Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 201 Chapter 199 The solution above

Chapter 201 Chapter 190 The solution on the ninth path

Suppressing the weirdness in his heart, Sun Yunsong looked at the young man on the hospital bed again.Seeing that there were multiple stab wounds on the young man's body, which had been treated properly, he stepped forward to feel his pulse.

Indeed, as old doctor Wang said, although the heart pulse is weak, it is still stable.

Sun Yunsong breathed a sigh of relief, and stretched out his hand again, touching the young man's upper body chest.

The location of the two broken ribs is indeed not very good, but it is not impossible to save.

Sun Yunsong checked carefully, got up and went out.Seeing that scary little girl still blocking the door, Sun Yunsong's face tightened, and he took a step back instinctively.

For some reason, he always felt that this little girl was very evil.

Seeing Gu Qi looking at him, Sun Yunsong coughed lightly and said, "People can be saved, but I was kidnapped by you, and I didn't bring anything with me.

You ask someone to go to the Shangzeng Medical Center and bring my two medicine boxes, and also call my medicine boy. "

"Is the medicine in Huichuntang not enough?" Xing Haohu asked.

Sun Yunsong was a little afraid of Gu Qi, but he was not afraid of Xing Hao at all. He rolled his eyes and said, "No matter how many medicinal materials there are in Huichun Hall, there are no medicines that I, Sun Yunsong, have prepared with my own characteristics. There is only one, do you understand?"

Saying that, Sun Yunsong glanced at Gu Qi again, and said in a lighter tone, "The kid's injury is not in the right place. I need someone to help me when I set the bone.

My medicine boy has been with me for several years, and it is easy to use, so others may not know what I want.

You should know that there are some things that can be missed by a thousand miles.There is no room for error. "

Gu Qi nodded and asked, "Then will something happen to Xiaosi now?"

"Don't worry, Old Doctor Wang has protected his pulse. I checked it just now, and he can hold on. Just go get things first."

The matter of finding someone to take the medicine box was still handled by A Yuan, and this time it went smoothly, and within half an hour, everything and people arrived.

Soon, only old doctor Wang, the new drug boy, Sun Yunsong and Xiao Si were left in the innermost separate hospital room, and Sun Yunsong drove the others out.

Gu Qi squatted on the edge of the threshold without saying a word.

Xing Hao looked aside, and asked cautiously: "I'll go to the Escort Bureau to see how they cleaned up?"


Gu Qi raised his head, lowered his voice and said: "Go and tell me something, so that all the brothers hold back, and no one should act rashly."

"Seventh Sister!" Xing Hao was puzzled.

Gu Qi looked at Xing Hao with cold eyes: "Don't worry. No one can hide from the revenge that should be avenged.

Remember my words, none of you are allowed to act rashly without my order. "


Although Xing Hao was still a little confused, he still nodded and answered seriously.

"Miss Gu, don't you plan to report to the government?"

Seeing that Xing Hao had gone out, Ah Yuan asked: "Although the people from Hong's Bodyguard Bureau did it after dark. But as long as there is enough money, there may not necessarily be no witnesses nearby.

Let the young master go to the yamen when the time comes, it will be enough to bring the members of the Hong family to justice. "

"Report to the official?" Gu Qi sneered:
"Don't say that there may not be enough witnesses to give Hong's people a conclusive evidence of the crime. It is just as you said that you secretly accommodated the government. Since no one was killed, how can the government convict Hong? How many people are guilty?

Last night, the Hong family had more than a dozen people. Even if the government waits for the investigation, the Hong family can push out a few insignificant people to take the blame.

And those who took the blame could only be released after three to five years at most.What can you do then? "

A Yuan was speechless.

With a hoarse voice, Gu Qi said in a deep voice, "Tao/shang matters, just use the dao/shang solution.

The person who moved me, no matter who it is, must pay the due price. "

Speaking of which, Gu Qi looked at A Yuan and curled his lips coldly: "Reporting to the officials will only make them cheaper."

When Sun Yunsong walked out of the hospital room again, Shen Shi had already passed.

"I'm fine. Don't move your position for a few days, just ask someone to take care of you carefully." Sun Yunsong wiped the cold sweat off his body and gave a few instructions.

"Dr. Laosun is here. I will send the consultation fee of 100 taels to Shangzeng Medical Center tomorrow."

Gu Qi's face, which had been tensed all day long, relaxed a little at this moment.

Sun Yunsong was taken aback, waved his hand and said, "No need for 100 taels.

Although my grandson Yunsong likes money, a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way, and the medical fee is ten taels.Bonesetting medicine costs 20 taels.A total of 30 taels of silver.Not one point less.I don't want any more. "

Sun Yunsong said this with a strong mouth, but in fact his heart was like digging flesh.

Who doesn't love silver, and obviously has 100 taels to take but still has to push it out. In a few words, 70 taels of silver are lost in vain.Isn't it more uncomfortable than losing meat?

It's a pity that Sun Yunsong can't do anything now, no matter how painful it is, he has to endure it now.

Who told him to be in the territory of Huichun Hall now.It’s fine if it’s just the Hall of Rejuvenation.Who is the old doctor Wang, who happened to be in the medical hall today.

That's all, the original rule is to charge consultation fees like this.It's useless to think too much if it's not your own.

In just a few breaths, Gu Qi naturally didn't know Sun Yunsong's psychological changes.

Now knowing that Xiao Si is out of danger, he is also surprised that Sun Yunsong has money and refuses to take it, and the medical ethics are so high!

Even if he was cold and thick-skinned like Gu Qi, when facing Sun Yunsong, he felt a little embarrassed when he remembered the words that threatened him before.

After thinking about it, Gu Qi said in a deep voice, "Gu Qi thanked Dr. Sun.

In the future, if Dr. Sun has something to do, feel free to go to the Four Seas Escort Bureau, or go to Gu's Merchant Market to find me.As long as it is within his capacity, Gu Qi will definitely help. "

Four Seas Escort?Gu's Merchant City?
Never heard of it, where? !

Sun Yunsong is used to indulging in medicine and shutting himself up at home to practice medicine, except for going to the doctor, and he doesn't know much about the outside world.

Hearing Gu Qi's promise now, Sun Yunsong didn't think much about it.I just feel that the little girl in front of me is not only bluffing, but also evil.Not only is he evil, but he also has a big tone, talking in a set pattern.

At the second moment of ugly time, the whole He Song Town fell into silence.

On a commercial street near the town gate, the Four Seas Escort Bureau, where vicious incidents such as fights and brawls took place just yesterday, had its half-covered dilapidated pavement opened again quietly.

Soon a dozen or so people came out neatly from the inside.

These people were all dressed in black and gray clothes, with veils on their faces, and their footsteps were slow and orderly. If you didn't look carefully, these people seemed to melt into the night.

However, at this time, these dozen or so people were heading towards another commercial street on the west side.

In just two quarters of an hour, these people automatically divided into two groups and surrounded a large shop and backyard.

Gu Qi stood in front of the shop of Hong's Escort Bureau, looking up at the huge plaque on the main entrance of the shop.With a sneer, he jumped up and took off the plaque silently.

Gu Qi glanced at the huge plaque of the Hong's Escort Agency for some years, raised his foot and kicked on the word "Hong's".

The thick wooden plaque snapped.

The dull pounding and breaking sound can be clearly heard in the silent night.

 It's over, good night.

  Thanks for the monthly tickets of "Book Friends 20190321165359191" and "Book Friends 160723130211640".

(End of this chapter)

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