My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 497 Disappointed Americans

Chapter 497 Disappointed Americans
In the evening of the same day, the transportation group rushed from Lashio to the Heihe area. When the mighty convoy entered the defense zone of the main base, almost all the people present were amazed.

Who would have thought that such a strong fortress still stands in such a remote place, and it was "built" by the Japanese, and what is even more unexpected is that they gave it up without defending it, but Liao Mingyu picked up a leak .

Liao Mingyu didn't explain much about it, you can guess whatever you want, don't blame me, anyway... don't ask, just say that the Japanese did it.

"Army, Staff Officer Meng, this way please..."

While leading the way, Hao Zhigang took a peek at the crowd behind. Good guy, there were quite a few people on this trip, and there were even Yankees.

"Damn it, the Japanese really paid for such a big military fortress." Fan Shaozeng couldn't help sighing as he looked at the sturdy fortresses.

"Don't tell me, no wonder Junzuo wants to ask the headquarters to move here. If you want me to talk about it and manage it well, even if the devils come to fight with several divisions, they will have nothing to do with it." Meng Fanle also commented on the sidelines.

Along the way, there are heavily armed guard regiment soldiers everywhere. Several positions are interlocked with each other. There are countless anti-aircraft guns, machine gun forts, and anti-aircraft artillery positions. People have no way to start, and it is not much worse than the Nantianmen Fortress at the beginning.

Now the main base has been completely protected by the guards. They have added a lot of fortifications on the original basis. In addition, someone has pulled out a lot of advanced weapons to arm himself during this period of time. It can be said that the defense here People are dumbfounded.

Different from the people who were arguing a lot, Stilwell remained silent with a sullen face, and just looked around from time to time, with intriguing gleams in his deep eyes.

Although it is located in the central part of Myanmar, the unique geographical location and defensiveness still surprised him, and it is perfect as a military fortress.

But seeing the attitude of the other party occupying the magpie's nest, I can't help but think of what the 88th Army is doing in Burma. Originally, this was a British colony, but now Liao Mingyu is more like a master than a master after he comes. It's really a bit It is easy to ask God to give God the feeling that it is difficult.

Not long after, a group of people arrived in front of the main base building. Liao Mingyu, who had received the news a long time ago, had already led his people to wait at the door for a long time.

"Brother Fan, I haven't seen you for a few days, so you're fine."

"Oh brother, I never expected you to toss such a large piece of land. I really admire you, old brother, haha..." Fan Shaozeng joked with a smile, and expressed his admiration in his words. This brother is really good. feel.

"Hehe... Brother is joking again."

Liao Mingyu just finished greeting, turned his head to look at Stilwell who was watching him silently, raised the corner of his mouth and saluted politely: "General Stilwell!"

"Hey... Well done young man, But... It's not easy to find you."

Stilwell nodded and raised his hand in return, affirming the opponent's record during this period, but the complaining emotion was still very obvious in the words, who made him suffer enough this trip.

"I'm sorry, General, there are too many front-line things to spare, please forgive me."

Liao Mingyu sincerely apologized, and also expected that the other party must be looking for something important in such a hurry, so he ordered: "Zhi Gang, lead the army commander and Staff Officer Meng to familiarize themselves with the environment first, and I will make arrangements for the general."


The others also knew very well that the purpose of that unsmiling American came this time was to find their seat, so they didn't stay too long, and quietly obeyed the arrangement and left quietly.


Half an hour later, Liao Mingyu and Stilwell sat in an independent office in the main building. The tea was fragrant on the table, and two cups of good Dahongpao had already been brewed.

Smelling the fragrant and rich tea fragrance, even the cold and serious Stilwell couldn't help taking a sip from his cup of tea. The faint fragrance makes people feel refreshed, and the sweetness that lingers between his teeth is really wonderful. No wonder this magical oriental The leaves can become a popular drink all over the world.

"Hehe, the general is used to this plain black tea without milk or sugar?" Liao Mingyu patted the cup and joked with a smile on his face.

"Of course, although it is not as strong as milk tea, the unique taste is still unique. I often drink their local black tea in the Sam area."

Stilwell put down his glass and stared at Liao Mingyu seriously, with a different kind of light in his eyes: "I have to say that your victory in Burma is extremely important, especially when you have just suffered a defeat in China. "

Speaking of this, Stilwell frowned involuntarily. Thinking about the 150 million troops on the defensive side, they were defeated by the 50 Japanese troops in just three months, and lost a lot of land one after another. It's embarrassing to talk about the record.

Talking about the failure of the Battle of Henan, Hunan and Guangxi, Liao Mingyu was also extremely distressed. This battle can be said to be the second major retreat of the KMT since the Anti-Japanese War.

But he has no choice. The status quo in the country cannot be changed by one person or an army. His life may be in danger, but he doesn't want to be imprisoned in the White Mansion and slowly wait for the war to end.

"Hey, the general's trip...isn't it just to talk to me about the situation?"

Liao Mingyu sighed, poured some tea into the other's cup, and continued to wait for the next sentence.

"I won't beat around the bush. The president is very disappointed with the situation in your country. Originally, he wanted to use the power of China to bomb and land on the Japanese mainland. But after this battle...he already understands that this is just a personal extravagant wish. .”

Stilwell shrugged and explained the facts lightly.

Hearing these words, Liao Mingyu was shocked at first, and then thinking of some unknown events in the international situation during World War II, a chill suddenly came to his heart.

When the defeat of Henan, Hunan and Guangxi was in an uproar in the country, the international situation was very good. The Soviet Union severely damaged the German army and advanced towards Poland. The US Army landed in Normandy and went deep into France. Lost all face.

You must know that the United States originally planned to use the b29 to take off from airports in various parts of East China to attack Japan in a large area, and at the same time send the Marine Corps to land in China as a springboard first, and then land in Japan to fight.

However, the failure of this battle not only caused Huaxia to lose troops and generals, but also lost a large number of military airports in Hunan and Guangxi, which made Huaxia's international status fall to the bottom. At the same time, it also made the Americans realize the reality.

Coupled with the difficulty of the subsequent battle of Iwo Jima and the [-] million pieces of jade plan devised by the Japanese, these made the US military realize that the price to be paid for landing on the Japanese mainland was too high, even if they were rich and powerful, they could not afford it.

Even at the Yalta Conference in 45, the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union attended the meeting and shut China out.It was because of the defeat of Henan, Hunan and Guangxi that the United States was completely disappointed with the Kuomintang government, believing that it was extremely corrupt and incapable of fighting.

So after the success of the "Manhattan Project", the United States immediately decided to drop two cannonballs to Japan, forcing the other side to end the war.

At the same time, in order for the Soviet Union to send troops to repel the Japanese army in the Chinese mainland as soon as possible, the United States signed a secret agreement with the Soviet Union to allow Outer Mongolia to be independent under the protection of the Soviet Union, causing China to lose more than 150 million square kilometers of land!

(End of this chapter)

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