Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 209 Fighting for the blown cowhide

Chapter 209 Fighting for the blown cowhide

Zhou Li smiled politely and slightly at Li Shanfu, then pulled the seat opposite Gu Qi to sit down, and poured himself a cup of tea, "It's getting cold."

When Zhou Li and Zhou Yu first came up, Gu Qi noticed it.It's just that Zhou Li is half of her own, and apart from shredded tobacco and tea cakes, the commercial complex is an open business, so there is no need to be too taboo.

Naturally, there was nothing worth hiding in the conversation between him and Li Shanfu.

After greeting Zhou Yu and sitting down together, Gu Qi got up and added ingredients to the stove next to him, and re-boiled tea.

Only now did he continue talking to Li Shanfu: "I told Shanfu about this today because I wanted to let Uncle Shanfu pay attention in advance.

With the formation of this new type of business district, Xiaoqi Village is bound to attract a large number of passengers and at the same time increase a large number of jobs. "

As he said that, Gu Qi paused, then looked at Li Shanfu.I wanted to hear Li Shanfu's opinion, but I only saw Li Shanfu's dazed expression.

As soon as Gu Qi thought about it, he realized that he had unintentionally and habitually used words that shouldn't appear.He smiled helplessly, and said in another way:

"In the second half of the year, no matter whether it is a store, an inn, or other businesses, they will need to hire a lot of shopkeepers, shopkeepers, cooks, helpers, etc. when they open one by one.

At that time, it is necessary to ask Uncle Shanfu to help take care of one or two, and ask how many people in the village are willing to work in Gu's.If there are not enough people in the village, farmers in several nearby villages can also do it. "


At this time, Li Shanfu no longer doubted whether the shop area on the Gu family's side could be opened.

Hearing Gu Qi say that the Gu family will hire a large number of workers in the future, and listening to the meaning, Gu Qi also intends to let himself be responsible for the recruitment.Li Shanfu couldn't hide the surprise on his face.
In this era, the level of industrialization is insufficient, leading to low productivity and insufficient production capacity. The only surplus is manpower.Especially low-end manpower.

It can be said that as long as the starting salary is paid, there is actually no need to worry about not being able to recruit people.

There are three reasons why Gu Qi greeted Li Shanfu in advance and intentionally entrusted Li Shanfu with the job of recruiting a large number of workers in the future.

One, naturally repay Li Shanfu's constant help when the Gu family first entered Xiaoqi Village.

The past life of Xiaoqi Village was a hodgepodge of multi-village integration. There were hundreds of households in the village, with big and small surnames, original households and outside households. While being tolerant, it was inevitable that it would become more difficult than other villages due to the chaotic population. manage.

Even though Li Shanfu is the head of Xiaoqi Village, his rights in Xiaoqi Village are actually very limited.Many things have to choose to forbear and give in because of lack of prestige.

Now that Gu Qi asked Li Shanfu to control the entrance of Gu's signboard, it was actually equivalent to using a large number of jobs to indirectly help Li Shanfu improve his status and prestige in Xiaoqi Village.

As for the second, it is because with the establishment of a concentrated business district and the introduction of passenger flow, it will bring excitement to Xiaoqi Village. With the inevitable troubles and frictions, the original tranquility of Xiaoqi Village was broken.

And these will have to be coordinated by Li Shanfu, the village head.

It can be said that this is a problem that will inevitably arise in any place or any industry transformation.

Business opportunities and crises, money and troubles have always coexisted.
Since I have caused trouble for Village Chief Li, I naturally have to give enough sweetness to Village Chief Li.

And this sweetness will also allow Li Shanfu, as the village head, to have enough balance and capital to solve problems when dealing with frictions between outsiders and local villagers in the future.

To put it in a simple and clear way, when more than half of the households in a village earn money in a year, it all depends on whether the village head is willing to let you do it or not.

The people in the village will naturally weigh the consequences when they are looking for trouble, and they will not act foolishly just because of a little conflict of interest.

Of course, there is a third one. With Li Shanfu helping to control the recruitment entrance of low-level employees, it is equivalent to helping Gu's eliminate a group of unavailable personnel in advance, and indirectly reducing Gu's signboard troubles and signboard costs.

After sending Li Shanfu away, Gu Qi put the newly acquired land deed on the table, and smiled at Zhou Li: "I'll trouble you again to invite Painter Han to come over."

"Two hundred acres of mountain land?!"

Zhou Yu's eyes first fell on the land deed, and when he saw the amount on the deed, he couldn't help exclaiming: "Are you getting rich, or are you crazy?!"

Gu Qibai glanced at Zhou Yu and ignored him, turned to look at Zhou Li, and asked, "Does the young master have any suggestions this time?"

Zhou Li smiled, and looked back at Gu Qi: "I don't have any suggestions, but do you plan to pay back the 500 taels you owe me?"

"." Gu Qizu.If you don't mention this, you can still be friends in the future.

Gu Qi looked at the corners of Zhou Li's mouth that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and sneered for a while.

The debt that was obviously only 500 taels of silver, at this moment, was like a pot of cold water pouring over Gu Qi's enthusiasm for doing a big business in the past few days.

Zhou Li got up gracefully and fetched the freshly boiled tea from the stove, refilled the hot tea for the three of them, and said unhurriedly:
"I only promised to waive your interest for one year. For the sake of the agreement between you and me, after the one-year period, the interest will be calculated according to the market price, and the price will not be increased for you."

"." Gu Qi died again.

Based on Zhou Li's calculation method, the market price is comparable to usury!

"You actually owe my elder brother money?"

After Zhou Yu came up to look at Gu Qi's face, he couldn't help laughing: "Then you are finished!

My elder brother doesn't borrow money easily. The last time he borrowed money, he lent it to a member of the staff, and that member went bankrupt after only half a year.There was no money to pay back, so the old house and the family land were transferred to my elder brother. "


Gu Qi's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

It's a pity that Zhou Yu seemed to be completely invisible, and continued to ask: "I think your business is quite profitable, why do you still owe my elder brother money?"


Gu Qi didn't want to pay attention to Zhou Yu at all.I just feel that this kid's mouth is so small, and he can still live so safely, probably because his family is rich enough.
Based on the current daily business of Gu's Merchant City and the revenue of the Four Seas Escort Bureau, even if Gu Qi is not making a lot of money every day, the amount of money entered into the account every day is quite considerable.

However, if you earn more, you spend more.

In order to catch up with the daily wages of hundreds of workers on the slope after the construction period, and the continuous delivery of wood and stone, which one does not require money?
In addition to Gu's employees, helpers in the workshop, and brothers in the camp, adding up, the daily expenses are like flowing water, which cannot be stopped.

500 taels of silver is not too much, but it is true that so much cannot be shown on the books now.

If the five-hundred-mile flowing water were to be squeezed out forcibly, the people in the finance department and purchasing department at the commercial city would have to jump their feet.Even the project on the back slope may have to be temporarily suspended.

 Thanks to "Lili" and "YY want cc" monthly pass, good night everyone

(End of this chapter)

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