Chapter 597
And because of the expansion of the battlefield, the air force was constantly split up to support the front line. The number of sorties dispatched to the Ayeyarwady Province alone is no less than [-] per day. Looking at the number of fighters that can come to fight in Yangon is already large Discounted.

"Junzuo, our core strategic plan is to eat up the tens of thousands of Japanese troops in Yangon City, but the current situation is a dilemma. If we don't solve the problem of the opponent's warship, the casualties of our soldiers will reach a terrifying number .”

Chen Jize, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stood up and gave a sermon. His words were also the most difficult problem everyone faced.

If the onslaught of casualties was not counted, they had already entered the city of Yangon two months ago, but breaking through the defense line and entering the city was not the end, what awaited them was a more brutal beginning.

There are not only hundreds or thousands of people there, but tens of thousands of well-equipped Japanese soldiers. Among them, the combat effectiveness of the Second Division and the No.16 Division is not low. The other side is also waiting for the soldiers of the expeditionary army to rush into the city. Street fighting inside.

It was because they didn't want to use the tactic of killing one thousand enemies and harming eight hundred, that caused the two sides to confront each other outside Yangon for a long time.

During this period of time, the two sides were not idle. The battlefield became a stage for artillery and aviation. The heavy artillery brigade was divided into three parts and deployed in the northeast and west triangles of Yangon. The artillery units of each regiment also took turns to fight against each other every day. Throw several tons of shells to stop.

The little devils are not being beaten passively, their fleet will look for opportunities to come up from time to time, and it is a round of bombardment against the forward position of the expeditionary force.

Sometimes the reconnaissance plane found the location of the heavy artillery brigade's artillery position, and a large number of shells would fall down after a while, making Li Liansheng and Krupp, the two brothers and sisters, disgraced every day, playing hide-and-seek with the opponent's naval guns like hide-and-seek.

No one who has seen the power of the 203 heavy artillery is willing to fight against that thing on the ground. All living things within a radius of 40 meters will die.

More than a month ago, the Ninth Battalion of the Third Main Regiment was covered by enemy artillery during a tentative attack. In less than a quarter of an hour, the entire battalion suffered more than half of the casualties.

But this can make the commander of the third regiment not spicy enough, and the terrifying power makes the soldiers still have lingering fears.

"The enemy's navy has no good way to deal with it for the time being, but we don't have to fight their fleets..."

After speaking, Liao Mingyu hesitated for a moment with his hands behind his back, and finally looked at Yu Sifan who was aside:

"Sifan, it's up to you to tell everyone about the findings of your intelligence department."


Yu Sifan looked serious, and immediately replied seriously: "Half a month ago, someone discovered a Japanese fortress in Jiama Village in the central part of Mandalay Province...

The local villagers thought that the Japanese army withdrew in a hurry and did not destroy the facilities inside, and felt that there must be good things inside, so they entered the fort one after another to prepare for the autumn wind. "

"It didn't take long, but there was no news from the villagers who went in. Only one fatal guy ran out, but he soon developed a high fever, cough and nausea, and convulsions all over his body. It didn't take long Then die..."

poison gas!

Hearing the uproar of the people here, those who have experienced the little devil's gas bomb will never forget the feeling for the rest of their lives. The little devil has never stopped studying these biological and chemical weapons.

Following Yu Sifan's narration, everyone knew the ins and outs of the matter.

After receiving the report at that time, the spy battalion of the intelligence department rushed to the place immediately, and found many dead Japanese soldiers from the fortress.

Soon, the soldiers of the Special Service Battalion in protective clothing found a large amount of chlorine and mustard gas storage tanks deep in the fortress, as well as the corresponding sub-container shells, as well as some numbers and information of the Gangzi 9420 unit.

After careful investigation, the fortress should have been bombed by Allied planes during the Battle of Mandalay. It may be due to the structure of the mountain. The explosion of the bomb collapsed a section of the passage room, causing the poisonous gas to leak.

As a result, none of the little devils inside was poisoned to death by their own poisonous gas, which is also their retribution.

Maybe the American pilots who carried out the bombing mission did not know that they took over a Japanese biochemical unit in one pot.

Then again, if they hadn't hit it by mistake, maybe these gas bombs would eventually be used on the expeditionary force that attacked Mandalay, which is lucky.

There were as many as six tons of poisonous gas bombs found, about 560 pieces, most of which were chlorine gas bombs and a small amount of mustard gas.

So many biological and chemical weapons are also a headache for the secret service battalion, after all, they are not professional biological and chemical troops.

The storage and storage of gas bombs is a problem, and these things made by the little devil are very unstable like time bombs. If you don’t pay attention, you will eat yourself back.

But when Liao Mingyu heard the news, he became happy instead, and was worried that he had no way to deal with the tens of thousands of little devils in Yangon City. Isn't this the way to come.

In fact, another biochemical weapon that has been unlocked before can also be exchanged from the system-tabun.

However, the lethality of this nerve agent is too great, it is easy to cause accidental injury, and it is extremely soluble in water, which will pollute the environment of the area where it is released.

In addition to the little devils, there are some local people in Yangon City. If Tabun or mustard gas is used, it is likely to turn the whole city into a hell. All living things in it will cease to exist, and the poisoning effect will last for a long time. , even if it is captured in a short period of time, it is difficult for our own troops to approach.

Compared with tabun and mustard gas, chlorine gas is relatively gentler. The poisoned person will suffer from pulmonary edema after inhaling high concentration of chlorine for several minutes to several hours. will lose combat effectiveness.

Although the poisoning reaction is relatively slow, and the fatality rate is not as high as that of mustard gas and tabun, the advantage is that it is less polluting, and it is easy to clean up the poison after the war, so that it will not be messed up.

"So everyone understands, right!?"

Liao Mingyu suddenly shouted loudly, and began to look around everyone with cold eyes. Everyone seemed to feel a faint murderous aura emanating from him.

"The five tons of chlorine gas bombs will be sent to Yongsheng Town tonight, along with a batch of 70 infantry guns. The little devil's poison gas bombs are all [-] caliber, and only those can be used to fire them."

Speaking of which, Liao Mingyu looked at Li Liansheng and Chen Jize: "Your heavy artillery brigade is ready to take over, and I will arrange a special agent battalion to work with you, and make all battle preparations before [-]:[-] tomorrow morning! Do you hear me clearly?"


"Yes! Junzuo!"

The two were shocked, and immediately stood up straight and replied.

"From now on, everyone returns to their respective units to organize their teams, distribute ammunition, check equipment and make all pre-war preparations, and wait for orders at any time!"


The big guys agreed with one voice, the people present are all the top leaders of the main divisions, how can they fail to understand the meaning of their words.

Although it was a bit cruel, but I don't know why, when they thought of giving the little devil a gift package of gas bombs, they were all gearing up, but they were a little excited.

"This big gift was originally intended to be given to us by the little devil, but we Chinese people are a nation of etiquette, and we don't get rewarded for nothing, so returning it to them intact is the most important thing."

Liao Mingyu smiled charmingly, he would not talk about humanitarianism to the Japanese, all of this was brought on by those dwarfs.

Anyway, it's not the first time, it's nothing more than using the same way to treat the other person's body, but until tomorrow, the battlefield that has been confronted for two months will undergo earth-shaking changes.

(End of this chapter)

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