Donggua is located in the southern coastal area of ​​Yangon Province. There is a small natural port here, but its size is not large, and it can only meet some small ships entering the port and going out to sea. In addition, it also has more than 30 kilometers of shoal coastline. It seems that its strategic position is almost negligible, so the Japanese did not pay much attention to this area, especially the coastline.

The garrison in this area has only one brigade, and they are basically stationed in Keyan in the north, because there is a railway station there to facilitate supplies. As for the southern coastline, a small port with no strategic value is not worth it at all, and it is not in the scope of the little devil's consideration. So much so that after the expeditionary force crossed the sea from Madaban Bay and landed, they were defenseless.

This landing raid was a combat operation that Liao Mingyu had planned years ago. For this plan, he had been arguing with Stilwell for a long time, and finally, under his shameless offensive, the latter reluctantly agreed. Provide support.

Because the rigor of the plan cannot be detected by the Japanese, large-scale naval ship transfers are definitely not acceptable, and even if Stilwell agrees, the U.S. Navy may not be willing, so as a result of negotiations, the U.S. Third Fleet only Mobilized three Liberty Ship transport ships to the coast of Mon State.

The transport ship has a displacement of 8 tons, a speed of 11 to 1300 knots, and a maximum load of about [-] tons. Counting the accompanying weapons and equipment, it can transport [-] soldiers at a time. It is a very good transport ship.

The three Liberty Ship transport ships can deliver one or two regiments of equipment and combat troops to the target location in a single trip, and can also carry some artillery and tanks.

Due to the waterline problem, the transport ship cannot sail into the shore, but there are a large number of landing craft and some amphibious landing vehicles on board, which can facilitate soldiers to quickly land through the shallows.

Surprisingly, the British who heard about this operation were very active, and took the initiative to send three XE-3 pocket submarines and a sharp submarine from India as reconnaissance escorts for the landing force.

Liao Mingyu, who was still furious because the battle plan was leaked within the Allied Forces, changed his face when he heard this, and praised the friendly and mutual assistance of the British allies.

Although Madaban Bay is not very big, Liao Mingyu is worried that this short-distance landing operation will be blocked by the enemy from the sea. The air force cannot guard the landing troops all the time. Time will come.

Now that there are British submarines serving as sentinels in the open sea, it is not necessary that they can really shake the Japanese fleet, at least they can protect their own vigilance capabilities, so that they will not be discovered by others.

Although there is no place for their British army to play on land, as a veteran naval power, it still has certain strength in the sea area of ​​​​Southeast Asia.

But if you think about it, if they don't fight hard, they will be beaten by the Huaxia people. At that time, not only will they lose face, but they will have no reason to reach out to accept the fruits of victory.

However, the only naval forces that the British can use in Southeast Asia at this time are these submarine forces, and the large capital ships are basically transferred back to the English Channel.

But don’t underestimate this stuff. Quietness and concealment are its characteristics. They have had several good records in history. On July 45, 7, the British pocket submarine XE-31 was transported by an ordinary submarine to the vicinity of Singapore. In the sea area, sneaked into the Strait of Johor, broke through the anti-submarine barrier, and sank the Japanese heavy cruiser Kaohsiung with magnetic mines.

The length of the pocket-class submarine is about 30 meters, the displacement is less than 100 tons, the width is less than 3 meters, the maximum underwater speed is 10 knots, the diving depth does not exceed 100 meters, and the crew is less than 10 people.It is generally equipped with a diesel engine, electric motor and battery, carries 4 to 8 mines, and can also be used to carry special combat personnel. It is a highly concealed underwater assassin.

And the Sharpness is a serious T-class submarine with an underwater displacement of 1597 tons. It is equipped with 16 457mm caliber torpedoes and a 105mm cannon.In history, the Japanese army used as a supply ship Ashigara was sunk by him in the Batavia waterway near Singapore.

Although there are reasons for the lack of combat capabilities of the Japanese navy in the later stages of the war, there are still very few cases of sinking cruisers with submarines. Generally, the former has to run away when encountering the latter.

The 200th Division and the new 50th Division were both in the Kayin State area a few days ago. It took them nearly a month to quietly enter Mon State from Kayin State, which is the east side of Madaban Bay, waiting for the US transport ship.

At this time, Yangon was fighting fiercely. The attention of the Japanese army was in the Yongsheng Township area in the north of Yangon, and a large number of troops were rushing there. It was Yongsheng or went down the Bago River, but ignored the threat from the rear.

There is a natural seaport in the town of Daragon in the northwest of Mon State, which is only 90 kilometers away from the Donggua Sea in Yangon. According to the speed of the Liberty Ship, it takes about 5 hours to carry soldiers from here. If you move quickly, you can hide A Japanese reconnaissance plane.

In order to fight for the first batch of places, the two families, Gao Jiren and Gao Xijiang, almost quarreled. Both sides wanted their own troops to lead the battle, but they refused to give in to each other and couldn't make a decision for a long time.

In the end, it was Liao Mingyu's cursing telegram that made the two division commanders shut up. According to the unified arrangement of the headquarters, the first batch of landing troops consisted of two infantry battalions from the 501st Regiment of the 200th Division and the armored combat vehicle regiment of the 300th Division. The battalion consisted of a total of [-] men.

The three Liberty Ship transport ships set sail at midnight. During this time period, they could avoid the Japanese air and sea reconnaissance and hide their tracks as much as possible.

Many of the soldiers were landlubbers, and they had no experience of taking a large ship. The feeling of swaying and swaying made their stomachs churn.Fortunately, the Liberty Wheel transport plane is stable enough, and today's wind and waves are not too big, otherwise it will definitely vomit.

At 3 o'clock in the morning, just after dawn, the transport fleet dropped its anchor [-] kilometers from the coastline. The soldiers on board placed a large number of landing rubber boats and amphibious landing vehicles in the sea. The soldiers quickly boarded the ship under the guidance of the US sailors.

Ten minutes later, dozens of kayaks and small speedboats drove towards the shore at an extremely fast speed. In front of them, four Higgins landing craft took the lead. Look closely, there is a Greyhound armored vehicle on each landing craft.

The high waves slapped the hull of the ship and splashed huge waves. All the soldiers on the ship squatted down and pointed their guns downward as much as possible, letting the sea water pour on them.

The machine gunners on both sides were also on standby, staring at the beach intently. Experienced marines knew that under normal circumstances, the first batch of landing troops would be attacked very violently, with the most casualties.

But what people didn't expect was that the transportation process went very smoothly, until the first landing ship arrived at the shallows, and the front baffle was lowered without encountering any enemy attacks.

There were only a few local fishermen working on the shore, who had long been frightened and panicked and screamed again and again. They had never seen such a battle before, so they quickly put down what they were holding and fled back desperately.

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