The energy shock wave swept across the earth at several times the speed of sound, followed by a huge mushroom cloud rising into the sky. This scene was comparable to the explosion site of a small nuclear bomb.

The deafening sonic boom seemed to still be echoing in my ears, and even though it was several kilometers away, I could still feel the devastating power.

The soldiers of the expeditionary force were filled with shock, and could even be said to be extremely frightened.

Everyone was secretly glad that the commander did not ask them to charge immediately, otherwise they might have been affected by the sudden explosion.

The good thing about such a weapon is that it can be used on the enemy. If you throw one at your own head... I can't imagine what the outcome will be.

Before the advent of the atomic bomb, this BLU82 cloud bomb was almost the ceiling of the bomb world. Fortresses, fortifications, and underground bunkers were all floating clouds in front of it. Even if it was not burned to death, its internal organs would be shattered. Anyone who sees it with their own eyes will be unable to recover for a long time.

The Japanese army was hit by this attack, and the command system was in chaos. All the bunker tunnels under the fortress were destroyed. The materials and ammunition stored in them disappeared in an instant, and the death of the people inside was extremely miserable.

At this moment, the leading troops of three infantry regiments and one tank regiment of the expeditionary force sounded the attack horn, followed by tens of thousands of reserve troops, ready to go to the battlefield at any time.

Due to the lack of unified command, the Japanese army became increasingly chaotic. Soldiers on the battlefield were fighting independently. Officers at the bottom tried to contact the headquarters but to no avail, and the enemy would not give them more opportunities.

The main direction of attack is the two main regiments of the Honorable Third Division and a mechanized infantry regiment of the 200th Division. They are divided into two parts. One part attacks from the southwest corner and quickly controls the Japanese fortifications in the area, clearing them and eliminating them in the cloud bomb attack. The remaining little devils.

The other unit penetrated directly into Yangon city from the middle, tore apart the Japanese defense line and established its own effective defensive position, opening the way for the follow-up troops.

The armored brigade's tank regiment and an infantry regiment of the 200th Division worked together to attack Yangon City from the southeast corner through the relatively flat coastline. As long as they broke through the Japanese defense line and successfully merged with the th Division, the combat order was completed.

The dark crowd launched a general attack under the cover of artillery fire and aircraft. The soldiers were all working hard. In just half an hour, three positions were captured one after another.

Especially at that hillside fortress, when the soldiers of the First Regiment of the Third Rong Division passed by, they felt the residual heat wave in the air.

Because it was an air blast, the Japanese army withstood 100% of the power of the bomb. The bunker buildings on the ground had long been razed to the ground, and the hillside seemed to have been flattened. In addition to many remains with shattered internal organs on the periphery, even the center of the explosion could see Not many humanoid objects.

As the regiment leader, Bu La could have stayed at the rear and commanded remotely, but this guy who couldn't sit still had to rush forward with the vanguard battalion.

Especially when he saw the devastated cloud bomb explosion scene, the unparalleled shock still made him unable to calm down for a long time.

"You bastard, it's a good thing that Xiao Dongyang didn't do this, otherwise a lot of people would have died if there were so many people coming..."

Bu La sighed repeatedly. The era when problems could be solved by using human sea tactics and a passionate and life-threatening charge has passed. Soldiers are like ants in front of modern powerful weapons, and they will be crushed to pieces easily.

What is terrifying is not only the power of the weapon, but also the severe trauma and fear caused in the heart, which makes people unable to resist at all.

This is what the little Japs are like now. The Japanese soldiers in the southwest area of ​​Yangon City did not make any effective resistance and fled the battlefield frantically. Panic and nervous emotions occupied their brains. The little devils in other positions didn't know what was going on, so they were forced to fight. However, the increasingly chaotic situation worsened, and the collapse of the command system made it even worse.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the 200th Division and the th Division successfully merged. The troops from both sides penetrated almost the entire Yangon defense line from south to north, and began to divide and surround the remaining Japanese troops from line to surface.

The Honorable Third Division has also cleared away the remnants of the enemy in the southwest area and is building firepower points and bunkers to consolidate the captured positions to avoid another enemy counterattack at night.

To the southwest is a highland, which can be retreated, attacked, advanced or defended. The location is very important. The network of tunnels here crisscrosses the area, making it an excellent place for Japanese troops to hide and attack.

Some time ago, the expeditionary force captured many positions under the cover of artillery fire during the day, but when the Japanese army launched a night attack at night, they would counterattack with several times the force to drive them out. It became a tug-of-war, which was very troublesome.

However, they have just fed the Japanese army a cloudburst bomb and successfully destroyed the enemy's headquarters. I believe that as long as they hold on tonight, it will be difficult for the Japs to counterattack...


The sky gradually darkened, and some sporadic fighting continued on the battlefield. The urban area of ​​Yangon was basically occupied by the expeditionary force, and the Japanese troops inside were also divided into small encirclements.

Under the cover of armored vehicles, the soldiers were clearing the remaining firepower points one by one. The flares were fired one after another as if they were free, lighting up the dim night sky.

Some teams were withdrawn from the battlefield one by one in an orderly manner, and pre-arranged reserve teams took over.

However, a large number of troops still remained on the battlefield. Many soldiers were exhausted after fighting for a day, but no one dared to take it lightly. This attack was launched with the strength of the entire army, and Yangon must be solved once and for all.

The busiest ones are the medical soldiers. They brave the hail of bullets and walk through the trenches to bandage the injured soldiers in time to stop the bleeding.

The logistics personnel were also busy and transferred all seriously injured soldiers to the forward field hospital. Without them, the casualties of the troops would have doubled.


The time came to 12 o'clock in the morning, and the little devil's counterattack arrived as scheduled, but the crazy shouts of "Tian Nao Heika" and "Onboard"... were soon wiped out in the dense rain of gunfire.

The Japanese army originally planned to wait until 4 o'clock to start the night attack, but due to the destruction of the headquarters, there was no effective and unified dispatch, and each unit was basically fighting on its own.

Some Japanese squads could not wait for orders from their commanders, so they had to arrange their own breakouts. However, the expeditionary force was well prepared and had heavy machine gun firepower deployed at key points on the enemy's path. The soldiers also understood the enemy's intentions. As a habit, they all stand ready, just waiting for the opponent to hit the muzzle of the gun.

The originally quiet battlefield began to become noisy again. Flares made the night sky as bright as day. Tracer bullets burst out with deadly firelight in the darkness, mixed with the shouts and screams of the Japanese soldiers, dragging them into an abyss of hell.

(End of this chapter)

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