The Japanese army did not set up a beach defense line on this beach, because they never expected that the enemy would come from the sea. The only defender here was a 16-man squad.

They were stationed in a small gunhouse two kilometers away from the shore, and their purpose was only to manage several nearby villages and better collect food from the local residents.

Just a few minutes ago, when soldiers on routine patrol saw the scene by the sea, they were so frightened that they almost bit off their tongues.Countless boats rushed towards the shore in a dark mass, and even saw the figure of an armored vehicle. He didn't dare to stay longer, and hurried back to the bunker to inform his companions.

Commanding this small unit was a 30-year-old Cao Chang. When he heard the news, his face changed drastically. He immediately sent a telegram to inform the rear of the situation, and quickly took people to the beach to observe the enemy's movements.

It's a pity that his action was still a step slow. The reconnaissance plane in the sky marked the location of this bunker long before the action. The headquarters concluded that there were not many defenders here, so they did not rush to clear it.

Now that the Japanese army was unprepared, the vanguard had successfully landed. The fighter squadron that was planning to fight a battle in the sky was empty, and they were all doing nothing. Finally, they all set their sights on the building less than two kilometers away from the coastline. On the small bunker.

"Hey! Jackson, this bunker is mine now, you are not allowed to snatch it!"

A confident voice came from the air intercom frequency band. Li Zening, who was driving an F4U fighter, suddenly broke away from the formation and quickly stretched the altitude. He made a 180-degree turn in the air, stabilized the fuselage, and dived towards the ground target at an angle of 70 degrees. Down.

Li Zening showed a very excited expression on his face. The high-power engine of this fighter is powerful, which can bring great confidence to the pilot, which is completely unmatched by the previous biplanes.

As a Nanyang native, he joined the Nankan Fighter Squadron a year ago and is one of the hired pilots. Of course, unlike other foreign pilots, Li Zening is also a Malaysian Chinese. The reason why he joined the Nankan Squadron is more because of his desire Severely hit the Japanese and contribute to China and this war.

At that time, there were many people from Nanyang traveling with him, most of whom were elites from all walks of life, pilots, engineers, journalists, etc. through Fang Jingyao's relationship. Talents from all walks of life were needed by Liao Mingyu.

After a long period of training, this time it's finally ushered in actual combat. One can imagine Li Zening's mood, but the little devil's lack of strength has poured cold water on him. Seeing as it is a small bunker, he is naturally reluctant to let it go .

"Damn it, Lee!"

The commander of the combat formation, Jackson, was a black pilot. He cursed at the walkie-talkie angrily. He was very displeased with this behavior of disobedience and personal heroism.

But Li Zening didn't care so much, when the aiming point of the nose was aligned with the target, he decisively pressed the launch button.


Several rockets were launched from the wings, dragging the fiery snakes and galloping towards the gun tower.

The ear-piercing whistling sound was like the roar of death, and the gun tower of the Japanese army was blown to pieces in an instant.

Broken bricks and stones flew around, mixed with some shapeless human limbs. Cao Chang, who had just escaped because he came out to investigate, stared at the rear dumbfounded, speechless for a long time.

Coupled with the enthusiastic enemy landing troops on the coast, his heart was crushed in an instant, and he didn't care whether the soldiers in the gun tower reported the news, and ran away with the rest of the people in despair. up.


Li Zening drove the fighter plane up quickly and returned to the formation. Before he could vent his excitement, the formation leader Jackson's thunderous roar came from the walkie-talkie.

"God, damn it! Lee! Is it that hard to make you follow orders?!"

"Okay, okay, Jackson, it's just a small thing, don't be so over the top, relax..."

Li Zening laughed nonchalantly, this group of old blacks are just too rigid, they look very boring compared to those white-skinned foreigners, they always use military regulations and discipline to suppress him.

"Hmph! If you keep messing around, please leave the Sixth Squadron, or I will definitely report to Colonel Andre!"

Jackson was so angry, how could he tolerate this kind of situation for him who always upholds teamwork, if it wasn't for Li Zening's excellent performance in training and the lack of people on his side, otherwise it would not be his turn to join the Sixth Squadron.

The Sixth Squadron composed of sixteen F4Us and two B17 bombers was reassembling in the air, and had just received a new order. The headquarters asked them to set off immediately to bomb the Keyan Railway Station 60 kilometers away.

In addition, according to intelligence, a formation of Type Zero fighter jets of the Japanese navy also set sail from Singapore and was heading towards Yangon at a very high speed. It should be to intercept the landing force of the 88th Army.

Jackson took a deep breath, looked at the cockpit in front of him, his eyes gradually became solid, and the hand holding the joystick unconsciously tightened.

At this time, most of the pilots, like him, attach great importance to this operation. They want to prove themselves again on the battlefield and gain the glory that should belong to them.

In fact, most of the pilots of the Sixth Squadron are black. They originally belonged to the famous black fighter formation of the Allied Forces-Takowski Air Force, and have been active in the North African battlefield.

Later, they were all seriously injured in the battle, but because of their colored race, they did not receive the best medical treatment, and more or less left some sequelae of the root cause of the disease, which did not affect the flight, but the high-level officials refused them to return to the army request.

Under the current general environment, the particularity of black people is self-evident. Poor Jackson and others were asked to retire, and they did not receive the high retirement allowance that fighter pilots should have. India, as a handyman in the logistics force.

It wasn't until some time ago that Liao Mingyu sent people to search for retired pilots from all walks of life in the Allied Army and Nanyang, and accidentally found a resume. Then he found a treasure from the British Army's logistics team, a large number of black pilots with rich combat experience.

Because of their skin color, the blacks of the Tuksky Air Force did not have the capital and pride of those favored ones at the beginning. Compared with the white pilots who pursued individual heroism, they were more calm, hardworking and united, because only teamwork can win the battle. Play a higher combat effect in battle.

Those self-righteous white lords painted the tails of fighter jets of black pilots with distinctive red in order to distinguish them easily, so they were also nicknamed "red tails".

Because of the color of their skin, they have to face all kinds of criticism in China, but with unremitting struggle, they finally overcome all injustice and difficulties.

In history, the Tukosky Air Force has made outstanding achievements. It has carried out 1578 combat missions, 1267 of which were bomber escort missions, but only 7 missions in which a total of 27 bombers were shot down by the enemy. people's respect.

It's a pity that a group of injured people didn't get the treatment they deserved after the war. Jackson and others are representatives of them, but they were discovered by another person with a discerning eye.

A total of [-] black pilots were lured to Nankan by Liao Mingyu, and received flight training in Nankan together with other retired pilots recruited from various countries and people who had piloting experience.

With a large number of fighters provided by the Heihe base, the current Nankan Flying Brigade has grown from the first two squadrons to seven squadrons. A total of more than 90 F4U, P40, and P38 combat formations have begun to take shape. On the battlefield, even without relying on the U.S. military, it is possible to wrestle with the Japanese army.

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