Chapter 596
call out…

The artillery shells crossed the hill, setting off huge explosion groups one after another on the ground, and the smoke and dust column that flew straight into the sky was more than ten meters high, and each artillery shell could create deep pits several meters on the ground.

At the frontier observation post one kilometer away, Liao Mingyu was leaning down to observe the situation ahead with the artillery mirror, with a serious expression on his face.

The terrifying shelling almost covered the entire mountain, and the battle was huge and continuous. The original position was the offensive position of the Fourth Battalion of the Second Main Regiment, but now it has become a sea of ​​shells rolling.

It can be said that even the 155mm howitzers on the heavy artillery brigade can hardly achieve this effect.Judging from the explosion radius of the shell, the power of this artillery with a larger caliber is absolutely.

"Hmph, the little devil's 203 naval gun is really bluffing." Liao Mingyu sneered, staring straight ahead.

Fortunately, the team has been withdrawn in advance, otherwise the establishment of the Fourth Battalion may have to be cancelled.

"Report Junzuo, the No. 10 and No. [-] Squadrons have already taken off and are expected to arrive at the battlefield in [-] minutes. However, according to intelligence, more than a dozen fighter planes from the Japanese Malaysian Airport took off, and they should arrive at the sky over Yangon at the same time."

Yu Sifan stood straight with a folder. As the leader of the intelligence department and the secret service battalion, this time he also came to the Yangon battlefield with Liao Mingyu.

"At this point, it's really not easy for the little devil to cobble together a squadron of fighter pilots."

Liao Mingyu smiled. Everyone knows how difficult the situation of the Japanese army is now, especially the pilots. It is basically a dilemma where there are planes but no one to pilot them.

Most of the experienced pilots were lost in various battles, and the rest were nothing more than novice rookies who had just passed flight training, relying on them to play the game of "Kamikaze Secret Service" barely, Air combat with real swords and guns is just a target.

Even the few remaining aircraft carriers of the Japanese Navy stopped their activities due to lack of pilots, and they were parked in the military port for display.

In order to avoid the air raids of the US planes, they planted various camouflages such as plants, fields and huts on the flight deck of the ship, pretending to be an island.

Under such circumstances, the Japanese army was able to squeeze out more than a dozen sorties of pilots to take off into the air to fight. It is not difficult to see how much they attached importance to the Yangon battlefield, or to the few naval warships outside Yangon Port.

"Contact the Air Force Command and ask them to act cautiously, not to blindly attack the enemy's air defense firepower network, mainly to contain the enemy ships, and evacuate immediately after completing the ground bombing!"

Liao Mingyu ordered in a deep voice, and after finishing speaking, he couldn't help but look up at the sky.

Although the current Japanese pilots are not good at air combat skills, but those bastards will die together at every turn, so it is better to be careful.

"Those bastards on the sea have disgusted me for two months. If it weren't for them...I would have tore the loincloths of these gray grandchildren a long time ago!"

Long Wenwen complained indignantly, his unkempt face was unshaven, his eyes were sunken and bloodshot.

The high-intensity command pressure on the front line for days and nights also made Long Wenwen look thinner. If it weren't for this military uniform, he might not be able to recognize who he was thrown into the refugee pile.

"Why do you still have such a strong taste, kid? You pick people's loincloths at every turn, isn't it a habit you developed in Savage Mountain?" Liao Mingyu gave him a playful look and joked.



As soon as these words came out, all the officers present laughed out loud, and the dull atmosphere became much lighter.

Even the serious poker faces of Yu Sifan and Chen Jize couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths.

Patting Long Wenwen on the shoulder, Liao Mingyu continued to comfort him: "Don't get angry, the little devils don't have many cards. It's understandable how much they care about being able to gamble with these fortunes this time, but they are all after the fall. nothing but grasshoppers, nothing to fear."

Despise the enemy strategically, and pay attention to the enemy tactically, this is the classic strategic thinking of the old man Taizu.

It has to be said that Liao Mingyu was still very envious of those giant steel beasts on the sea.

The navy of a big country, what an unattainable term this is. Warships are not something that you can drive. Even with the blessing of the system, it is impossible to realize the naval dream in a short period of time.

If China had a complete and systematic naval fleet after World War II, how could it be suppressed in the first island chain in the next few decades, and how could compatriots from different places face each other across the sea and never return.A ten-year army and a century-old navy are not just talk.

But all this will not always be like this. China will be a different world 70 years later.

But this is all for later, the current difficulties are the most pressing. After all, in order to stop the expeditionary army, the little devil has dispatched several main warships to support Yangon.

Except for the heavy cruisers Myoko and Ashigara, which first docked in Singapore Port, and several destroyers.In recent days, the heavy patrol Haguro, which was originally used as a supply ship, was dispatched, and it was already an attitude of spending a lot of money.

Although the Japanese navy was beaten all over the place by the Yankees on the Pacific battlefield, there is still not much that can threaten their existence in Southeast Asia.

The three main ships outside Hong Kong belong to the Japanese Navy Myo advanced heavy cruiser. They were launched in the late 20s and have been modernized. They have 10 dual-mounted 203mm main guns and six 6mm secondary guns. Compared to the Army Artillery, each ship is equivalent to more than an Artillery Wing.

Coupled with those Bailu-class destroyers with 127mm 50-caliber naval guns, the fleet outside Yangon Port has properly formed a heinous firepower network.

Due to the lack of large-caliber cannons, it is difficult for one's own artillery to pose a threat to those fleets.

In the first two battles, the Heavy Artillery Brigade fought against the Devils Navy with real knives and guns, but the results were not satisfactory. The opponent had no losses, but several heavy artillery pieces were destroyed on their side.

They are all based on 155mm and 105mm howitzers. The range is not their specialty, and the opponent is not completely on the shore.As a result, if you want to hit the Devils' naval ships, you must let the heavy artillery brigade move forward enough, but the price of moving forward is that it is easy to be counterattacked by the opponent's firepower.

The land artillery and naval guns are at a disadvantage, and there is no good terrain near Yangon to cover, so it is basically impossible to use artillery to attack the devil fleet.

Although it is the best choice to attack the fleet with bombs or torpedoes carried by fighter planes, Liao Mingyu lacks torpedoes and other means of attacking ships.

The opponent's anti-aircraft guns are not vegetarian, not to mention that there are many anti-aircraft weapons in Yangon City. The risk factor of dive-bombing alone is quite high, and it may cause very large battle damage.

The air force that was finally formed, the dozens of fighter planes are all his treasures, the most important thing is the pilots, even if he loses one, he will be very distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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