Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 160 Bandit Robbery

Chapter 160 Bandit Robbery
A half-person-high bamboo basket, a light gray package, and a donkey.

Gu Qi lifted the thick cloth on the back basket, looked inside, and couldn't help but his pupils suddenly constricted.

Inside the bamboo basket was a cylindrical snake cage woven with fine copper wire.

And in the snake cage, there are actually a large number of small dragon holy snakes. These snakes are densely packed together, making people feel scalp numb and nauseated.

"How could it be a snake?"

Although Jiang Ping and others were fed the little dragon snake's blood by Gu Qi from time to time, they had never really seen the little dragon snake. At this time, they were stunned when they saw the whole cage of long snakes.

Those who were not courageous enough even took a few steps back in fright.

"Strange, doesn't Old Qin's family raise teals? Why do they still raise snakes! If you raise snakes, you raise snakes. Why do you want to avoid the villagers and secretly send them out at night?"

Suppressing the disgusting feeling of disgust, Jiang Ping stared at the snake cage again and again, and suddenly raised his voice: "Why does this snake have horns on its head? What kind of snake is this!"

"This is the Little Dragon Snake. Don't touch it, this snake is extremely poisonous." Gu Qi's face was slightly sullen, and his thoughts turned to the time when he returned from the dense forest for the first time a few months ago.

No wonder Feng Qing's reaction was so strange when he took out the little dragon and holy snake.

It turns out that since when, I have undoubtedly helped this dog scholar find the person he is looking for.

After being silent for a while, Gu Qi opened the package and saw that besides a few changes of clothes and a bag of broken silver, there was also a letter in the package.

After checking that the broken silver was not mixed with other things, Gu Qi casually threw the bag of broken silver to Jiang Ping and asked him to distribute it to the brothers in this operation.

Then open the letter.

After seeing the above content clearly, Gu Qi couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

MMB!!I can't understand it!

Looking at the densely packed and twisted characters on the letter paper, Gu Qi turned his head and asked Jiang Ping: "Do you understand?"

Jiang Ping shook his head: "I don't understand, could it be Fanwen?"

"Fanwen?" I remembered that the scholar dog said that the little dragon snake was the holy snake in southern Xinjiang.

Could this not be the characters of Southern Xinjiang?
Southern Xinjiang is located in a remote and deep mountain, although there are contacts with Dakang, but the relationship is very ordinary.If you go into detail, it can even be said to be very poor.

People in southern Xinjiang like to live in the deep mountains. There are many ethnic groups in the mountains, each with its own customs. The only thing they have in common is that these villages are very united and reject contact with people outside the mountains.

(This article is empty, all areas are for the plot, don't substitute the present.)
That place has its own system, and the way of communication and handling problems is completely different from Dakang.For this reason, southern Xinjiang can be said to be one of the places that the Dakang caravan least wants to go.It's not that money is not easy to earn, but that if you are not careful, you will never return.

It really wasn't that the caravan was aimlessly targeting.

Rather, the King of Southern Border is weak and lacks prestige.It directly led to the fact that dozens of hundreds of villages in southern Xinjiang had their own armed forces, and some large villages even had their own soldiers, and they did not pay attention to the official main force under the name of the king of Southern Xinjiang.

In this way, once foreign caravans enter the southern border, they have no suitable laws and regulations to protect themselves.It is to deal with those villages one by one in order to keep safe.

However, the rules of these villages are mostly strange, and there are even customs and rules that many Dakang people cannot understand.Some merchants who are not familiar with these villages when they first entered southern Xinjiang may feel that they have done nothing, and they were kidnapped by a certain village for no reason.

However, the scary thing is that once a merchant is kidnapped by the village, the chances of getting out of southern Xinjiang safely are not even [-]%.Even if he was lucky, he was released after losing his fortune and shedding a layer of skin.

This kind of almost barbaric and unreasonable behavior has naturally spread throughout the major caravans of Dakang. For this reason, even though the southern border is rich in products, the price is low and the profit is high, not many caravans are willing to come.

In comparison, more people are more willing to deal with Westerners. At least the trade between the two countries has been going on for a long time, and the rules are mostly the same during the period.

What made Gu Qi feel troublesome at this time was that there were few caravans willing to go to southern Xinjiang, and naturally even fewer people from southern Xinjiang were willing to come to Dakang.Not to mention that in He Song Town, even if you dig three feet, you may not be able to find a person who can understand the characters in southern Xinjiang.

The letter paper was rotated in everyone's hands, and as expected, no one could understand it.

Gu Qi had no choice but to take back the letter paper.He turned his head and glanced at the little donkey standing alone.Grinning:
"Slaughter it, make donkey meat and burn it, and give the brothers food."

Qin Huairen woke up the next day in the cabin in the camp, without the expected torture or humiliation.Not even a person to talk to him.

For three whole days, only one person would come in every night to remove the cloth stuffed in his mouth, throw him two steamed buns and a pot of water, watch him finish eating and stuff the cloth back again.

Every time he tried to talk to the people who came in, but those people were like dumb, no matter what he said, they ignored him.

If he yelled too loudly, someone would knock him out directly, and then splash him with water to wake him up.After two or three times like this, Qin Huairen didn't dare to make trouble anymore.

"Seventh sister, that kid is getting more and more honest."

Not far from the camp, Gu Qi asked Shunzi to buy some bows and arrows from the town and set up a target on the camp, which is now being tested by a group of brothers.

Shunzi had just checked the situation in the wooden house, and said to Gu Qi with a smile: "Yesterday, that kid actually asked Xiao Si that we are brothers from that village, and he treated us like bandits."

"No." Gu Qi shook his head: "He knows we are not bandits. Saying these words is just trying to make you relax your vigilance."

"Why?" Shunzi wondered.

Gu Qi smiled: "Normal bandits rob, usually they rob money and don't keep anyone. If they kidnap people to the cottage on purpose, they will keep them as meat tickets to exchange for money.

We tied him up for three days, gave him food and water every day, and raised him well, but we didn't ask him anything, and we didn't intend to blackmail him at all.What kind of money-losing business would this be done by bandits? "

"That's true." Shunzi scratched his head, "I didn't expect this brat with no hair on his head to be quite a thief, so he almost fell for his tricks.

Seventh sister, shall we just tie him up like this? "

"Keep him locked up for a few more days. There will always be times when he loses patience and panics." There are still a few days before the scholar dog returns, so there is no rush.

Before the twelfth lunar month, Jiangling County ushered in the first snow after winter this year.The snow was not heavy, small flowers, floating intermittently like catkins for three days before stopping.

The construction of Escort land was forced to stop ahead of schedule.Fortunately, before the workers withdrew, the parking area for carriages and horses by the square had been completed.

Today, the snow stopped.Gu Qi asked people to clean up the main road and the carriage parking area early to avoid affecting the business of the market.

(End of this chapter)

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