Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 161 A Small Place in the Backcountry

Chapter 161 A Small Place in the Backcountry
Shunzi, who was in charge of cleaning, heard the movement on the official road and looked up.

I saw a carriage coming here in the distance, and after a closer look, there was a silver-white tall horse coming slowly against the cold wind.

"This horse looks really good-looking. It's shiny, as if it can glow." Xing Hao, who was in charge of handling the crushed ice, said curiously.

"I'm afraid it's not cheap. Have you seen the carriage next to it? The materials and workmanship used in the upper carriage alone are worth a lot of money."

Shunzi said enviously, then frowned: "I see that their posture is coming towards us, brothers, hurry up and clarify the truth, don't delay Seventh Sister's business."

After a while, the carriage went up the ramp and stopped in front of the huge billboard at the corner.

The heavy car curtain was parted, and a tall, slender young man wearing an indigo tunic with wide sleeves came down.Immediately after, came down a young man wearing a dark mink cloak, a moon white robe inside, and a pair of romantic peach blossom eyes.

Shunzi recognized the person coming down ahead with sharp eyes. He had been to the camp before and talked to Seventh Sister, so he hurriedly went up to him: "Young Masters, are you here for Seventh Sister?"

"Is Miss Gu there?" It was Zhou Li who came back from Jiangling County.And the young master who followed him with a pair of peach blossom eyes was the third young master Zhou Yu.

"Seventh Sister is here, I'll take you to find him." Shunzi said to Xing Hao: "Hao Zi, take the carriage and horses of these two gentlemen to the carriage and horse parking area and settle them down."

"No hurry." Zhou Li looked at the giant billboard in front of him, and then at the clean and spacious bluestone road in front of him.laughed:
"I haven't been here for a long time. I didn't expect that this place has been tidied up. You can go and do your work. I know this place well. Let's take a walk and have a look."

Knowing that this person was Seventh Sister's friend, Shunzi didn't say much.

"Brother, since when did you become so familiar with the boundaries of this wilderness, and that Miss Gu, which family is it from?" Zhou Yu asked curiously.

Zhou Li gave Zhou Yu a cold look: "It's just a business friend."

"What business are you talking about with a girl's family?" Zhou Yu asked with a raised eyebrow and a smile.

"When did you care about my affairs so much?"

Zhou Li's voice is low and her rhythm is moderate when she speaks, which often gives people a sense of indifference and alienation.

But Zhou Yu was obviously not afraid, and just jokingly said with peach blossom eyes: "You take it as I want to. Didn't my mother let me watch you when I came out. I heard that third cousin Yu went to the old lady to sue you a few days ago. It's all over."

"Yu Ruolan?" Zhou Li frowned, her expression gloomy: "When did she go to the old lady?"

Seeing his elder brother's expression, Zhou Yu couldn't help being happy: "I said I wanted to accompany my mother to worship Buddha, and I have lived in the main house for half a month.

It's just that I didn't expect that you, brother, are clearly in Jiangling County, but you haven't been back to the main house for a day.Let the beauty go for nothing again. "

"Her matter has nothing to do with me." Zhou Li's tone was cold, and there was a bit of imperceptible disgust in his eyes.

After all, it doesn't matter that Zhou Yu is the first to walk along Qingshiban Road towards the commercial market.

"Brother, wait for me. Where is this place?"

Zhou Yu couldn't help looking around while asking.Seeing that many nearby places were piled up with stone and timber, and even more were barren mountains and soil, I couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "It doesn't look like there are any new tricks to play with."

"It's just a small place in the backcountry, and there is really nothing interesting."

Although Shunzi didn't stop Zhou Li and the two of them from wandering around on the Banpo ground, he was afraid of any accidents, so he asked someone to quietly pass a message to Gu Qi.

Just now, Gu Qi gave Liu Yong and Jiang Ping a third set of military boxing training alone at the camp, so he got the news and soon turned out from the trail on the other side.

"you you are"

Seeing Gu Qi, Zhou Yu was taken aback for a moment, and after a while he realized: "Why, why is it you?!"

"Young master is safe and sound on Wednesday." Gu Qi put his hands on his chest and smiled lightly.

"You are the one who does business with my brother!" Zhou Yu was a little dazed.

Gu Qi was wearing a tight-fitting inner garment made of elk skin today, and an ordinary thin jacket made of coarse cloth.The cuffs and trousers were tied up with ropes, and the long hair was tied up high with a red rope, revealing a smooth forehead and clean eyebrows.

It seemed that there was not much difference from when Zhou Yu first met her.

Except growing a little taller.Seems to be a little fatter?The face was also washed clean.

Since he moved to the residence of the princess in Jiangling, Zhou Yu has seen dozens if not hundreds of young ladies every day.There are gentle and delicate ones, there are delicate and cute ones, and there are also soft and charming ones.

In terms of beauty and stature, Gu Qi's appearance can only be regarded as delicate and clean bean sprouts, but it's not enough for Zhou Yu to remember him all the time.

What he saw and heard that day on Nai He's escape from the wilderness was too horrifying.

The little girl, who was obviously dressed in rags, was so skinny and short that she could be blown down by a gust of wind, but she was able to drag an adult wild deer taller than her from the barren mountain with her bare hands.

Zhou Yu still remembers that half of Gu Qi's face was splattered with deer blood, it was so shocking that it was hard to remember.Zhou Yu had lived for more than ten years and said that it was the first time he saw a woman with such strength and such fierce words and deeds.

Forget it, it was just a chance encounter, and the difference in identities between the two was so great, Zhou Yu felt that he would never see this woman again.There will be no other contact, at most it will be an extra word of conversation when chatting with people.

How could I have thought that we would meet again for the second time.And this woman changed suddenly, from a disaster victim fleeing famine to a business partner of her elder brother.

Gu Qi didn't pay much attention to the shocked and dumbfounded look on Zhou Yu's face, he just turned around and asked Zhou Li, "Why are you here today?"

"Come and return your Ahalma."

Zhou Li smiled faintly: "Actually, I arrived in He Song Town three days ago. I just didn't want to encounter snow when I first arrived in the town. It snowed for another three days in a row, so I was delayed."

"Go and sit up front."

Gu Qi led the two of them to the shed at the back of the shopping mall. It happened that Mrs. He came to the shopping mall today to help Mrs. Qian make a list of goods, so she asked Mrs. He to light the stove, make another pot of tea, and serve pastries and candied fruit .

"Catching up with the twelfth lunar month, the construction on Banpo can only be suspended, but the foundation of the Escort's land has been laid in advance. Just wait for the construction to start after the Lantern Festival, and in March and April, it can be used before summer. gone."

Gu Qi got straight to the point, talking about what happened recently.

The two were partners, and Zhou Li was already in charge of the Escort's business. Furthermore, Zhou Li entrusted a painter to draw the drawings for the Banpo Land, so he should have been informed of the progress.

Zhou Li nodded and said, "The branch in He Song Town has been almost cleaned up according to your requirements. In addition, the leaflet you mentioned earlier will be printed at the bookstore, and it will be available in a few days." can deliver."

(End of this chapter)

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