Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 200 Coercive Means

Chapter 200 Coercive Means
"Brother Fu, last night we acted very hard, those boys from the Four Seas Bodyguard Bureau will be fine."

In the courtyard of Hong's Escort Bureau, several bodyguards of Hong's Escort Bureau were sitting in the yard drinking.

A young, fawning man handed Hong Fu a plate of sauced beef, and asked cautiously.

"Impossible." Hong Fu frowned upon hearing this.

I can't help but think of last night, when I was irritated by the two boys from the Four Seas Escort Bureau, it was indeed inappropriate to strike.When they left, it seemed that those boys couldn't move.

In the past, their brothers often went out to find places, but it was the first time that they hit so hard.

Thinking about it, Hong Fu couldn't help spitting in annoyance, and shouted loudly: "Brothers, keep your mouth shut about what happened last night, no matter who asks, you won't know if you remember it or not. "

"Don't worry, Brother Fu. Brothers are keeping their mouths tight. As long as we brothers don't confess, those cowards from the Four Seas Bodyguard Bureau can't do anything to us.

If they dare to rob our Hong family's business in the future, we will beat them once we see them! "

"That's right, who can say that we did it? Who saw it! Hmph! If you dare to snatch the list from our Hong's Escort Bureau, you should teach them a lesson."

Everyone in the yard was flattering, mocking and scolding, but no one really paid attention to Cui Qing and five people who were beaten and seriously injured by them last night.

Outside the hospital room in the backyard of Huichuntang, Gu Qi calmly looked at Sun Yunsong, who had come here forcibly and had a very ugly face:
"Doctor Sun, I will leave it to you. Please save Xiaosi."

"Yeah! Don't say that!" Sun Yunsong waved his hands, dissatisfied: "I didn't promise to help you cure your illness.

Since you and the others are acquaintances of Master Zhou, the old man will not care about you this time.Let the old man go back quickly, the old man's medicine is still on the stove. "

"I bought your medicine." Gu Qi's expression was cold.

"What nonsense are you talking about, little girl, do you know what kind of medicine I will boil again?" Sun Yunsong only thought that Gu Qi was an ignorant little girl watching a joke, and couldn't help sneering.

Gu Qi just looked at Sun Yunsong like this, his eyes were so dark that he seemed to swallow everything around him: "Doctor Sun, no matter what medicine you boil, I will buy it no matter how many medicines you boil.

As long as you go in and save people now, I will pay whatever the consultation fee is. "

"Humph! What a big breath."

Sun Yunsong glanced at Gu Qi's clothes, saw that they were just ordinary coarse clothes, and mocked:
"Ordinary people want to invite me to a doctor. Regardless of other things, the medical fee for the trip will start at ten taels of silver. Can you afford it, you little girl?"

"I'll give you 100 taels, you go in and save people now!"

"What, what did you say?" Sun Yunsong was stunned for a moment.

Gu Qi stood up, took a step forward, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab Sun Yunsong's skirt, forcing the unprepared Sun Yunsong to bend down in a strange and embarrassed posture in horror and surprise.

For a moment, the four eyes met, and Gu Qi's voice was hoarse and dry:
"Go in and save people. If you save people, I will give you 100 taels of silver.

If you ink it again, something went wrong with the people inside.I can't guarantee whether I can let you go out of here calmly later. "

Gu Qi's words are really outrageous, any doctor will be angry when he hears this.

Sun Yunsong instinctively wanted to refute, people didn't see what Shi was like, and they didn't know whether he was dead or alive, how could he know if he could be saved? !

But when he came back to his senses, he saw Gu Qi's empty and cold eyes as if looking at a dead person.Sun Yunsong felt his back trembling, and said:
"Okay, okay, I listen to you, let me go first."

Seeing Gu Qi let go of his hand, Sun Yunsong took a step back almost weakly.

A Yuan and A Zhi watched from the side dumbfounded.

When the two of them went to the Shangzeng Medical Center to find someone, they didn't see Sun Yunsong.After asking someone around, it took a lot of time to find out that Sun Yunsong had already gone home.

Later, I found out where Sun Yunsong lived, and ran all the way.Afraid of delaying time, when he arrived at Sun's residence, A Yuan jumped into the wall, and without thinking about anything else, he just raised his voice and yelled.

It only said that Zhou Liyou, the eldest son of the Zhou family, invited Dr. Sun to see him.

It turned out that it was Sun Yunsong's drug boy who said that Dr. Sun was busy refining a new medicine.It's inconvenient to go to the doctor, so Master Zhou should ask someone else to do it.

Knowing that human life is at stake, A Yuan dare not delay.Seeing that it was useless to persuade them with good words, they rushed directly into Sun Yunsong's refining room with Ah Zhi, coaxed and tied Sun Yunsong out of the Sun's mansion, and went straight to Huichun Hall.

Along the way, A Yuan and A Zhi were also very panicked.

Sun Yunsong Dr. Sun's superb medical skills are highly respected in He Song Town, and many wealthy families are willing to invite Dr. Sun to their home.And Dr. Sun has always had a bad temper. If it wasn't for a very prestigious family, it would be difficult for ordinary people to invite Dr. Sun.

A Yuan and A Zhi were also worried that they would completely offend Dr. Sun if they kidnapped him today.If Dr. Sun exposes this to Yu's family in the future, they will both have a hard time.

It's just that A Yuan didn't expect Miss Gu to be wilder than the two of them.

Before, he just ordered to kidnap people, but now he simply started threatening.

Thinking about Miss Gu's appearance when she started the fight, A Yuan couldn't help beating her heart, for fear that Dr. Sun's temper might be caught by Miss Gu for a while.

Fortunately, Dr. Sun is not as stubborn as others say.When it was time to give up, he still gave in, regardless of whether he was for 100 taels of silver or was scared, at least he was willing to make a move.

In the end, Sun Yunsong was half-assisted into the room by the medicine boy from Huichun Hall.When I got inside, I saw the man from years ago on the hospital bed, with his upper body naked and silver needles all over his body, he couldn't help being taken aback.

Then he turned his head to look at Old Doctor Wang of Huichun Hall who was taking the young man's pulse, Sun Yunsong frowned:
"Old Wang, you used the silver array to protect his heart veins! Is the situation serious?"

"Two ribs were broken, the position is not very good, almost close to the heart, I am not sure if it is pierced. After protecting the heart vein with silver needles, the breath of this person is still stable."

Old Doctor Wang raised his head: "But I'm not an expert in bone-setting techniques. I'm afraid that if I make a wrong move, the injury will be aggravated. After thinking about it, I still have to ask you to do it."

"It turns out that you kept asking me to come, and it's a matter of life and death. Just say one thing, and I, Sun, will not come." Sun Yunsong said with a smile on his face.

But there is some dumbfounding in my heart.

What's going on all the way!

First, he was refining medicine at home, but someone broke into the door and used his identity as the Zhou family to frighten him. Seeing that he ignored him, he simply put himself on the road like a pig.

It made me so angry that I was frightened by a little girl who grabbed the skirt of my clothes before I got here and said a few words.

Thinking of the little girl at the door looking at him like a dead person, Sun Yunsong couldn't help but tremble all over.

Suppressing the weirdness in his heart, Sun Yunsong looked at the young man on the hospital bed again.

(End of this chapter)

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