My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 498 Weak countries have no diplomacy

Chapter 498 Weak countries have no diplomacy

In addition to the issue of Outer Mongolia, the cunning old Maozi also demanded that Dalian's commercial port be internationalized, that the Soviet Union's superior rights and interests in the port be guaranteed, and that the Soviet Union's lease of Lushun Port as a naval base be restored.

Not only that, they also proposed that a joint Soviet-Chinese company should be established for the Eastern Railway and the Southern Manchurian Railway, which serve as the outlet to Dalian, to jointly operate them. The superior rights and interests of the Soviet Union must be guaranteed while China must maintain full sovereignty in Manchuria. .

Simply put, the Northeast railway is controlled by the Soviet Union, and Huaxia needs to guarantee all the privileges of the Soviet Union in the Northeast before the Soviet Union recognizes Huaxia's sovereignty here.

And all of these agreements were signed without Huaxia's knowledge, because Lao Jiang was not qualified to participate in the meeting at all.

It is reasonable to say that Huaxia did not participate in this meeting. No matter what was discussed at the meeting or what agreement was reached, as long as Lao Jiang did not sign it later, he could not recognize it.These demands of the Soviet Union were made to the United States and the United Kingdom, and their promises belonged to them, and had nothing to do with China.

That's true in theory, but not in practice.

Although China was listed as one of the four major powers with the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom at that time, its national strength was the weakest.China's war of resistance against Japan needs the support of these countries, especially the United States, which supported our country very much during the war of resistance.Without the support of the United States, China's war of resistance against Japan might have been even more difficult.

Therefore, this has also become the capital of the negotiation between the United States and my country. When the Soviet Union made these demands at the time, it did not say that my country should agree to it. They wanted the Americans to agree.

In order to make the Soviet Union send troops, the Americans had to agree to its various interests in the Far East, and in turn forced Chiang to sign and recognize this series of treaties that harmed China's national interests.

This is the true loss of power and humiliation of the country, a pillar of shame for the Chinese people!
But what can be done?A weak country has no diplomacy. Sovereignty and confidence are based on strength. There is no such thing as eternal friendship between countries.

Liao Mingyu came back to his senses, and leaned his stiff body slightly on the sofa. Thinking quickly in his mind, he subconsciously took out a cigarette, lit it, and took two deep breaths.

"I don't know what the general said to me...what do you mean?"

After flicking the cigarette ash, Liao Mingyu tried his best to calm down his emotions, but his right hand hidden in his trouser pocket clenched his fist, because he knew... the next conversation might have a profound impact on the trend of the war in China.

"Don't you have any ideas?"

Stilwell pushed the glasses frame, and his sharp eyes swept over.

"What can I think? There is an old saying in China that... Do your best to obey the destiny. I feel sorry for the domestic affairs, but what can such small characters like us do?" Liao Mingyu smiled indifferently, as if to say another thing None of my business.

Stilwell took a serious look at him, and found that there was a little frivolity and indifference on the other side's face. It was really hard to see any other emotions. Maybe...he is a virtuous person like those warlords in Huaxia who support themselves.

Stilwell, who was making fun of himself, didn't stop talking, and continued to say: "Originally, Mr. President wanted to use China's land and army to reduce the pressure on the Pacific battlefield, and then realize the plan to invade Japan as soon as possible."

"It's a pity... your army is like paper, and your country's high-level officials don't seem to care about the direction of this war at all. Instead, they fought for their own little interests."

Liao Mingyu nodded noncommittally, no wonder people looked down on him, the situation was the same, despite the fact that the frontline soldiers were fighting with their lives, but the high-level elites in the country remained unmoved, fully interpreting corruption and incompetence.

"So, for the next situation... what are you going to do? After all, the Japanese army has suffered heavy losses, and this is an excellent opportunity to attack." Stilwell asked meaningfully, staring at the other party without blinking.
"Hehe, general, you know that after fighting for several months in a row, my troops have suffered a lot and need a period of recuperation. In terms of logistics, I also need to make up for it..." Liao Mingyu talked with a smile, but did not answer directly. question.

Brat, I knew you were going to talk about terms again... Stilwell was slandered in his heart, and at the same time decided not to hide it anymore, so he listed the purpose of this trip one by one:

"Okay...but you have made great strides all the way on the Southeast Asian battlefield, and you have already attracted the attention of Mr. President. Now he is going to abandon his original plan and start the situation from Southeast Asia..."

It turned out that it was because of the failure of the domestic Henan-Xiang-Guangxi campaign. Roosevelt and a group of high-level U.S. military leaders deduced and discussed that China did not have the strength to independently fight against and counterattack Japan at present, even if they were given more military aid. Plans for Springboard will also be put on hold.

On the other hand, the situation in Southeast Asia was very good. Not only recovered a lot of lost ground, but also wiped out tens of thousands of Japanese troops. Now the Southern Army, which has suffered heavy losses, is already scratching its head and constantly asking for support from the Japanese base camp.

Judging from the current intelligence, the Japanese army and the Kwantung Army in South China have a tendency to go south to reinforce Burma and Malaysia.

This is exactly the result that the United States is very much looking forward to. Southeast Asia is positively containing the Japanese troops, consuming a lot of manpower and material resources of the opponent, so as to reduce the pressure on the U.S. military in the Pacific battlefield.

After careful consideration, the wheelchair president finally agreed to Stilwell's southward combat plan, and decided to focus on supporting the Southeast Asian allied forces to counterattack Malaysia and the Philippine Islands, contain the Japanese army, and let the Japanese army's base camp continue to increase troops in Southeast Asia, so as to alleviate China's domestic conflict. Military pressure on the Pacific battlefield…

A few months ago, 68 B-29 planes that took off from Chengdu Airport bombed Banner Iron and Steel in Ben Kyushu.Later, it bombed Nagasaki, Sasebo and other industrial cities, as well as Huaxia An, Shenyang and Baodao under the occupation of Japan.Up to now, 5 missions have passed, a total of 22 missions have been dispatched, and more than [-] tons of bombs have been dropped, but the results have not been achieved.

Although the maximum range of the B29 "Sangmenshen" has reached an astonishing 5000 kilometers, for the US military that has just occupied Saipan, it can only be said that it is barely enough for bombers to go back and forth, and the bomb load is not the largest, otherwise it may not be able to fly back.

The most important point is that the large size of the B29 has relatively high requirements for the airport base station. Obviously, Saipan does not have so many large airports that can take off, and except for the B29, other bombers and fighters cannot reach the range, nor can they fly. Form a numerical advantage for cover bombing.

If the B29 wants to carry out the mission of bombing Tokyo, it can only go it alone. Not to mention the danger in the absence of escort fighters, it cannot completely cover all heavy industrial areas in Japan, and the very small number is of little significance for strategic bombing.

Therefore, the Americans desperately hope to have one or more large military airports from which their bombers can take off. On the one hand, they are slowly approaching Japan in the Pacific Ocean. , destroying industrial areas in the rear.

Although the Battle of Henan, Hunan and Guangxi disappointed the U.S. military, but fortunately, there is a glimmer of hope in Southeast Asia. If the expeditionary force can really enter Malaysia and the Philippines, then such results will be more meaningful than winning the coastal cities of China...

(End of this chapter)

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