Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 212 Provision of Property Services

Chapter 212 Provision of Property Services
Mrs. Qian Si smiled slightly, and pointedly said: "In that row of shops, two of them belong to the Zhou family. It just so happens that the young master of the Zhou family just came to make a decision."

"What?! You said that the young master of the Zhou family also came here in person?" Liu Xiaoyuan was surprised.

Although Liu's cloth line and Zhou's cloth line have always been rivals, as far as the cloth line is concerned, the Liu family may not be afraid of the Zhou family.But Liu Xiaoyuan also knew in his heart that the Zhou family's business was extensive, involving all walks of life, and the cloth business that the Liu family relied on for a living was just one of the insignificant transactions with the Zhou family.

In addition, the Zhou family's industries spread all over the towns and counties in Jiangling County, which is comparable to the Liu family, which only lives in He Song Town and cannot be ranked in the top three.

As for Zhou Li, the young master of the Zhou family, although he rarely showed up in He Song Town, because of the Yu family's relationship, which family in He Song Town has a reputation that has never heard of the Zhou family's reputation?

And who doesn't know that the Zhou family is currently headed by Mr. Zhou on the surface, but in fact, it is the eldest young master who has gone out alone when he was young who is actually in charge of most of the property under the Zhou family name.

It's just that someone like Young Master Zhou, how could he have the leisure to come to a remote place like Xiaoqi Village in person?
Liu Xiaoyuan, who already knew the benefits of Zhou's cloth guild entering Gu's commercial market, was not surprised.

Even when Mrs. Qian introduced Gu's new comprehensive commercial plaza, commercial street, etc., Liu Xiaoyuan instinctively wanted to ask Zhou's cloth shop if it had a shop.

But what Liu Xiaoyuan didn't think about was that the Zhou family did buy a new store here, but it was not just in the name of Zhou's cloth business, but the young master of the Zhou family came here in person.

Miss Qian looked at Liu Xiaoyuan with a slight smile and said nothing.

The friendship between the young master of the Zhou family and his daughter is seen by everyone in the Gu family, although Mrs. Qian is not clear why the boss suddenly mentioned to herself today that they would give up the two outermost shops on the commercial street to Zhou Da. master.

But this does not prevent Fourth Lady Qian from deliberately disclosing this matter to Liu Xiaoyuan at this time.

In business matters, it is all about being carried by a person in a fancy sedan chair.

Let’s say that Mrs. Qian has been in charge of only Gu’s commercial market. As for Gu’s other business plans and plans, she is actually not very clear. It was only after this time that Mrs. Qian Si gradually gained some understanding of the comprehensive commercial plaza.

Of course, Mrs. Qian would not tell Liu Xiaoyuan about these things.On the contrary, with Mrs. Qian's intelligence, since she knew that Gu's plan was to sell a new shop, she would know what to say, what not to say, and what should be appropriate when facing a merchant like Liu Xiaoyuan who has enough purchasing power. Say more.

The commercial street in Houpodi is only a semi-finished product, and no one knows what will happen in the future.And it is precisely this kind of time when there is no ups and downs, what can make Liu Xiaoyuan tempted in the fastest time and firmly believe in the future of the comprehensive commercial plaza?

The most effective way is naturally to carry out the live signboard of Young Master Zhou and use it first.
In the past two years, Liu Xiaoyuan's face has almost changed because of the cloth business.So Fourth Lady Qian mentioned the Zhou family to provoke Liu Xiaoyuan.

However, if it is just mentioning Zhou's cloth line, it may not be enough to make Liu Xiaoyuan feel at ease and spend a lot of money.But it's different when it comes to Zhou's house and the young master.

With the thunderous means that the young master of the Zhou family has done business in the past few years, the shop that the young master of the Zhou family is fancy is tantamount to revealing a certain trend.

It is also a reassurance at the same time.

It means that if you are the first to buy the shop here, or make a shop rental cooperation agreement with Gu's in advance, there is at least a [-]% to [-]% chance of making a profit without losing money.

Just thinking about these things, Liu Xiaoyuan's mood at this time can't be as calm and leisurely as when he came here.

Fourth Lady Qian seemed completely unable to understand the entanglement in Liu Xiaoyuan's heart at this time, and while leading Liu Xiaoyuan to continue walking, she pretended to mention it unintentionally:

"What the owner means is that there will be extra discounts for the first batch of guests who book in advance, whether it's buying a house or signing an agreement to rent a cooperation."

"Oh?" Liu Xiaoyuan asked with interest immediately after hearing the words: "Might as well tell me about the money shopkeeper, what are the different discounts?"

"The owner has set a rule that the first batch of merchants who buy the shop can give free property services for three years."

"Property service?" Liu Xiaoyuan frowned and asked doubtfully, "What is this?"

"Property service is a new service model that Gu's provides to all merchants in the comprehensive commercial plaza. It includes multiple services.

First of all, after a merchant settles in, the exterior walls of the shop include beams, columns, doors, windows, etc., as well as related public facilities outside the shop. Gu's will provide professional maintenance and renovation services every year.

The second is that Gu's will provide a professional security guard. The guard will patrol twelve hours a day in shifts to ensure the life and property of the merchants who enter the commercial plaza, as well as the customers who enter the commercial plaza to buy goods. Safety.

Third, Gu's will also provide daily cleaning and cleaning services to ensure that the entire commercial plaza is clean and tidy, and provide the most comfortable and clean shopping environment for the merchants and purchasers.

The fourth is the parking service.”

At this point, Fourth Lady Qian paused.Liu Xiaoyuan, who looked surprised and somewhat dazed, walked all the way to the car and horse parking area that Gu's just renovated.

"This is the carriage and horse parking area that Gu's specially provides for merchants and customers.

There are two areas here, one is the temporary parking area, which is provided for the customers who come to buy goods.There is also a special parking area for merchants inside, which is convenient for settled merchants to park their own carriages or trucks.

In the parking area dedicated to merchants, there is an additional manger, and there will be a man who takes care of the horses every day to provide food, grass and water for the horses. "

"Do you really have all of these?"

Liu Xiaoyuan followed Mrs. Qian into the special parking area for merchants, and looked at the long clean manger on the innermost side, feeling a little incredulous.

Mrs. Qian Si smiled slightly, and said softly: "The owner said that in the future, whether it is a merchant settled in or a customer who comes to shop, Gu's will provide everyone with the safest, most comprehensive, most innovative, and most comfortable experience."

Liu Xiaoyuan was taken aback by Mrs. Qian's words. He hesitated for a while and said, "Master Qian, your boss said all of your weird words?"

Mrs. Qian Si smiled lightly, and said unhurriedly: "The owner said that Gu's comprehensive commercial plaza is a brand-new way of shopping experience. In order to provide professional services in an orderly manner in the future, Gu's internal language skills It will be a little different from the usual outside.

This is the first time for you to listen to Mr. Liu, so it's because you're not used to it.

Even us employees of Gu's were a little confused when we first heard the boss talk about these things.As time goes by, I get used to it. "

(End of this chapter)

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