Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 162 One Dragon

Chapter 162
Gu Qi's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "When the time comes, I will send some to the market."

"It's natural." Zhou Zhou nodded with a chuckle.

Thinking of the letter sent by Zhou Li that day, Gu Qi wanted to ask about the Cao Gang.Seeing that Zhou Yu was looking at the two curiously, he suppressed the conversation.

Zhou Li's business in shredded tobacco and tea cakes was deliberately avoided by the Zhou family, but Gu Qi didn't know if Zhou Yu, who was his own younger brother, knew about these transactions.

Seeing Gu Qi's hesitant to speak expression, Zhou Li knew what she was talking about, so she shook her head imperceptibly when she thought about it.

Gu Qi raised his eyebrows: Do you really not know about feelings?
"What kind of riddles do you two play?" There were only three people in front of the stone table, and Zhou Yu's gaze was always on the faces of Zhou Li and Gu Qi. .

"It's just a business matter, it's useless if you know it." Zhou Li looked calm, seeing that the tea was ready, he got up and poured a cup for Gu Qi and himself.

"Brother, where's mine?"

Zhou Yu watched as his elder brother got up to get the kettle skillfully as if he was at home, and sat down after pouring two cups of tea.Looking at the empty table in front of him, he couldn't help but widen his peach eyes.

Zhou Li didn't even move her eyebrows, she just said lightly: "Did you break your hand? Did you say you broke your foot?"

"." Zhou Yu.

With Zhou Yu around, many things cannot be said.The two of them were not in a hurry, they just drank tea leisurely, and occasionally casually talked about some trivial matters in the market, and also shared some anecdotes at the treasure appraisal meeting.

Zhou Yu was willing to listen to it at first, but after hearing it, he felt a little bored and knew that these two people would definitely not talk about important things in front of him, so he simply proposed to go to the shopping mall ahead to see the excitement.

After Zhou Yu walked away, Gu Qi threw a peanut into his mouth and asked, "The stock of shredded tobacco in the mall is running out. When will the next batch arrive?"

"There are three more days."

"The goods were brought out from Cao Gang?"

Zhou Li frowned slightly: "It's a matter of spending more money." Zhou Li paused for a while before sneering: "It's just that some people are getting more and more greedy."

"Since the branch in the town is ready, it doesn't have to wait for the main office here to be built before we can act.

After the next year, I will take a few brothers to run with you, and first familiarize myself with a few transit points. "

"Then let's go to Sishui County Town first." Zhou Li nodded, and said: "Sishui County Town is not far away. If it's convenient for you, you'd better go there before the twelfth lunar month."

Gu Qi thought for a while: "Then it will take a few days until the scholar returns."

"Mr. Feng isn't here?" Zhou Li stopped holding the teacup and asked calmly.

Gu Qi chuckled, implying something: "Scholar is a busy man."

The two looked at each other and smiled, neither of them had any intention of continuing this topic.

After a while, Zhou Li continued to gossip: "I was in town yesterday and saw that the Black Eagle Gambling House closed its doors to thank customers."

"Boss Liu will leave He Song Town with his confidants and family members in the next year."

Gu Qi didn't mention much about the Black Eagle Gang, but he didn't deliberately hide the fact that he took over the Black Eagle Casino either.

"The location of the casino is good, do you have any other plans in the future?
If you want to continue to open a casino."

Zhou Li was interrupted by Gu Qi before he could finish his words: "Forget about the gambling house. There is no power at the top, and without the name of the Black Eagle Gang to sit in town, this gambling house will not last long in the town, and sooner or later it will be People are smashed."

"And when are you afraid?" Zhou Li chuckled.

Gu Qi hooked his lips: "It's not that I'm afraid of anything, it's just that it's unnecessary now."

There are only about twenty of my subordinates now, and when Liu Long leaves, including all the remaining brothers, the total number of people, old and young, is no more than sixty or so.

More than half of these brothers will be arranged by themselves in the Four Seas Escort Bureau to act as escorts for the escorts. In addition, some people will be arranged to go to several transfer stations as hidden stakes.The rest will naturally be useful in other places in the future.

It is really powerless to open a gambling house that requires a lot of thugs to sit in.

Furthermore, Gu Qixiang, without the remaining power of the Black Eagle Gang, it is obviously impossible for the brothers left behind by Liu Long to stretch out their hands to protect the casino peacefully and prevent other people from making trouble.

As for himself, with so many things to do every day, Gu Qi didn't want to go to the town every day just to show the gambling house.

Thinking of Gu Qi raising his head to look at Zhou Li, he smiled faintly: "Actually, it's not that the gambling house can't be opened. It's just that it can't be opened now. Even if you want to open it in the future, you have to open it on your own chassis, what do you think?"

Zhou Li was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head and met Gu Qi's eyes: "What do you mean?"

"As long as we build this sloping land completely, there will be a commercial market, an inn, and an escort bureau here. There will also be a carriage parking area. Outside is the official road, and there will be a lot of merchants traveling from south to north every day.

And here I can buy and sell goods, send consignments, escort darts, and send darts;

At that time, there will be another gambling shop here, so why worry about no customer flow?Why go to other people's sites and grab food from those local snakes. "

Speaking of which, Gu Qi smiled, with a hint of slyness flashing in his eyes: "When the time comes, don't call it a gambling house, it's not a bad idea to open another 'Eating, Drinking and Playing One-stop'."

Although he had already prepared, when he really heard Gu Qi say these words, Zhou Li still couldn't help shaking his heart: "Your appetite is really not small."

Gu Qi continued to throw peanuts into his mouth unhurriedly, and lazily said: "It's just a small business, it can't compare to the big business of the young master last week."

"Then what do you plan to do with the gambling house left by Liulong in He Song Town?" Zhou Li asked.

"Closed it for a few days first, and after the next year, find someone to renovate it, and then make it a restaurant." This is what Gu Qi thought about a few days ago.

The sauced duck and other bacon and other air-dried meats in Gu's Commercial Market are selling well. Gu Qi had thought about opening a shop specializing in sauced duck and bacon in He Song Town earlier.

It's just that there were not many ducks that the Qin family could supply before, and Gu Qi didn't dare to take any action easily. Now there are more farmers supplying the Gu's commercial market, and Mrs. Qin has also recruited many helpers in the processing workshop. , the number of shipments is no longer a problem.

Of course, the area of ​​Black Eagle Gambling House is not small, such a good location, and a huge building, plus seven or eight rooms in the backyard, it is a bit wasteful to only sell sauced duck and sauced meat.

So Gu Qi thought about converting that place into a restaurant, and the gambling room at the courtyard door on the second floor could be converted into private rooms and some guest rooms.The backyard can also be converted into a guest room. An area is set aside on the first floor to monopolize the sauced duck sauce meat from Gu’s Commercial Market, and the rest will be converted into a conventional lobby with tables and chairs to entertain guests.

Mrs. He's cooking skills are good, although it is not as good as Feng Qing, but compared to the restaurant chefs in the general town, it is not much better.Furthermore, although Mrs. He is not kind to others, she still does things carefully and attentively, so she will be sent there to be a lady in charge of the back kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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