Chapter 599
At 4 o'clock in the morning, the morning star slowly appeared in the eastern sky, heralding that the dawn is coming...

This is the time when people are most tired at night, and the same is true for the Japanese army in Yangon City. Although there are patrol troops on guard, most of the soldiers on guard have deserted.

Except for the fierce battle two months ago, the enemy did not move much during this period, and almost never launched surprise attacks at night. The prolonged confrontation made them less vigilant than before.

As everyone knows, on a small slope one kilometer outside Yangon City, more than a dozen [-] infantry guns have been set up, and the soldiers and artillery of the secret service battalion are making final calculations and adjustments.

If the little devil shoots a flare into the sky now, the scene they see will definitely shock their jaws.

A chubby figure moved left and right in the artillery team, directing the soldiers to carry out the final inspection.

If you look closely, you will find that they all have gas masks on their faces, because they are afraid of making too much noise and being discovered by the enemy, everyone moves very carefully.

No vehicles or mules were used for transportation, and more than a dozen cannons were pushed to this position by manpower, and the shells were carried by the soldiers on their shoulders one by one.

In order to allow the bombardment to cover most of the Japanese defense lines, the firing squads were positioned very close together, and a few hundred meters away was the crossfire zone. If it was placed in the daytime, the little devils on the opposite side would probably have discovered it and opened fire.

This act of bayoneting the artillery is very dangerous. If it weren't for the cover of night, they would have been discovered by the little devils at this distance.

At this moment, the artillery battalion commander took a walkie-talkie and reported the situation to Krupp who was still fiddling with the steering device: "Sir, it's the brigade commander."

Without saying a word, Krupp immediately put down the work in hand, took the walkie-talkie and put it to his ear: "What's the matter?"

"Zizi...what the hell is going on, it will be dawn in one or two hours, fat man, have you done it yet!?"

Li Liansheng's angry scolding came from the walkie-talkie, the voice was so loud that it almost stunned the ears.

Krupp hurriedly moved the walkie-talkie away from his ears, and still said in a calm and silly manner: "It's almost finished, have you received any orders from Junzuo?"

"The order came down, launch bombardment on the Japanese army before five o'clock, but pay attention to the direction of the wind, the wind is blowing from the northeast now, remember, you must wait until the wind direction turns south before you can fire, don't keep it then, give me enough energy beat!
And... before the enemy counterattacks, we must use up those shells, and then bring people back to me immediately! "

Krupp nodded and was about to answer when he suddenly thought of something: "Then... what about these [-] infantry artillery?"

"...You bastard! Don't worry about those cannons! Run as fast as you can after the shells are fired, or you will have to account for your 200 catties!"

Li Liansheng ordered angrily:

"One more thing... If the wind direction does not change, cancel the operation. You only have one chance, so you can't take risks. If the gas bomb doesn't work well this time, it will be meaningless to wait for the little devil to prepare later."

Krupp, half understanding, put down the walkie-talkie and looked at the artillery battalion commander next to him.

"Sir, sir? We need to get ready as soon as possible."

The battalion commander swallowed, and subconsciously pointed to the gas bombs on the ground: "Now we are too close to the little devil, and it will be very dangerous to expose the position if we fire later. We must finish all the shells in a short time. In addition, this The direction of the wind is also..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Krupp, who was belatedly aware of it, ran to the front artillery position and personally calibrated and shot the soldiers.

Krupp on the artillery position is completely different from the fat man who only knows how to eat and drink. Few in the entire army can catch up with him in controlling artillery.

As a curved weapon, the [-]nd infantry gun is relatively easy to hide on the reverse slope and shoot, but for the range and coverage, the artillery position chosen by Krupp is relatively flat, and there are no more mountains for cover.

Although this gun fires faster, it still takes a lot of time to finish firing the four tons of gas bombs. Once the artillery position is discovered by the enemy and fights back, they will be really dangerous.

The time passed by every minute and every second, and the sky was getting brighter. It was almost five o'clock in the morning, but the northeast wind was still blowing.

Krupp was lying on the edge of the sandbag, his cheeks under the gas mask were covered with beads of sweat.

He clutched the firing rope of a cannon tightly in his hand, and stared at his watch without blinking, obviously still waiting for his moment.

The battalion commander next to him was already sweating profusely, and his back was already wet with sweat. The huge pressure seemed to make people breathless.

When using biological and chemical weapons on such a large battlefield, one has to consider the direction of the wind, and at the same time pay attention to one's own position.

Yangon is in the south, their artillery positions are on the northeast side of Yangon, and the positions of the entire expeditionary force are in the east, west and north. If they have to brave the reverse wind to launch poison gas bombs, it is likely to cause harm to their own side.

Maybe it doesn't matter if the main force is far away, but most of their operators are suspended, and even the effect on the enemy will be greatly reduced.

"There are still 10 minutes to five o'clock..." Krupp lowered his wrist and muttered to himself.

"Sir, shall we... shall we retreat?" the Artillery Battalion Commander asked hesitantly.

The skyline has turned white slightly, and it will be dawn soon, but the wind direction has not changed, which also indicates that they have to stop their operations.

Although he was unwilling to do so, no one knew what the consequences would be if he took the risk of firing a gun. After all, it would affect the entire battlefield if he mobilized his whole body.

Krupp did not answer, but stared blankly at the top of his head, listening carefully to the wind blowing from his ears.

About 2 minutes later, he decisively stretched out his thumb and licked his mouth, and raised his head to feel the change of wind direction in the air.

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed a handful of weeds and threw them into the air. As the weeds slowly fell, surprise gradually appeared in Krupp's eyes.

After another 5 minutes, he did the same thing again, the weeds scattered in the air drifted with the wind, but this time, they slowly landed in the opposite direction.

"The wind direction... has changed?" The battalion commander stared blankly at the grass clippings on the ground with an expression of disbelief.

A gust of wind caressed by, and everyone could feel the coolness behind them, which was extremely cool in this scorching morning.

It is obvious that the southerly wind is blowing now. Although the wind speed is not fast, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them.

Krupp no ​​longer hesitated, and immediately ordered loudly: "Order, everyone is ready, use the No. 1 gun position as a signal, and fire at the same time."


(End of this chapter)

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