat, let's go!"


Zhang Liu didn't want to explain too much to him at all, so he turned around and left with his equipment, and Yang Danzi had no choice but to follow quickly.




The two of them had just run a hundred meters in the woods when suddenly there was a violent explosion behind them.

The ground seemed to be trembling slightly, and the explosion felt not far away, and it was still going on. The location of the shelling was probably near the sniper position where the two of them were just now.

"This bunch of bastards started bombarding them when they couldn't find anyone..." Zhang Liu sneered, as if he had expected such a result.

"Zhang... Brother Zhang..."

Damn, ginger is still old and spicy, Yang Danzi's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

If he didn't run out just now, he might have been covered by this round of shells by now.Although the opponent also shot blindly, who would dare to bet on luck with his life.

"You only have one life, learn it." Zhang Liu slowly squatted down with the gun in his arms, and casually taught.

In addition to excellent marksmanship, snipers have to analyze various data and possibilities according to the battlefield situation, and then make timely adjustments.

No sniper will shoot multiple times at the same position without moving, which may expose his position and make it easy for the target to determine the position and then use the blind spot to avoid it.

Every excellent sniper is constantly looking for fighters in motion, constantly changing shooting points to achieve higher efficiency, while killing the enemy, he must also ensure his own safety, because only by surviving can he complete other tasks and kill even more. many enemies.

Estimating the time, it has been almost 10 minutes since the shooting just now, and the shelling on my side is about to come...

"Stinky boy, get ready to listen."


Just as Yangdanzi was in a daze, there were bursts of screams above their heads, and several traces visible to the naked eye rushed across the sky, smashing towards the artillery position of the Japanese army in the south!
(End of this chapter)

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