Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 191 Was someone drunk?

Chapter 191 Was someone drunk?
"When the time comes, find a well-written one. Write [Gu's Commercial City] on one long lamp, and write [Xihai Escort Bureau] on the other. The characters should be larger and more eye-catching. Then they will be hung on both sides of the exhibition area. .

In addition, the words [Gu's Commercial City] and [Xihai Escort Bureau] are also written on the small lanterns that are portable. If there is spare time, write the address on it.

By the way, the expenses for the purchase of these lanterns, as well as the money that Si Niang handed over to the discussion meeting today will all be reported to the accounts of the Four Seas Escort Bureau. "

"Can it still be like this?!" Liu Yong and Mrs. Qian Si were stunned at the same time.

Gu Qi raised his eyebrows: "Why not?"

Isn't this just normal marketing activity planning?Obviously, the time and place of this planning event are obviously conducive to preparing for the opening of the Four Seas Bodyguard Agency immediately after the end of the Lantern Festival.Then the cost of promotion and marketing is also very reasonable on the books of the Four Seas Escort.

What, you said Gu's Merchant Market is also occupied?
That's just making up numbers, by the way, don't worry about it.

Regarding the Lantern Festival, Gu Qi handed it over to Mrs. Qian Si and Liu Yong.Due to time constraints, Gu Qi asked someone to bring a message to Zhou Li, and borrowed his manpower to help collect the needed lanterns.

At the same time, he also explained that since Jiang Ping, Yuan Fang, and Liu Jiang fully cooperated with Qian Si Niangzi's lantern exhibition area, they must take this opportunity to completely name the Four Seas Escort Bureau on the day of the Lantern Festival. Everyone knows.

Ten miles long street, the lights are like day;Fire trees and silver flowers, dance all night ichthyosaurs.

Gu Qixian sat in the dark at the end of the crowd, eating glutinous rice balls stuffed with sesame seeds, while watching Yuan Fang and Liu Jiang lead people to hand out small hand-held advertising lanterns for free to the passing people, and he even stuffed a piece of the Four Seas Escort special leaflet.

Both of them have good looks, they can speak well, and they still have a smile on their faces when they talk, which makes passing women look at them frequently, and their popularity is extremely good.

As for Jiang Ping, who was busy with these two people, at this moment, he was sitting depressed on the steps beside the entrance of the escort agency, doing nothing.

But Jiang Ping couldn't put his face down and refused to do things, but Jiang Ping's face was too fierce, and he was thick and muscular. If he stood on the street, he would scare away many people if he didn't do anything.

Just now, Jiang Ping stuffed a little white rabbit lantern into a passing female doll, which scared the female doll to tears.The parents of the little girl thought that they had encountered a paihuazi who kidnapped the child, and almost overturned the booth.

Wang An, who came to join in the fun, couldn't stand it any longer, so he simply asked Jiang Ping to go back first.Jiang Ping had nothing to do, so he could only sit in a corner in a daze, depressed.

"You are more relaxed."

Holding a goldfish lantern in his hand, Zhou Li came slowly, wearing an extravagant dark purple robe.

Gu Qi looked up and saw the flickering silver patterns embroidered on the neckline and cuffs, it was really flamboyant.

"Want a bowl?" Gu Qi asked.

Zhou Li nodded and sat down, put the goldfish lantern in her hand aside, and reached out to greet the stall owner: "A bowl of glutinous rice balls."

"Two bowls." Gu Qi followed up and added.

Zhou Li raised her eyebrows and smiled lightly: "Why do you eat so much?"

Gu Qi squinted his eyes, finished the last glutinous rice ball in the bowl, and said vaguely: "At my age, it's time to grow my body, so I can't be hungry."

Zhou Li smiled and didn't ask any more questions, but couldn't help but think of the younger sisters at home.

About the same age as Gu Qi, but with a small appetite, it is not bad to eat two mouthfuls of food on a table.There are even those who are busy asking their mother-in-law to cook soup for digestion just because they have one more mouthful.

In the past, he didn't think there was anything wrong with it, he just thought that the girl's family was not as good as the man's, and most of them were weaker and more delicate.Looking at Gu Qi's appearance now, I feel that the younger sisters in the family may be eating too little, so they are all so thin.

"Two guests, please." Hot
The steaming glutinous rice balls were brought to the table, and the stall owner interrupted Zhou Li's thoughts with a slightly flattering tone.

While blowing hot air, Zhou Li asked Gu Qi: "Who do you plan to let go for the first order?"

Gu Qi raised his head: "Why, there is another disturbance at the Cao Gang."

"I can't hide anything from you."

Zhou Li raised her eyes and smiled lightly: "I heard that something happened in the main hall, and the following halls refused to accept anyone, and there were frequent incidents of suppressing goods and deducting goods in two months."

Gu Qi was surprised: "Ordinary goods are also detained?"

Zhou Li nodded: "Ordinary goods are also deducted, otherwise I wouldn't have such a headache. More than half of Zhou's current goods have been transferred to the caravan.

It's just that I don't have any familiar contacts in the caravan, and ordinary goods are fine, our things can't go. "

"The Lantern Festival is over today. I believe that there will be a suitable order to find the escort agency soon. Even if you don't have any, it's okay. You can place an order in the name of the Zhou family. With a suitable name, the brothers can send the escort smoothly."

Gu Qi put down his spoon, frowned slightly, and said, "Let Liu Yong and Jiang Ping go together on the first trip, with Liu Yong as the leader and Jiang Ping as the assistant. It's enough to bring five or six brothers. The manpower for several stations to transfer goods is arranged. Yet?"

"It's all arranged." Zhou Li nodded in agreement, and added: "Let Wang An go with him, Wang An is familiar with the hilltops we will meet along the way, and let Liu Yong and Jiang Ping recognize them by the way. , so as not to cause unnecessary trouble in the future."

Gu Qisan finished his second bowl of glutinous rice balls, licked his lips: "You have a long way to go.

How do I remember that a few months ago, in Yuzhou Prefecture, your family encountered horse bandits.Wang An couldn't solve it at that time? "

"That's a bunch of gangsters. This kind of gangsters generally don't have a fixed hilltop, and the people from the top to the bottom are not fixed. These people don't abide by the rules of the world and are not easy to deal with. Fortunately, most of these gangsters are small in number. Their strength is not very good. Most of their targets are merchants or rich people passing by, and they generally dare not attack escort agencies."

"It doesn't matter if we start. If Jiang Ping and Liu Yong can't even deal with this small group of bandits, they don't have to go out for escorts anymore. They can go home early to farm."

There was no curfew in He Song Town, and today because of the Lantern Festival, the officials didn't even close the gates of the city. The Lantern Festival started at the end of Shenshi and lasted until the third quarter of Haishi before leaving one after another.

Liu Yong and Mrs. Qian led people to follow the lantern cars of other merchants and walked around the main streets of He Song Town twice, and then they were called by the Yu family to attend the subsequent lantern viewing banquet.

When I came back from work, it was already after the Lantern Festival ended.Miss Qian's complexion was slightly red, but fortunately she was still sober when she spoke. Liu Yong couldn't do it anymore, his face was flushed, his eyes were closed tightly, and he was almost supported by someone.

"What's wrong with Ah Yong? Was he drunk?" Gu Danian was also joining in the fun at the lantern festival in the town today, and he just came back from buying some late-night snacks.

(End of this chapter)

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