The courier's limp body just fell to the ground, splashing red and white objects scattered all over the ground, and the scene was extremely bloody.

Shocked, Li Shuanggui, who was sprayed with blood all over his face, rolled over and dodged to the side... Then another bullet was fired from the forest, and hit the spot where he was just standing with a puff.


In an instant, gunshots were heard from the woods in front of the left, and several soldiers who could not dodge fell to the ground one after another.

The rest of the people hurriedly looked for places to hide, only to find out that the little devils who shot were actually hiding in the trees.

Devils who can climb trees are the most hated objects of expeditionary soldiers, and this disgusting tactic is also a common trick of devils.

They are equivalent to dark sentries, wrapped in thick withered grass and green leaves, quietly lying in ambush on the big trees, as long as an enemy passes by, they will shoot at them or sound an alarm to remind their main forces.

The tall broad-leaved tree canopies in the jungle provide excellent cover. As long as they keep quiet, it is difficult to find even if you come close to them, and the little devils will always pay off once they fire, and they have been tried and tested.

Li Shuanggui was already in a cold sweat, and half of his foot had stepped into the gate of hell just now. These devils are really too insidious. If he reacts slower, he will be the soul of the other party's gun.

He crouched behind the stone and carefully observed the front. The little devils were still sniping coldly. There were not many of them, but it was difficult to find their figures above the tree crowns.

The soldiers had no choice but to fire in the direction of the gunshots. The bullets formed a dense barrage, causing the leaves and branches to tremble and fly. Soon, two figures fell heavily from the tree. Falling.

Although the tactics of the Japanese army are insidious and unpredictable, it is not difficult to deal with them. As long as there is strong firepower support, no matter how well he hides, he will be smashed into a sieve by the rain of bullets.

But this huge movement also alarmed the main force of the devils ahead, and within a short while, a large number of Japanese troops rushed towards this side, and the situation became critical in an instant.

Looking at the only flare gun on the dead correspondent's body a few meters away, Li Shuanggui was extremely anxious. That thing was the reason why they came here.

The flying bullets swished past his body, as if his throat would be cut by the scythe of death in the next second, but at this moment Li Shuanggui didn't dare to think wildly.

The liaison officer's body was still lying not far away, and the distance of three or four meters was like an insurmountable gap. As soon as his head emerged, several bullets oncoming him forced Li Shuanggui back.

More and more little devils have surrounded them, and the two sides are engaged in a fierce battle, but everyone knows that this situation will not last long, and it is only a matter of time before they are wiped out.

"cover me!"

Qiu Lin understood immediately, raised his gun and opened fire without hesitation, and the soldiers also started shooting at the Japanese army one after another.

However, the number of little devils who surrounded them was too many, and their firepower was really powerless. In less than 2 minutes, there were already corpses lying around, and only Qiu Lin and the two soldiers were still struggling. support.

Boom bang bang bang bang...!
At this moment, the third platoon leader led people to attack from the flanks, and suddenly a dense hail of bullets flew through the forest, and from time to time, little devils were shot and fell to the ground.

Grenades were also flying across the land, and the explosion was accompanied by blazing and dazzling flames, mixed with screams of pain.

Under such a fierce counterattack, the Japanese army, who had no idea of ​​the opponent's details, did not dare to charge blindly. They could only try to stabilize their formation, look for cover and shoot continuously to test it.

Li Shuanggui took this opportunity to decisively get out of the cover and gallop forward, rushing to the side of the liaison officer in three steps and two steps, and grabbed the flare gun on the other party's body.

The devil's cold guns were still vicious. After seeing the moving figures, they all set their targets on Li Shuanggui's body. The bullets whizzed by, almost hovering on the verge of death several times.

In desperation, he could only run forward and use a big tree as a cover to avoid the firepower of the Japanese army.

It is impossible to run back, there is no shelter behind, and going back is to be a living target.

Now he has been completely separated from the team. He was forced behind a tree by the little devil and couldn't move. If he didn't pay attention, he would hate Northwest.

When the third platoon leader led people to rush to Qiu Lin and the others, he did not find Li Shuanggui after looking around, and hurriedly asked, "Where is your platoon leader!?"

"in front of!"

Following the direction of Qiu Lin's finger, the third platoon leader saw Li Shuanggui who was hiding behind the big tree in front, but his current situation was very critical.

The opponent's location is about ten meters away from my side, except for the big rock where I hid at the beginning, which is a bare mountain wall, there is no other cover
"Lao Li! Are you okay!?"

The rough voice of the third platoon leader was extremely penetrating, and he could hear the anxiety in his words even from a long distance away. At the same time, he also regretted that he had come a step late, otherwise he would not have been in such a miserable situation.

"I can't die yet, hiss..." Li Shuanggui panted heavily, leaning against the tree and replied loudly.

The slight stabbing pain in his lower back made him unable to resist reaching out and touching it, but the sticky feeling he touched already explained everything.

Maybe it was an inconspicuous stray bullet that hit his lower back, and only now did he feel the pain that pierced his heart and hit his forehead.

The bullets hit the tree trunk behind him with puffing sounds. The devil's firepower seemed to have sealed off this open area, and he would be hit crazily if he exposed himself a little.

The leader of the third platoon tried to lead the soldiers to rescue Li Shuanggui and then retreated while fighting, but the enemy seemed to be more and more numerous, and they could not be killed no matter what.

You don't need to look to know that there are more little devils around, and the dozen or so people under him can't last for too long.

When reloading, he happened to meet Li Shuanggui's eyes. The latter didn't say anything, but simply nodded, holding the flare gun tightly on his chest with his bloodstained right hand.

Looking at the calm and resolute eyes, the third platoon leader understood everything in an instant.

The sound of the enemy's guns was still stirring around. Although his face was full of helplessness and pain, he also nodded at the other party.

The soldier's final awakening, everything is unspoken...

"Everyone covering fire, grenades...ready..."

After finishing speaking, the third platoon leader loaded the bullet and yelled loudly, "Let's go!"

Hearing the order, the soldiers poured all the few bullets left in their hands towards the little devil crazily, and the grenade made a loud noise again.

For a while, the Japanese soldiers who pressed forward were beaten terribly, and countless people were shot and fell to the ground. Others also sought cover and hid in the woods.

Enduring the severe pain, Li Shuanggui rushed out without hesitation when the Japanese army was briefly suppressed.

But he didn't retreat to the third platoon leader, but flew deep into the Japanese army without hesitation!

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