Chapter 489

Pat... Pat...

"Junzuo, why don't we ask a few people to go in together?"

"Or... let Plato Leader Yang follow behind, we just drilled in, what should we do if we are in danger?"

"You said...there...shouldn't there be...ghosts in it?"


The sound of the collision of the soles of the shoes and the floor echoed in this small space, and besides that was Ding Xiaoer's frightened chatter, trembling and almost unable to speak clearly, which made Liao Mingyu roll his eyes.

"Brat, you still want to be my bodyguard with your guts? I'd be ashamed to say it!"

Liao Mingyu reprimanded him bitterly, if he hadn't held Ding Xiaoer by his collar in one hand and walked forward, this guy probably wouldn't even be able to take a step.

The two continued to walk in by the faint light of the corridor lamp. The passageway was on a 30-degree slope and went down gently. According to the direction, the location of the underground fortification was not directly under the main building, but slowly deepened. Inside the mountain behind the base.

After walking about 30 meters, a huge iron door suddenly appeared in front of it. Except for two handles, there were no keyholes or other mechanical equipment on the door. There was a warning light on the top that was shining red. It feels surprisingly solid.

"Junzuo, this door..."

"Come on, you pull that end, and I'll pull this end. After a while, listen to my command and push hard on both sides together."

Before Ding Xiaoer could finish speaking, Liao Mingyu stepped forward and grabbed one of the handles, pointed to the other with his chin, and signaled him to hurry over and help.


Looking at the thick iron gate more than two meters high and three meters wide in front of him, Ding Xiaoer muttered in his heart, this thing can be pulled by two fucking people?

"Why are you standing still, hurry up!"

"Oh oh... here it comes." Ding Xiaoer had no choice but to bite the bullet and go.

"Come on, work hard, get ready...go!"


With the joint efforts of the two, the iron gate was pushed slowly, and the warning light also changed from red to green. Only then did Ding Xiaoer realize that the gate was not as heavy as he imagined, and instead, there was a pulling force helping them.

There should be guide rails inside the stone wall, and there is a powerful mechanical hydraulic booster drive inside. It only takes a little effort to unlock the door automatically, pushing these heavy things to move to both sides.

"Hey, good guy, this is incredibly thick, almost as thick as a rifle."

Liao Mingyu couldn't help but touch the horizontal surface of the gate. It is made of solid steel with two layers of 100mm lead plates sandwiched in between. A single shot may not be able to blast away.

The door of the passageway is facing the outside, and the important mechanical consoles and locking devices are all on the inside. If you want to unlock it, you can only start from the inside. As long as the door is closed and locked, people outside have no other way to break the door except using physical methods.

There are two more such gates in front of them, in order to provide layers of protection in times of crisis and protect the base itself to the maximum extent.

When the two of Liao Mingyu opened the three gates together, the ceiling lights inside suddenly lit up row by row along the passage, and the incandescent light illuminated the entire fortification, and the interior space suddenly became bright.

Ding Xiaoer, who had never seen the scene, had already stared wide-eyed and was stunned. What kind of high-tech can build such a spacious and sturdy masterpiece. Is this really an underground fortress made by a little devil?
In the past two years as a soldier, he has also fought a lot of battles. Although he didn't go to the front line to fight very much, Ding Xiaoer has seen many fortresses built by the Japanese army. Who makes the little devils in Southeast Asia love to dig holes so much? In comparison, it is really a heaven and an earth.

Take the Nantian Gate on Songshan Mountain as an example, it was considered a big project, but the environment inside it was not satisfactory, at best it was friendly to people, the dark and muddy tunnel corridors were dark and full of all kinds of The bad smell, if it is not necessary for the battlefield, even the Japanese themselves would not want to stay in it.

And now this underground castle far surpasses the fortifications built by the Japanese in the past no matter in any respect. This is not a product of magnitude at all.

"Water supply area, living area, waste water drainage...Junzuo, what do you read this word for...Eh? Isn't this the place of little devils? Why are we still using our Chinese characters?"

Ding Xiaoer stared at the area plan on the wall, which showed the route and structure of the entire underground fortification, but he found the problem carefully.

"What do you know? Our Chinese characters are the ancestors of Japanese characters. Many Japanese characters use Chinese characters, and the consciousness is the same. What's the fuss about it?" Liao Mingyu made a pretense at will, but he walked forward alone go.

In the underground fortification, there are not only the main control room, but also countless individual areas of various sizes. This gets lost.

However, Liao Mingyu had a clearer three-dimensional picture in his mind, and he was not afraid of finding a place. He followed the directions and turned left and right, and he soon came to the door of the main control room.

It was another door, Ding Xiaoer was numb, this place is not particularly big but there are really many doors, there are many words written on it that I can't understand, I don't know what will be inside.

"Jun...jun seat..."

Just when Liao Mingyu was about to go in, Ding Xiaoer suddenly stopped him and said, "Junzuo, or I'll go in first, just in case something happens..."

Although he was terrified, Ding Xiaoer still mustered up the courage to jump out and stand in front of Liao Mingyu, looking nervously at the dark passage, no one knew what would appear inside.

Liao Mingyu glanced at him in surprise. This kid is usually quite timid, but now he stood in front of him righteously, so he underestimated him.

"That's enough, that's all. You are a hero with your skills, stay outside and warn me, and you are not allowed to come in without my order."

After all, Liao Mingyu didn't care about the reaction of the other party, and directly pushed the door in. The door closed immediately after he entered, and the lights inside also turned on at the same time.

In fact, this main control room has an identification function. It is impossible to enter without authorization. After entering it, the several-ton explosion-proof door will be locked immediately, isolating all contact with the outside world.

Liao Mingyu rubbed his eyes, and saw the situation in the room after getting used to the lighting. What caught his eyes was a row of circular consoles, typical 60s mechanical buttons plus digital display screens, and some operating joysticks and other equipment , these should be the terminals that control all electronic equipment in the base.

The interior space is quite ample. In addition to the central office area, there is a small rest room on the left, where the bed, desk and chairs are located, and the bathroom is next to the lounge, where basically all daily life can be solved.

There is a huge screen hanging on the wall in front of the console. I thought it was a high-definition electronic screen, but it turned out to be an old-fashioned mosaic screen with snowflakes. It can only display black and white images, and the resolution is very limited.

"I said Master System, you should use the whole LED, right? What's the point of getting an old-fashioned TV set? Could it be tricked into using it as an LCD screen by making it bigger?" Liao Mingyu complained dissatisfied.

"Ding... If you want to transcend the technology of this era, you need a lot of material energy. Your request can be met. First prepare me 5000 million tons of coal, 8000 million tons of oil, 5000 million tons of steel, 700 million tons of copper, and more. There’s gold, tin, aluminum, rare earths…”

"Okay... When I didn't say it, the snowflake screen is very useful now, so let's just use this."

Hearing the terrifying numbers and metal resources one by one, Liao Mingyu felt his scalp tingle instantly.

You have to know that all countries are fighting badly now, isn't it just for these resources, right now I'm just a fledgling rookie, I can't even count as a budding figure, where can I get those things at this time?
"Ding... the main base is also divided into levels. As long as we can provide enough rare resources for energy conversion and upgrade the base building in the future, we can improve the existing technological level and get more unexpected benefits. I hope the host will continue to work hard to dominate the world. Just around the corner."

Still claiming to be king and hegemony, looking at the 30 points needed to upgrade the second-level base in his mind, this astronomical figure made Liao Mingyu feel jealous.

Seeing that he closed his mouth and didn't talk nonsense, the system was very satisfied and disconnected, making someone full of complaints and nowhere to release.

In a blink of an eye, the topographic map of the entire Southeast Asia is displayed on the screen. Some military strongholds and important cities of both the enemy and the enemy are marked. You can even see the dynamics and strength of your own troops. This thing is in this era. It can also be regarded as a very advanced black technology.

In fact, these things are not the key point. The concrete three-dimensional graphics in Liao Mingyu's mind is the key point. After entering the main control room, he can completely control all the facilities in the main base.

"So, Master System, do we have to build something first?"

"Ding... yes, but if you don't want your soldiers to think it's a divine skill, it's best to arrange the construction site in a place where no one is around, and keep the troops away from this place in advance." The system reminded in a casual manner.

After pondering for a while, Liao Mingyu also felt that this was the reason. Hao Zhixian had to take the people out later, but let's talk about confirming the location before that.

"Small weapons manufacturing workshops, firearms repairers, tank factories, these are all necessary infrastructures, which one should we start with..."

After going through the various facilities of the main base in his mind, he discovered that there are other buildings and facilities here. It turned out that the system still gave some help and support.

In addition to the main body of the base, the system provided two additional fire control internal combustion power stations, each with 50 junior workers to maintain the operation of the equipment to maintain the huge power demand in the base.

The power station is located 1 km northwest of the main base, that is, in a valley in the mountains behind it, and supplies power to the main base through cables buried underground.

This valley is like a big gap, with cliffs on three sides and only one direction to enter and exit. The location is extremely hidden and there is no need to worry about being exposed.

In addition, there are fifteen junior engineers and thirty junior maintenance workers in the underground fortification. They are still in a dormant state in the rest area of ​​the fortification, waiting for Liao Mingyu's order to wake them up.

Although these devices in the base are only the embryonic form of modern electronic technology, even so, they are not within the grasp of ordinary people in this era. To be honest, Liao Mingyu was at a loss when he saw so many electronic button devices, and he couldn't even use them. Let's start, if the gangsters from outside are allowed to come in, they will be stunned.

The staff provided by the system can just solve this urgent need and help him get the main base up and running as quickly as possible, but he doesn't know... what kind of "clones" created by this system will be...

(End of this chapter)

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