Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 214 Funds Chapter Cage

Chapter 214 Return of Funds
Although a few hundred taels of silver can't even buy a dilapidated small house in He Song Town, let alone a shop with a decent location.

But after all, it is in the town, what kind of place is this?It's just a nearby village.

Even if the Gu family will make a big move here in the future, that is also in the future.As far as I can see, construction is still underway everywhere, and I can't see any tricks.They are going to sell the shop inside for more than 300 taels?

Seeing Liu Xiaoyuan's expression, Mrs. Qian did not mention the price, but just smiled slightly: "The owner said that there are not many shops that can be sold, and even Young Master Zhou only allocated two sets. It is not given."

"Why is this?" Liu Xiaoyuan was a little confused.

"My boss said that doing business is not something that can be done by a single company. Sometimes a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, and cooperation leads to a win-win situation."

Win-win cooperation?

Liu Xiaoyuan was thoughtful.

Liu Jiabu has been in He Song Town for decades, but the business has not been as good as before in the past few years, and the assets accumulated by the family are not comparable to ordinary small businesses.

Although Liu Xiaoyuan felt in his heart that with the boundary of Xiaoqi Village, the pavement at this location was really not worth so much money.But thinking of the identity of the young master of the Zhou family, and thinking that it was only a few hundred taels of silver, it was not a bad idea to take a gamble.
Before leaving that day, Liu Xiaoyuan didn't give any reply, but three days later, he entrusted a young servant to deliver the message, and ordered two shops.

But Liu Xiaoyuan has a requirement, the two rooms he wants must be next to the two shops that Zhou Li ordered, preferably next to each other.

When Gu Qi heard the news, his face was very calm, but after the boy who sent the message left, he couldn't help laughing.

The two shops for Zhou Li are located at the outermost part of the commercial street, which is not the best.

At that time, it was a temporary decision to pay off the foreign debt of 500 taels of silver, so Zhou Li was not given a chance to choose a position. He just marked No. [-] and No. [-] according to the marks on the drawing.

Gu Qi took a blueprint dedicated to the commercial street, and took his pen and ink.Check the positions from No. [-] to No. [-] one by one, then raised her head and said to Mrs. Qian who was still standing there waiting for her words:
"Since Liu Xiaoyuan wants to be close to the Zhou family, let him leave the No. [-] and No. [-] shops to him.

Tomorrow, you take someone to the town in person, and the person who finds the dental office will draw out the land deeds and house deeds of all the shops on the commercial street separately.At that time, the house deeds of No. [-] and No. [-] shops will be sent to the Liu family.

As for the land deeds, bring them back first.If Liu Xiaoyuan asked, he would say that for the integrity of the comprehensive commercial plaza, the land deeds of all the businesses are under the unified custody of the Gu family.

Of course, the retention of the title deed does not prevent the second sale of the store in the future, subject to the transfer of the title deed. "
The Dakang Dynasty's policy on the transfer of ownership of land and houses is not strict, and it can even be considered loose.

It is common for people to buy and sell land, transfer houses, and transfer households in private.As long as the procedures are complete and the transfer money is in place, even if you want to divide a house into ten rooms, it is no problem to sign a separate land deed.

"There are also the blueprints here, you take them to the town together, first find a bookstore to print two copies. When the time comes, bring the original drawing back, and leave the rubbing copy to the tooth shop, and keep the other copy for yourself."

Seeing Mrs. Qian responding one by one, Gu Qi smiled and said: "You did a good job in getting Liu Xiaoyuan to sell the two shops this time. When you come back from the town, go to the accountant to pay 35 taels of silver alone as a payment for this time. Bonuses for selling."

"Girl, you can't do it. This is what Si Niang should do."

Mrs. Qian Si Niang hurriedly refused, and said sincerely: "The girl bought Si Niang and brought her back, and made Si Niang the shopkeeper of the mall, and received a lot of monthly money every month. Si Niang's life is already over. Very good.

The girl did favor to Si Niang, and Si Niang had nothing to repay.Gu's affairs, the girl's affairs, are the affairs of Si Niang.How can I ask for the girl's money again. "

Gu Qi chuckled, took a sip of tea, and looked at Mrs. Qian Si: "The monthly money you receive is the monthly money of the shopkeeper of the mall, and has nothing to do with the sale of shops.

This money is a separate reward for selling the shop, so you can take it with confidence.

Not only do you have to hold it, but you also have to hold it openly.Let all the employees in the mall know why you can take this money. "

Seeing Mrs. Qian's surprise expression, Gu Qi continued to explain: "In the future, all employees in the Gu family can participate in the sale and lease of shops.

Every time you sell a set of pavement, you can get half of the total price of the pavement as an extra bonus.In addition, every time a set of shop is rented out, you can also get a half-year settlement fee, that is, a bonus of five taels of silver. "

"Can everyone?"

"Everyone can do it. Another point is that this bonus, as long as the customer signs the contract and makes the order three days later, he can ask the accountant to collect it, and there is no need to wait for the account to be delayed."

The fourth lady Qian took Su Miao to the town the next day. Because of the complicated procedures for the transfer of title, the fourth lady simply stayed in the town for three days and took care of everything before returning to the small town. Flag Village.

Liu Xiaoyuan settled the 700 taels of silver on the day of the house deed.

When I got the house deed that day, I didn't see the land deed. Although Liu Xiaoyuan asked a question, he didn't say much after getting a response. He only asked Mrs. Qian to bring a message to say hello to Gu's owner.

Just this greeting made Gu Qi a little embarrassed.

Although he didn't see Liu Xiaoyuan twice in a row at the beginning, Gu Qi did have deliberate elements in it.

From the very beginning, Gu Qi didn't have a good impression of those leading merchants in He Song Town, so he didn't want to get too close.In essence, there is really no need to get too close.

Even if there are business contacts in the future, the rich fourth lady Shunzi and the others will do the same.

But this Liu Xiaoyuan surprised Gu Qi a bit.

Whether it's his conduct in the world, or his prudence and unexpected boldness, Gu Qi is a little more interested.

Furthermore, no matter it is because Liu Xiaoyuan bought the shop and confirmed that Liu's will become the first merchant in the future complex besides Zhou's, or because Liu Xiaoyuan took out the 700 taels of silver to solve Gu's current funds in time. The urgent need of shortage had to make Gu Qi's favorability towards Liu Xiaoyuan greatly increased.
But precisely because of this, it made it even more difficult for Gu Qi to meet Liu Xiaoyuan alone.

I didn't want to see it before, but I can't see it now.

Why did Liu Xiaoyuan spend such a large sum of money to buy two unfinished shops?

Gu Qi is not so confident that he really thinks that Liu Xiaoyuan is interested in the future potential of the complex.

The bigger possibility is that Liu Xiaoyuan couldn't figure out who the person behind Gu's was.

Whether it's the weirdness of the mall and the complex, or the fact that the Gu family just sent Qian Si Niangzi as a shopkeeper to participate in the negotiation meeting, they didn't pay attention to the big and small merchants in Hesong Town, such as the Yu family, the Wang family, and the Lei family. Make pie.

(End of this chapter)

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