Chapter 217 Rumors
"The matter of Hong's being taken over by others has caused a lot of trouble in the city. Right now, how many pairs of eyes are staring at Hong's movement, maybe even the officials are also watching.

When you go over tonight, are you planning to arrest someone, or are you planning to throw yourself into a trap? "Gu Qi glanced at Jiang Ping expressionlessly.

Jiang Ping's face turned red, knowing that what he said was a little stupid again.

"Seventh Sister is right. At this moment, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at the Hong family and us all over the world. The more this kind of thing happens, the less we can be impulsive, and we can't let someone with a heart take advantage of it." Liu Yong said.

Jiang Ping was a little reconciled: "But it's okay to do nothing. The shopkeeper Cui said that there have been a few fewer orders recently, and many merchants are afraid to come to the door now. We can't just sit and wait."

What Jiang Ping said was true, Cui Qing frowned and said nothing, turned to look at Gu Qi.

"Not urgent."

Gu Qi looked calm, turned his head to look at the bustling market outside the window, a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Since we came prepared, what should come will always come."

After a while, Gu Qi said to Liu Yong: "This time, you must make arrangements for the people who are going to Lanmu County, Anzhou Prefecture, and pick a few brothers who are strong and reliable. After the escort vehicle passes Sishui County, they will be replaced. Hide your traces.

It's the same when you come back. It's best to enter the city in two groups, and the shredded tobacco brought back should not pass through He Song Town. At that time, several villages will go around and send it directly to Xiaoqi Village for storage.

You have to be clear, it's not a big deal for the Escort's business to have more orders or less orders, and the places that should be found will be found sooner or later.But the matter of escorting shredded tobacco must not be discovered by anyone. "

"Yes, Seventh Sister." Liu Yong solemnly agreed.
After leaving the escort agency, Gu Qi didn't go back to Xiaoqi Village immediately, but wandered around in He Song Town.After walking aimlessly for two laps, I entered another teahouse.

The teahouse is divided into two floors, the upper floor is the private room, and the lower floor is the stage and hall.Gu Qi chose a seat in the corner of the hall to sit down, and the waiter came up to deliver tea, fruits and pastries.

Gu Qi ordered a pot of tea and two roasted seeds and nuts.He looked towards the stage.

At this time, on the stage, the storyteller is talking about the latest words in the book.Listening carefully, it sounds nothing more than a gifted scholar and a beautiful woman, and the plot of the banshee scholar is not too innovative.

On the contrary, the storyteller has a good eloquence, sometimes cadenced, sometimes affectionate, telling the originally very boring story with spirit and color, attracting many tea guests in the lobby to say hello.

Gu Qi listened for a while, then turned his gaze to another tea table not far away.

On the tea table, sat three middle-aged men, two of them looked like merchants, and the other looked like a reckless man running around the rivers and lakes.
"Brother Jin, what's going on with Hong's Escort Bureau?

The head of Hong's bodyguard is not easy to provoke, he is a foreigner, how come he can't get up after being beaten? "The speaker was one of the merchants in an indigo satin gown.

"It's not just Hong Mingkun alone, the entire Hong's bodyguard bureau was smashed, and none of the bodyguards in it was spared. The worst thing was Hong Mingkun's great apprentice, Hong Fu. I heard that he was broken several ribs, Lost a hand and a foot.

My mother-in-law's cousin is of the same family as the shopkeeper of the Wang's shop next to the Hong's Escort Bureau, and there is some kinship in detail.After chatting, I found out that the shopkeeper of Wang's shop had gone to Hong's early that morning to inquire about the next month's darts, but as soon as he passed by, he saw Hong's signboard being smashed.

Not only was the door of the shop kicked wide open, but there was no one inside.

The shopkeeper of the Wang family was afraid of accidents, so he went to the Hong family's backyard to knock on the door, but the door opened after only a few knocks.As soon as I entered the yard, my good fellow, I saw all the people lying together in the yard.It was all over the place, and several of them were covered in blood.

The shopkeeper of the Wang family was so frightened that he thought it was a homicide, and almost reported it to the government.

And guess what? "On the right side of the table, another businessman in green clothes squinted his eyes and made a fool of himself when he said this.

Sure enough, the words of the green-clothed merchant aroused the interest of the other two sitting on the seat, and the blue-clothed merchant who spoke at the front couldn't help but ask: "What's going on later, has the manager of the Wang family reported to the official?"

"No report to the officer."

The man in green looked around, leaned over, lowered his voice to the other two, and said mysteriously:

"I heard that Chief Hong was the first to stop the shopkeeper of the Wang family, and begged the shopkeeper of the Wang family to find someone to help them carry them back to the room, and then begged the shopkeeper of the Wang family to invite a doctor. He also asked the shopkeeper of the Wang family not to report to the police."

"Why is this? Such a big thing happened, why did Chief Hong refuse to report to the officials?" The blue-clothed merchant wondered, "Could it be that there is something hidden in it?"

"I don't know about that. But I always feel that there is something strange about the Hong's Escort Bureau."

The green-clothed merchant said gloatingly, "Maybe some of you have watched this bustle, do you think it's Brother Jin?"

That voice, brother Jin, was obviously the only big man among the three who was dressed as a reckless man.

Hearing the sound, the big man frowned, poured a sip of tea into his mouth and said in an ambiguous way: "It's hard to say, maybe the Hong family offended someone first, and was retaliated by someone, and the opponent held his handle again, so that Hong Mingkun did not dare to act rashly .

Or Hong Mingkun was thinking about finding the place back by himself in the future.

As for matters in the Jianghu, any matter that needs to save face will be resolved according to the rules of the Jianghu.If it really goes to the official's family, even if the official's family helps to capture the person, the Hong's Escort will have no face in the road in the future. "

"Being kicked and beaten like this, what face do you need?" The man in green curled his lips: "I think it's probably because he offended some great person.

You have heard the news a few days ago, not only the Hong’s Escort, but also one called the Four Seas Escort was also smashed, and several people were injured. Many people on the street saw it and heard that they were carried to the hospital. Museum went.

You said that there was an accident in one or two of the escort bureaus, so you must have offended the same party. "
"No, how did I hear that the Four Seas Escort was beaten by Hong Fu of the Hong's Escort?"

At the other table, a slender man also heard the conversation of these three people, and couldn't help but interjected: "In my opinion, the matter of the Hong family may be due to the popularity of the Four Seas Escort. People are calling back."


The man in blue shook his hand and said with a confident face: "The whole shop of the Four Seas Escort was smashed by people, and they were all carried into the hospital. One of them was almost killed. With this little ability, I still want to find Hong's Escort revenge?

If they had this kind of manpower, how could someone smash up the shop in front of them?
I have inquired about it, the Four Seas Escort Agency is a newly opened small Escort Agency, and there are not many escorts.I heard that on the day of the accident, all the bodyguards of the Four Seas Bodyguard Bureau went to the sports car, and there were not many people left in the shop.

Until the next day, the Hong's Escort Bureau also had an accident, and the escorts of the Four Seas Escort Bureau have not returned yet.How to attack the people of Hong's Escort Bureau. "

 Thanks to "Lili" for the reward (1600), thanks to "Uncle Bao is here" for the reward (7500), thanks to "Axu Jumei" for the reward (15500), and thanks to "Book Friends 20210506233659441" (9000)

  Thanks to "Lili", "Ziwei Liansheng", "Life is like a dream, just like yesterday", "Uncle Bao is here", "Axu is beautiful", "Book Friends 20210506233659441" for the monthly tickets
(End of this chapter)

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