Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 202 You are only the first

Chapter 202 You Are Just The First

Hong Mingkun is fifty-seven this year. Since he was 12 years old, Hong Mingkun has been wandering with his family's elders, traveling all over the world, eating and sleeping in the open for more than forty years.

It wasn't until five years ago that Hong Mingkun gradually stepped back and handed over all matters in the bodyguard bureau to his adopted son and chief disciple Hong Fu to take care of them.

Hong Fu is also considered capable, courageous and aggressive, Hong Mingkun likes him very much.

If it hadn't been for a particularly important escort order, Hong Mingkun would not have gone out much in the past few years. Instead, he preferred to raise his body at home and entertain his grandchildren.

Hong Mingkun lost his wife in his early years and never remarried. His deceased wife left behind two daughters.Later, when the two daughters grew up, Hong Mingkun arranged to recruit a son-in-law.

Now the son-in-law is also working as a bodyguard in Hong's Bodyguard Agency, and his two daughters have given birth to four fat grandchildren for him.

Don't look at the Escort's business has been tepid, nor has it grown.But there is no need to worry about food and drink, enough money to spend, and he can play with his grandson at home, and his life is comfortable and smooth. In fact, Hong Mingkun is still very satisfied with the current situation. The past two years have been better than the previous year.

But for some reason, just half a month ago, Hong Mingkun suddenly started suffering from insomnia.

It is very difficult to fall asleep every night, even if you fall asleep, you will suddenly wake up inexplicably within half an hour, and every time you wake up, you will be covered in cold sweat.

A few days ago, Hong Mingkun, who couldn't stand it anymore, went to see a doctor in private, but the doctor said that there was nothing serious about Hong Mingkun's health, and the reason why he couldn't sleep well was probably because he was thinking day and night.Let Hong Mingkun relax and don't think too much about everything.

Hong Mingkun couldn't figure out, since he had retreated to the second line, what else should he be overthinking.

Hong Mingkun didn't believe in evil, so he went to several doctors, but the answers he got were all the same.

After thinking about it, Hong Mingkun couldn't help but think of the newly opened Four Seas Escort Bureau half a month ago.

It was half a month ago, and the time coincided with my days of insomnia.

Thinking of this, Hong Mingkun couldn't help frowning.

Some do not want to admit it, and some even scoff.

After all, the newly opened Four Seas Escort Agency did a good-looking posture when it opened its darts, but the business it received later was not so good-looking.He does all kinds of business that other people have squeezed between his teeth, and he doesn't pick his mouth at all.

There was also the battle at the shop of the Four Seas Escort Bureau, and the waiter guys greeted and sent them off.It's not like opening an escort agency, but it's like opening a restaurant again.

Hong Mingkun couldn't hold back, and complained about the Four Seas Escort in private with several of his apprentices and friends, saying that the newly opened Four Seas Escort did not understand how to do the business of the Escort, it was pure nonsense, and within two months it would be too late. collapse.

Speaking of it, Hong Mingkun always felt that he didn't pay attention to the Four Seas Escort Bureau at all.

It was precisely because of this that Hong Mingkun couldn't help feeling uncomfortable when he thought that his desire for insomnia was most likely due to the Four Seas Escort.

This kind of uncomfortable component is very complicated, it seems a little surprised, but more of it is the worry and fear of the unknown future that I suppress in my heart and don't want to admit it.
This night, when it was just too ugly, Hong Mingkun woke up from his sleep for the second time.

He obviously drank a large bowl of tranquilizing medicine before going to bed, and even lighted tranquilizing incense, why didn't it work at all?
Hong Mingkun got up and wiped the cold sweat off his face, poured himself a cup of tea to moisten his mouth, and was about to lie down and go to sleep, but suddenly he heard a dull pounding sound from outside the yard.Shocked, Hong Mingkun suddenly opened his eyes which had just been closed.

If ordinary people are sleepy at night, even if they hear some movement from outside, they are mostly in a daze and don't take it seriously.

But Hong Mingkun was different, he had already woken up twice tonight.At this time, I was finally ready to continue to sleep, but I was frightened again before I fell asleep.

At this moment, his chest was throbbing wildly, Hong Mingkun instinctively felt that something was wrong, hurriedly put on his outer shirt, and walked out of the room.

Hong Mingkun lived alone for more than ten years, and his room was always at the back of the courtyard.

All the way from the inner courtyard to the outer courtyard through the long corridor, I looked left and right, but I didn't see anyone.

Hong Mingkun frowned, feeling a little dissatisfied, why didn't anyone come out!
Could it be that Hong Fu and the others didn't hear such a big commotion?
After a while, Hong Mingkun began to wonder again, maybe he didn't sleep well in the past few days and had auditory hallucinations.
Standing in the courtyard, Hong Mingkun was a little suspicious, touched his beating heart, always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Unable to come up with a clue, Hong Mingkun gathered the outer shirt on his body, turned around and planned to go back.At this moment, Hong Mingkun suddenly heard soft footsteps coming from outside the courtyard wall behind him.

Having worked as a bodyguard all the year round, the vigilance and sensitivity he had cultivated instinctively over the past few decades made Hong Mingkun turn around immediately.

Turning around, Hong Mingkun saw a gray-clothed man leaping down from the wall of the courtyard of his escort agency.

The visitor was not tall, thin, with curly hair and a mask, so he couldn't see the male and female clearly in the night.

After Gu Qi smashed the signboard of the Hong's Escort, he ordered people to surround the front shop and the backyard of the Hong's Escort.This is to avoid unnecessary troubles caused by someone running out to report the news in the middle.Afterwards, A Yuan and A Zhi were allowed to directly touch the Hong family's stables from the side, intending to give the Hong family a bottom line.

On the other hand, he jumped over the wall of Hong's courtyard.

Gu Qifei moved very quietly, so he shouldn't attract the attention of everyone in the Hong family, but he didn't expect to meet a burly old man in the courtyard face to face as soon as he entered.

Gu Qi was also a little surprised at the moment, but didn't think much about it.

The moment he landed, he changed his pace and hit the burly old man head-on.Gu Qi's steps were light and nimble, but his strikes were completely opposite, swift and fierce, and he punched Hong Mingkun directly in the face.

Seeing Hong Mingkun retreating and bending to avoid it, he turned his fist into a claw like an eagle, grabbed Hong Mingkun's wrist that had not yet been withdrawn in the future, pressed down hard, and at the same time kicked sideways and hit Hong Mingkun's temple directly.

There was no way for Hong Mingkun to avoid it. In an instant, the severe pain from the shattered temples and cheekbones made Hong Mingkun dizzy.

At the same time, there was only one thought in his mind: Who wanted Lao Hong's life, and sent such a master, so that he couldn't even pass two moves.

Gu Qi had never met Hong Mingkun before, so naturally he didn't know that the first person he attacked was the head of the Hong's Escort Bureau. He didn't kill him.

I saw that the old man was hit by his own kick, and the hand clasping his wrist exerted a little force, and with a sneer, he turned that arm over in a strange posture.

Hearing the muffled scream in his throat as he wished, Gu Qi's smile deepened, and he bent over to look at Hong Mingkun.The scars on the face covered by the black veil, and the eyes like black ink, now glowed with a faint bloodthirsty red light.

Gu Qi just looked at Hong Mingkun, whose mouth was full of blood, and smiled lightly, with a dark and hoarse voice:

"You're just the first."

 It's better to post first and then change.Fairies can watch it in two hours.

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(End of this chapter)

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