My Head of the Huaxia Expeditionary Force

Chapter 650 All living beings are equal under cloud bombs

Dust…rubble…endless ruins…

The smell of gunpowder smoke after the shell explosion has not dissipated, and the corpses cooked by incendiary bombs last night still exude a stench...

The Japanese in Yangon City have persisted in this environment for more than forty days, but the bloody battle is still not over.

All kinds of artillery were poured overhead every day, and the continuous covering firepower for more than a month caused the Japanese army to suffer a huge blow.

The number of more than 70,000 Japs has long been reduced by more than 50%, and more than half of the surviving soldiers are injured. Every day, people die from serious injuries and infections. There are currently less than 10,000 soldiers with fighting ability.

After all, they were always being beaten. In addition to losing most of their heavy weapons, they still had plenty of food and ammunition. However, injuries and war weariness were increasing day by day.

The most difficult thing to conquer is the fortress on the hillside in the southwest corner of Yangon town. The starting point of all tunnels and hidden soldier caves starts from here.

The turrets and bunkers on the surface were all demolished, but there was no easy way to conquer the permanent fortifications built against the mountains.

The bombs of the bombers cannot be destroyed, and the heavy artillery cannot hit them even if they are blocked by mountains. There are countless bunker tunnels in the surrounding city. The only way seems to be to fill them with the lives of soldiers.

And based on the movements of the Japanese troops, their command system is also located here.

At around 8 a.m., the expeditionary force outside the defense zone of Yangon City began preparations for war. Ammunition was distributed and all soldiers received two days of individual soldier rations. The field hospital was also packing up and moving closer to the front line.

The first and second regiments of the Honorable Third Division, the tank regiment and the motorized infantry regiment of the armored brigade are ready to go as the main attack team, while the rest of the troops serve as reserve teams, ready to go into battle at any time.

The heavy artillery brigade opened fire, and several rounds of shelling once again added countless craters to the battlefield.

The rocket artillery regiment also joined in, and countless rockets screamed in the air, covering the Japanese positions like fire-breathing dragons one after another.

Twenty minutes later, the impact points gradually became sparse, and the tense atmosphere reached its peak in the army.

As usual... when the frequency of artillery fire weakens, it is the time for the infantry to rush forward with the extension of firepower, and then it is time for arduous street fighting.

Just as everyone clenched their weapons, they all thought that a big battle was about to begin, but after waiting for a long time, they still did not receive the attack order from above.

Until the bombardment was completely over, there was no sound except gunpowder smoke on the battlefield. The soldiers were puzzled, and even the officers of the various departments did not understand what was going on.


Also confused were the little Japs. They almost finished their breakfast carrying the shells, and then picked up their weapons and began to deploy in the position.

In particular, the hillside fortress in the southwest corner of Yangon City is heavily guarded. It is not only their command center, but also the central hub of the tunnel transportation network. Most of the supplies are stored here, so its importance is of great importance.

But almost an hour had passed since the bombardment, and there was still no enemy attack. This actually put the Japanese at risk.

This kind of formation of the Expeditionary Force is the largest in half a month. Normally, there are only a few 125 howitzers at most, but they will never be as full-fire as now.

Just when everyone was wondering, bursts of roaring sounds suddenly came from the sky.

The Japanese who are often bombed are very familiar with it. This sound is the sound of B29 bombers flying at low altitude.

It turns out that the enemy did not attack because they were waiting for the next wave of bombings, but the firepower connection was not good. It took so long for the bombers to come over after the bombardment was over.



There were several loud noises, and artillery shells once again hit the Japanese position. However, the violent explosion as imagined did not appear. Instead, a large cloud of red smoke rose from the position.

This frightened the Japanese, and they began to hide and flee. They thought that the expeditionary force had used poison gas bombs again, but it took a long time to find out that they were just a few marked smoke bombs. The little devil was still rejoicing, but he didn't know that an unprecedented crisis had already arrived.


"Flight altitude 750, speed 600, advance angle 30, coordinate position is being obtained, please pay attention to the red reference object..."

On the bomber, the pilot was reporting all the data, and the weapons engineer conducted a final safety check on the bomb.

The other crew members were also worried. They learned just before takeoff that a new type of large-scale incendiary bomb was to be dropped this time.

Just looking at the huge size, you can tell that the power of this thing is absolutely terrifying.

The red smoke area on the ground was particularly obvious, and the bombardier calculated the bombing angle in the sight instrument with a solemn expression.

Because he had never used a weapon such as cloud explosive bombs and was not sure of the specific explosive power, Liao Mingyu did not let the troops attack first to avoid unnecessary accidental injuries.

"We have reached the target time and space, you have 20 seconds!"

After arriving at the designated location, the bomb release door slowly opened. The weapons engineer opened the external delay safety of the cloud burst bomb, and then nodded to the bombardier.

The moment the release spring opened, the BLU82 vacuum bomb fell straight to the ground like a meteorite. The bomber suddenly lost 6.8 tons of weight, and the entire body shook violently.

The free-falling bomb made a sound through the air, but just as it fell halfway, the parachute device at the tail of the bomb opened, and a white parachute quickly deployed.

Even with the deceleration of the parachute, the bomb still falls very quickly under its own weight and inertia.

Just when it was about to fall to the ground, the BLU82 vacuum bomb suddenly exploded, and a white cloud with a diameter of more than 500 meters bloomed in mid-air.

The inside of the cloud bomb is not explosives, but cloud explosives made from high-energy fuel. One kilogram of cloud explosives is three times more powerful than TNT explosives of the same weight.

That white mass was the sol cloud that was first detonated and spread into the air by the cloud explosive agent.

A few tenths of a second later, the ignition fuse detonated, instantly igniting the white cloud. A dazzling light burst out in mid-air like a sun, and the terrifying shock wave caused by the explosion swept toward the ground.

In an instant, a huge fireball soared into the sky. The 2500-degree high-pressure, high-inflammation fireball expanded rapidly at seven times the speed of sound, leaving no grass behind in its path, and no one, human or animal, was spared.

If being attacked by napalm bombs can leave a charred corpse on the spot, but in the destruction center of the cloud bomb explosion, there may not even be any residue left.

Since the reaction time of high-energy fuel such as cloud blasting agent is dozens of times that of explosives, the detonation and burning time will last for several minutes. During this period, the surrounding oxygen will be rapidly consumed, and even if it is not burned by the high temperature, it will cause death by suffocation.

The little devil outside the bunker bore the brunt of the attack and was vaporized by the high temperature in the blink of an eye. Even if you hide underground, you can't escape the high temperature. The powerful shock wave directly shakes your internal organs to pieces.

The detonation effect was not over yet. The combustion drained all the oxygen within a radius of 500 meters around the center of the explosion. The fate of those within this radius could be imagined.

The little Japanese had no way of estimating how many people were killed or injured. They only knew that their mountain fortress in the southwest corner was basically completely destroyed. More than 20 senior officers from the Japanese command headquarters died in the explosion...

A few kilometers away, Liao Mingyu, who was still observing, unconsciously twitched the corners of his mouth twice, and the hand holding the telescope was trembling slightly.

No wonder it is said that all living beings are equal under cloud bombs. Looking at the slowly rising mushroom cloud, this terrifying power... It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a nuclear weapon with a small yield.

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