Chapter 488

"Hey, this location is really good, thanks to my ability to pick places..."

"Junzuo, where is it?"

Liao Mingyu's muttering caught Ding Xiaoer's attention. The latter was full of curiosity, staring at him without blinking, and asked quickly.

"'s nothing. I said this place has good Fengshui. There is running water in front of the mountain with its back. There is a saying that there is water in front of the house and hills behind it. Nine out of ten people will not worry about this."

Liao Mingyu's face blushed, and he hurriedly shouted and laughed.

"My dear...Junzuo, you still know Fengshui!?"

Although Ding Xiaoer was confused when he heard it, he still knew that this passage was not for ordinary people. He had only heard it from fortune tellers before, but he did not expect Jun Zuo to be quite accomplished in this area. Damn genius.

Even the thick-skinned Liao Mingyu was a little embarrassed to be stared at by that adoring gaze, so he quickly glanced aside and stopped dwelling on this issue too much.

The location of the main base was not far from where everyone was, and soon a soldier from a reconnaissance company rushed back to report that they found a strange building on the other side of the mountain.

It is a five-storey rectangular building with three buildings in total. The shape does not have a sense of technology beyond this era, but it has a heavy color.

The entire building is made of reinforced concrete, surrounded by fortifications surrounded by barbed wire and concrete walls. Several machine gun fortresses stand in the middle of it, and one can tell that this place is heavily fortified.

After this news came back, it immediately caused an uproar. Who would have thought that such a military building would appear in this deserted place.

Hao Zhigang didn't dare to be careless, and while reporting to Liao Mingyu, he quickly arranged the battle order. The soldiers thought it was a fortress of the devils, and the whole guard group became tense in an instant.

The artillery battalion in the rear immediately took up its position, and dozens of 75 mountain artillery aimed at the main base, and if there was any disagreement, it would bombard it with its bottom up.

The reconnaissance company in front also formed an offensive formation, calling the armored convoy to come forward, while waiting for the artillery to come to attack the ground first.

"Eh? What's going on?"

Seeing this posture, Liao Mingyu was about to suffer from a heart attack, so he quickly stopped the soldiers' next move, for fear that one bad one would cause an own goal.

"What are you doing!? Stop it!"

"Jun seat?"

Hao Zhigang came trotting all the way, staring and asking in bewilderment: "I found a Japanese stronghold ahead, and I suspect that there are still resistance forces inside. I have made the first battalion ready to fight, and can launch an attack at any time."

"Okay, tell them to lift the alert, the artillery positions are withdrawn, and no one is allowed to fire without my order!"

Liao Mingyu was speechless, these boys moved really fast, if he really wanted to blow him up, he wouldn't be so heartbroken, and if there was one in the main base, wouldn't he be done with him?

"Ah? Junzuo, why is this?"

"Well... this place is indeed a military base built by the Japanese army before, and I only learned about it through some special eyeliner..."

Liao Mingyu put his hands back, pulled up his calf without blushing and heartbeat, and said nonsense in a serious manner:

"After the Japanese army fully retreated, the building was empty. Now there are no Japanese inside. Let the reconnaissance company go in first, and the other troops are on guard."

Although he didn't understand where Junzuo's confidence came from, he still gave orders according to the other party's wishes, just telling the leading reconnaissance company to be careful not to fall into the enemy's trap.

The soldiers lined up in a tactical formation and quickly entered the interior of the base. As expected, there was no sign of a Japanese inside. The brand-new facilities did not show any traces of use, as if they had just been built. The wide reinforced concrete walls The body is more than two meters thick, and even the 155 heavy artillery can't think of leaving marks on it.

There are countless machine gun ports on the wall of the building, and several machine gun fortresses and artillery positions outside are also extremely strong, and there are underground passages connected inside, which can quickly transfer support and attack where you point.

The front view is wide, and the Heishui River is like a natural barrier. Several lines of defense can be built here to block the enemy, and there are high mountains on both sides of the back to rely on, eliminating the risk of the enemy interspersed.

If a regiment is placed here, and the air defense facilities and a certain amount of armor are supplemented, as long as the ammunition and food are sufficient, even two divisions of the Japanese army will not be afraid to attack.

"Zhigang, ask the communication company to set up a radio station to establish communication. The artillery battalion will be pulled to the back of the mountain, and the rest of the people will use this place as the center of the defense line. Have you seen the river? For the time being, set up a line of defense on the west bank, and the east bank along the river. Send out observation posts and reconnaissance teams in the area, and spread them as far as they can."

"In the future, this will be the command center of our 88th Army. The defense work here will be handed over to you. Don't let me down."

Liao Mingyu standing on the top pointed at the ground in front of him and talked eloquently. He could have a panoramic view of the whole area. He wanted this area so that every move of people or things could be under control.

Hao Zhigang cheered up, so this is a ready-made headquarters, and the little devil really helped "a big favor".

"Yes, don't worry Junzuo, I'll arrange it right away."

Liao Mingyu stroked his chin with a smile on his face, and strode towards the base. Now he can't wait to see what makes this base so special.

The guard platoon next to him followed immediately. Although Jun Zuo said that there was no threat here, no one could know the specific situation inside.

After entering the main building through the wall and following the passage to the interior, a floor plan of the building had already appeared in Liao Mingyu's mind. As expected, the location of the command room was hidden underground.

Most of the important facilities in the base are underground, and the interior space is huge. It can even be said that the three high-rise buildings outside are just the tip of the iceberg, and the inside is unique.

The area of ​​the underground fortification is as big as a football field, in a rectangular three-dimensional space, and the height is about 30 meters.The inner wall is solid, and there are several layers of reinforced concrete partition walls with steel plates in the middle. The iron gates at each connection are made of a mixture of steel plates and lead plates more than 100 mm thick, and the layers are extremely strong.

Because it goes deep into the ground, a groundwater supply system was built inside. Relying on three large pumps and water storage tanks, it can usually store 30 tons of groundwater, and the supply can continue without external influence.Multiple ventilation systems are also designed to be extremely concealed, and a poison filter system is also added to prevent the enemy from attacking with biological and chemical weapons.

Good guy, the big hand of the system once again refreshed Liao Mingyu's cognition. Anyone with a discerning eye would know that all of these were built in accordance with the requirements of nuclear and chemical defense. protection.

Unless the ground-penetrating missiles of the later generations are used, it is basically difficult for weapons of this era to pry him open. Even if the entire base is surrounded, as long as the passage gate in the underground fortification is closed, no one can get in. As long as there are enough Food, sticking to it for half a year is not a problem.

But Liao Mingyu also knew that if this happened...the whole situation would be troublesome, but no matter how good the defense was, it was the source of confidence, and he was really not afraid of little devils attacking him when he was sitting here.

The soldiers who entered the main building were still looking around curiously, observing the interior of this military fortress, and they were full of curiosity in their hearts, why did the little devil build such a strong fortress in this place.

But their Jun Zuo strode towards a downward staircase passage inside.

"Junzuo, the situation inside is unknown, let us check it first before you go in."

The guard platoon leader is an experienced veteran. In his opinion, the dark passageway is breathtaking, and the dim corridor lights are even more eerie. No one knows what will happen inside.

"Okay, there are no devils inside, the second platoon leader, let your people stay here, Xiao Er will go down with me." Liao Mingyu waved his hands indifferently and said.

"What? Me?" Ding Xiaoer was even more confused. He didn't want the protection of the strong platoon leader Yang, but let himself, a little Douding, follow him. This meant several things.

Plato Leader Yang was also very speechless, not understanding why Jun Zuo went in alone.

"Junzuo, why don't you ask Plato Leader Yang to accompany you down, I'd better... hey, Junzuo don't do anything..."

"Don't talk nonsense, let's go..."

Liao Mingyu didn't care whether the other party liked it or not, he grabbed the boy by the back of the neck and walked in... When he passed by the door, he seemed to think of something, and turned his head to speak sternly to the platoon leader:

"Remember, no one is allowed to come down without my order, even your regiment leader!"

The platoon leader was a little terrified by his stare, swallowed unconsciously, and subconsciously replied: "Obvious...Understood."

(End of this chapter)

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