Chapter 598
At around one o'clock in the morning, a group of well-packed convoys came to the artillery camp 10 kilometers away from Yangon, and the dark night couldn't see what was loaded.

The convoy drove straight into the camp, and stopped in the open space of the loading and unloading area with a creak. The surrounding searchlights had already illuminated the open space like daylight, and the soldiers in the car got off immediately and began to move the goods on the car.

Different from the turquoise military uniforms and m35 helmets of the expeditionary force, they were dressed in gray-black military uniforms and mountain caps.

The battle of the trucks at the end of the team was even more amazing. After the soldiers got out of the trucks, Li Kara opened the cordon, and then a team in protective clothing began to unload the trucks.

The soldiers of the Heavy Artillery Brigade around didn't know what they were transporting this time, and seeing the other party's cautious look, they were also extremely curious.

Li Liansheng and Krupp, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed forward and found the leader of the team who was commanding the soldiers:
"Oh, Director Yu came here to escort him himself. It's been hard work. You have to go to the back room to invite me. I've prepared all the tea and water. Let your men rest and leave it to us."

Yu Sifan frowned slightly. He was not surprised when he saw the person coming, but he was a little surprised by the other person's attitude. He pointed to a row of 92 infantry artillery in front and said:
"No, military affairs are important. The things behind are more dangerous. Let my people handle them. You can help carry these artillery."

"Yes, yes, military affairs are important, so whoever is here, find someone to help Director Yu unload these infantry guns, hurry up!"

Li Liansheng quickly made arrangements, and Krupp who was standing next to him was speechless for a while with his obsequious look. When did this old gangster become so polite.

"There are a total of eighteen 92 infantry guns and 4 tons of special bombs here. Please sign for them, Brigadier Li. Let your men deploy these artillery as soon as possible while the night is dark. They will cooperate with the artillery. I still have something to do over there. Just wait longer."

Yu Sifan handed out the folder without haste.

"Okay, Director Yu, you're welcome. If you have anything to do, just tell us. We will listen to your arrangements." Li Liansheng hurriedly signed the document and handed it to the other party.

Yu Sifan was a little embarrassed and dazed, and he didn't know why the commander of the heavy artillery brigade had such an attitude, but it made him a little embarrassed, so let's leave quickly.

"Director Yu, please go slowly. If you have something to say, please speak up." Looking at Yu Sifan who left freely, he continued to flatter and accompany him with a smile.

"Li Wula, do you owe him money?"

Krupp picked out his ears and expressed his incomprehension. The other party was only a lieutenant colonel and he was not familiar with him. Why did he make such a big move? Even in the face of Long Wenwen, he had never seen him so humble.

"I owe you two slaps, you know what a donkey!" Li Liansheng immediately cursed angrily, as if changing his face.

Although Yu Sifan's military rank and position are not high, but the right to speak is not low. Li Liansheng knows that he is the confidant of Junzuo's subordinates, and he is also in charge of the intelligence department and the secret service battalion. I heard that even the gendarmerie has been handed over to him. be reused.

These political workers have always been small-minded, so they must leave a good impression. If you don't pay attention, they won't know how you offended them. Don't mess with you behind your back.

The emperor's closest ministers are the worst to be messed with. Li Liansheng, who has been in the army for so many years, knows this truth well.

"Don't fucking idle here. You are familiar with the [-]nd Infantry Artillery. I will leave this matter to you. Set up the position before sunrise."

The range of the [-]nd Infantry Artillery is only two to three kilometers, and it must be as close to the target as possible. It can only operate at night under the cover of darkness, otherwise it is easy to be spotted by the enemy's observation post during the day.

Once exposed, the naval guns on the sea will blow up. It doesn't matter if you lose this bit of artillery, but you can't make any mistakes in those tons of gas bombs, otherwise you will be the one who is unlucky.

"This cannon doesn't work at all, it's boring, I won't go."

Unexpectedly, Krupp's heartless words made Li Liansheng very angry.

"You bastard! It's exciting to visit a brothel, do you want to go? The food is so good, isn't it, it will make you fat!"

After seeing that the people from the spy camp had gone away, he immediately pointed at someone's nose and cursed, completely different from the nodding and bowing appearance just now.

Although the 2 infantry gun is not difficult to operate, its range and shooting angle are different from the existing howitzers. Veterans who are familiar with this gun are required to operate it. Those recruits who have only touched the M114 and M[-] after coming out of the training camp must be no.

The most important thing is that this mission is no small matter, and it is necessary to find an experienced person to take the lead. He is not at ease for the officers under him. Although Krupp is usually ignorant, he is still very professional in this regard.

It's just that Krupp is a hob meat, no matter how sharp the verbal attack is, it doesn't hurt him.

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, Li Liansheng turned his eyes and immediately made a big move: "Fatty man, I know the warehouse where you hide canned luncheon meat. You can just keep your eyes open and close your eyes. Believe it or not!" I found someone to raise it for you directly!"

Since the establishment of the Heihe base area, the food supply in the army has also become more diverse, but during the war, the individual rations produced by the base are still the main ones.

Each person receives three servings per day, which are filled with ready-to-eat food, such as salty crackers, sugar, canned meat, and loose cigarettes.

Although the taste and variety are not as good as Laomei's extreme luxury individual rations, it is more than enough to fill their stomachs, at least much better than what they ate before.

Especially canned luncheon meat. This is not the unpalatable luncheon meat that Americans added more salt and starch in the later period, but canned food with a normal ratio of meat and starch produced in the base. For most soldiers who have never eaten meat in half their lives In other words, this is the best food.

It's a pity that each person can only get one can per day, and they have to eat it with salt oil biscuits. However, this special biscuit can be soaked in water and eaten after softening. Just add some water and it will become like oatmeal or mashed potatoes. Hungry effects are very good.

But for a fat man who weighs more than 200 kilograms and is either eating or having sex, this is obviously not enough to eat.

This greedy guy takes advantage of his position and often takes more than he wants, and even asks the guards below to set up a small warehouse for himself, and he takes it with him on a truck that pulls artillery. It is full of all kinds of food. for drinking.

Perhaps this is Krupp's only weakness, because his behavior is definitely not allowed in the army.

So when he heard Li Liansheng's words, he was scared the moment he wanted to get angry but didn't know where to start, so he could only stare fiercely at him with his eyes wide open and his cheeks puffed out.

"It's useless to stare at me. You forgot what Jun Zuo said yesterday? This matter is no small matter. If you screw up, let alone your granary, we will lose our lives!"

To be stared at by a 1.8-meter tall man, Li Liansheng is still a little guilty to be honest, but his long-term relationship has allowed him to understand Krupp's temper. Although he sometimes commits offenses, this guy still understands big things. .

"Don't even think about it. If you complete this task, it will be a great achievement? At that time, I will personally ask for credit for you. Maybe Junzuo can reward us with a few rockets."

Sure enough, upon hearing this, the fat man's eyes lit up immediately, and he became excited.

"Okay, I'll go now, but you really want to talk to Jun Zuo, can you bring some rocket launchers?"

I have long heard that the rocket artillery unit of the New Army is very powerful. If we can get a group of heavy artillery brigades to form a rocket artillery regiment, it will be a dream come true.

(End of this chapter)

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