The shrubs on the river bed are tall and dense, and there are many dry reeds more than two meters high. If someone sneaks in and hides for a short time, it will be really difficult to find out.

Li Shuanggui took advantage of this, sneaked into the bushes like a loach, and quickly approached the main force of the Japanese army.

The little devil was also a little confused by his doing the opposite. He couldn't understand why this Chinese man didn't run back, but rushed straight towards their hinterland. Isn't that courting death?
Thinking about it, there was also a lot to do. Although they didn't think that Li Shuanggui would have any impact on their side, the little devil still sent some people to surround him.

As for the rest of the Huaxia people, after a series of battles, they probably also figured out the strength of the opponent, the number is not much, and there are only some stubborn diseases.


"Brother Li!"

Seeing Li Shuanggui's figure disappear into the bushes, Qiu Lin became impatient, and wanted to get up and follow him regardless of the wound.

"Get down!"

"let me go!"

Qiu Lingang wanted to struggle, but was held down by the third platoon leader, who clamped his arm tightly like an eagle's claw, unable to move at all.

The third platoon leader picked up a gun from the side and threw it over, and sternly scolded: "What use is your current bear like in the past? If you want to help, pick up a gun and cover him!"

Qiu Lin clenched his teeth and wanted to refute but couldn't find any reason. The other party's words were indeed reasonable.

His left arm was scratched by shrapnel, and the wound the size of his palm was dripping with blood. Fortunately, he had been bandaged by the health worker, and he was not left-handed, so he could barely shoot with a gun.

Enduring the pain in his arm, Qiu Lin picked up the G43 with sights, shot wildly at the devils who rushed up, and numbly sent bullets into the trigger one by one.

Before he knew it, tears had already soaked his eyes. Even if he had no experience in the battlefield, he knew what the consequences of Li Shuanggui's running forward would be.

Maybe... we will never see each other again...

On the other side, Li Shuanggui, who was seriously injured, had already run for nearly 200 meters on the river bed. The wound on his lower back was still bleeding, and it kept stimulating his nerves.


Li Shuanggui finally lost his consciousness due to excessive blood loss, and his legs softened and he knelt on the ground.

The unbearable pain now seemed to be nothing but numbness, and there was a faint scream behind him. It should be the little devil chasing after him. They are still searching for Li Shuanggui's trace.

In this small place, there are bloodstains on the ground, and it is only a matter of time before they are found.

I roughly estimated the distance in my heart, and the Devils artillery should be located more than 100 meters ahead. It has only been half an hour, and the opponent should not have completed the transfer so quickly.

Slowly pulling out the flare gun, Li Shuanggui knew that once he fired it into the sky, he would have no way out.

Soon, a Japanese kid who was approaching found Li Shuanggui kneeling on the ground as soon as he pushed aside the bushes in front of him.

"Enemy はこちらです! 早く来てください! (Come here, the enemy is here)"

After walking in, the devil realized that the Huaxia man had been seriously injured, and the blood flowing from his back stained a large area of ​​his clothes.

Especially when he saw the other party's collar badge, he was even more ecstatic. Obviously this was a second lieutenant officer.

So he didn't shoot immediately, but jokingly walked behind him, and put a bayonet on Li Shuanggui's back:
"Weapon を SET い て 手 を 上げろ! (Put down the weapon)"

Faced with the little devil's roar, Li Shuanggui did not show the slightest timidity. He raised his hand with a sneer, and the flare gun was impressively in his hand.

Seeing the other party's cooperation, this devil soldier was very proud. It was also a credit to capture a Chinese officer alive. Satisfied, he began to greet his companion eagerly.

The little devils from behind arrived one after another, and while asking questions, they all began to frown and look at the Chinese man kneeling on the ground.

They really didn't understand if this guy was beaten into a daze, why he ran in the opposite direction alone.

"Sergeant Cao, do you want to kill him if you execute the punishment?"

"いいえ, no, take away his weapon, I need to live, don't let him die!"

The Devil Army Cao was not in a hurry to execute Li Shuanggui, thinking that maybe he could get some information from him.

Just as a devil was about to disarm the weapon in Li Shuanggui's hand, the latter suddenly raised the flare gun obliquely above his head, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Everything was so sudden that the little devil had no time to stop it.

Only a muffled sound was heard, and the bright signal flake dragged its flame tail straight into the sky, shooting into the air at an oblique angle of [-] degrees, and the fiery red light was extremely dazzling in this green ocean.


The Devil Sergeant was terrified, and fired a signal bomb under his nose, which was clearly to guide and mark the position of the aircraft in the air.

The ghost soldiers, who were belatedly aware of it, raised their bayonets and stabbed Li Shuanggui hard in the back...


Several bayonets came out of the body from different directions, steaming blood flowed quickly along the blood grooves on the blades...

Li Shuanggui, who suffered a fatal blow, vomited blood from his mouth and nose, his face lost color instantly, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

As the Japanese soldier drew the bayonet away, his body also lost the last bit of strength, and fell unwillingly on the grass.

The little devil could no longer take care of Li Shuanggui's life and death, and the panic-stricken Sergeant immediately ran forward, yelling as he ran to send someone to notify the troops to evacuate.


At the same time, in the cockpit of a b17 bomber leading in the sky...

The captain looked at the ground through the observation window, except for the remains of the explosion of the round of bombing, no other traces were found.

Just now, two fighter planes were sent to investigate at low altitude, but nothing was found, and the reply message from the headquarters showed that they did not hit the main force of the Japanese army at all, which is really nerve-wracking.

At this time, the pointer indicated that the aircraft was running out of fuel, and if it was consumed further, it would not be enough to return home.

The captain shook his head helplessly, and signaled the co-pilot to contact the other crew members by radio and prepare to return.

Just when the entire bomber formation was preparing to return, there was a bright spot in the crevice of a mountain in the lower reaches of the dry riverbed on the ground.

The bomber clearly saw through the observation equipment that it was a red-purple flare.

"Nine o'clock direction, found the guidance signal!"

The bombardier shouted hastily.

At this time, the captain and co-pilot also saw the signal flare. Although they only stayed in the air for a short ten seconds, the bright and dazzling light clearly marked the direction.

They all knew that this was the pistol-style flare often used by front-line troops, and the purple-red light was its unique symbol.

"Skinner No. 65.4 call, Skinner No. 76.1 call, found the ground guidance signal, the coordinates are [-] south to [-] west, and all crews immediately bombed this coordinate!"

"Flayer Two received..."

"Flayer Three received..."

After the brief radio conversation ended, the captain immediately climbed up and turned around, and drove the bomber towards the predetermined direction at a very high speed.

That location was not far away, and soon three B17s flew over the target, the bomb bay slowly opened, and the observers were also calculating the data needed for bombing in the sights.

There are not many bombs on their plane, only five 250-kilogram high-explosive aerial bombs are left, but the highlight is on the Skinner No. [-] plane, where the cabin is full of napalm bombs.

"Altitude +800, 3° to the right, drop the bomb!"


The Devil Artillery had just disassembled the artillery on the emplacement into parts, and before they could put the mules on their backs, they heard gunshots three to four hundred meters away, and they knew with their toes that the Chinese must be harassing.

The commander immediately ordered to speed up the transfer. As for the small Chinese troops on the outskirts, Xio Zhongshan ordered his subordinates to eat up the opponent as soon as possible.

But to everyone's surprise, an inconspicuous flare broke the situation first,
It didn't take a while... The roar of the plane engine sounded again in the sky, and Xio Tadayama's heart almost rose to his throat for a moment. This was the sound of hell that he didn't want to hear the last time!

Among the bushes on the river bed, Li Shuanggui, who was not cared about, lay quietly on the ground.

The sky above is so white, yet so far away...

When dying, familiar people or things in memory slowly come to mind like a revolving lantern...

He remembered the time when he was slapped by the instructor for playing tricks during training, and he remembered that he and Qiu Lin were almost scolded for being late when they sent letters...

On weekdays, the vicious but warm-hearted company commander Chen, the instructor who takes the lead, the second platoon leader who always likes to argue with himself,

And that stinky boy Qiu Lin who is always by his side like a follower no matter it is training or resting,

It's just that all of this will be far away from him forever...

The moment before his consciousness dissipated, he seemed to see those small black dots falling rapidly in mid-air, and the panicked shouts of the little devil not far away.

Paying so much is finally worth it...

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