Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 218 It turned out to be a member of the Black Hawk Gang?

Chapter 218 It turned out to be a member of the Black Hawk Gang?

"In my opinion, the same group of people did it. First they smashed the Four Seas Escort, and then turned around and smashed the Hong's Escort the next day. You see, the methods of beating people are all the same, they are all ribs. Interrupt." The man in green said with a serious face.

Gu Qi was also listening with a strange look on his face. If it wasn't for the fact that he personally did what happened to the Hong family, and broke Hong Fu's ribs with his own hands, he would have really believed in this person's evil.
The people at the two tables chatted vigorously, but they didn't notice Gu Qi's gaze.Especially the man in green, from time to time lowered his voice, and speciously shared gossip with everyone, which attracted the man in blue and the two young people at the other table either admired or convinced.

At first, the slender man at the next table started to call out to the man in green after a few words.

"Brother Zhao, where did you get all these news from? Today, my buddies are really eye-opening. I didn't expect the doorway inside to be so deep."

The man in green who became Brother Zhao smiled, patted the slender man on the shoulder, and pretended to be bold: "Don't look at me, Zhao Yudong, as a small businessman. But there are many friends around me who are in the world, and the news is naturally well-informed." some."

As he said that, Zhao Yudong pointed to the big man in rough clothes sitting opposite him and said to the slender man:

"Have you seen my brother? His surname is Jin, and he is called Da Biao in the Tao. He is a foreigner who has practiced kung fu. Do you know where my brother Da Biao used to be?"

Zhao Yudong's words that raised his voice really attracted everyone's attention, and everyone's eyes were on the burly man nicknamed Da Biao.

That Jin Dabiao seemed to have liked it for a long time and would be scrutinized by others, he sipped his tea and grabbed a handful of melon seeds without caring, and said, "Dongzi, next time brother, I will invite you to Zuihualou for a good meal.

The tea in this tea house is tasteless to drink, my brother is just a big bastard who is not used to drinking these things, so it is better to have a good drink. "

"It's my fault, it's my fault." Upon hearing this, Zhao Yudong hurriedly apologized and promised:
"What's the use, Brother Jin, please come and invite me. Isn't it too early? Wait until later, when it gets dark. My younger brother will arrange for my brothers to go to Zuihualou to have a good reunion. Let's have a big drink and have a good time." Come on, don't get drunk tonight."

Zhao Yudong spoke freely and cheerfully, which immediately attracted people at the two tables who didn't know each other at all to become more and more acquainted.You say brother, I say brother, if you don't know, how many of them have already formed friends of eight obeisances.

Of course, Zhao Yudong brought the topic to Jin Dabiao soon.Everyone listened to Zhao Yudong's recounting of Jin Dabiao's ferocious past, all of them looked shocked and shocked.

The skinny man urged Zhao Yudong even more curiously: "Brother Zhao, you didn't say the whole thing before. Where did we, Big Biao, go?"

"I'm going to tell you today, you guys can't talk about it outside." Zhao Yudong looked around the crowd and seemed to suppress his voice on purpose, and asked everyone: "Have you heard of the Black Eagle Gang?"

"Black Hawk Gang?!" The slender man was surprised: "Is it the Black Hawk Gang behind the former Black Hawk Casino in our town?"

Zhao Yudong smiled mysteriously: "It's the Black Hawk Gang."

"The Black Eagle Gang is amazing." The slender man looked at Zhao Yudong and Jin Dabiao with an increasingly respectful expression, and asked tentatively:
"I heard that the owner behind the Black Eagle Casino in our town is a member of the Black Eagle Gang. His surname seems to be Liu, and his brothers all call him Boss Liu. Isn't Brother Big Biao also a member of Boss Liu?"

Jin Dabiao shook his head: "The Boss Liu you're talking about is Liu Long, right? I know him, but I'm not from He Song Town, nor is he under Liu Long."

Seeing that the slender man was puzzled, Zhao Yudong added: "Brother Dabiao came from Wuji Town."
The topic of mutual bragging and flirting between the two tables in that room continued, but Gu Qi's thoughts came back.

It turned out to be a member of the Black Hawk Gang?He still came from Wuji Town.

Gu Qi remembered that Wuji Town was Shen Chong's territory.In other words, this Jin Dabiao is very likely to be Shen Chong's subordinate.

But isn't Shen Chong already dead?
Gu Qi remembered that Shen Chong had opened a Black Eagle Escort Agency in Wuji Town, and there were quite a few brothers under him.According to Liu Long's tone at the time, Shen Chong had been trying his best to expand his manpower when he was alive. After careful calculation, the number of brothers under Shen Chong's name was at least three to four hundred.

One of them is Lao Si's men and horses, and they have fought against themselves before.

Now that Shen Chong died, where did the people under Shen Chong go?
Did they all get recruited by other leaders of the Black Hawk Gang, so they were disbanded?

In the early days, this Jin Dabiao person might not have attracted Gu Qi's attention, but right now it is the time when the situation of the Black Eagle Gang is chaotic, and Shen Chong's subordinates who are dead at this time suddenly came to He Song Town.

Whether it was intentional or accidental, Gu Qixia had to pay more attention to this person.

Speaking of which, isn't Shen Chongming's superficial business the Escort Bureau?In this way, Lao Si and others, including Jin Dabiao in front of him, are actually bodyguards.

The bodyguards of the Black Eagle Escort Bureau suddenly came to He Song Town, but the only two bodyguard agencies in He Song Town had already lost both sides. Is this also a coincidence?

Thinking of the businessman named Zhao Yudong bringing Jin Dabiao, the bodyguard of the Black Eagle Bodyguard Bureau, to openly discuss the gossip about the Hong Family Bodyguard Bureau and the Four Seas Bodyguard Bureau in the teahouse in He Song Town, I don’t know why Gu Qi subconsciously felt this situation It's kind of weird.
The storyteller on the stage is still going on, and at some point, the original book of Yingyingyanyan and Tiny Waiwai has been replaced.

From Miss Scholar to Bandit in the Green Forest, there are more old men drinking tea in the teahouse. When they heard that a few good men made blood alliances and sworn brothers of the opposite sex, many people cheered. , repeatedly saying hello.It also covered up the chatter of Zhao Yudong and Jin Dabiao.
After a pot of tea bottomed out, Gu Qi called for another pot until the sun was setting outside the window, and it was faintly visible that the twilight was approaching.The people who drank tea and listened to the opera in the teahouse all left in a hurry, and Gu Qi just got up unhurriedly.

Zuihualou is a well-known gold selling den in He Song Town.Of course, what makes Zuihualou famous is not how extravagant and high-end the interior decoration is, or how beautiful the girls in the building are, who are proficient in playing piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, singing and dancing, etc.

It's just because there are many girls in Cuihualou and the prices are cheap and they are fun to play.In addition, the wine and dishes in Zuihualou are very good. I heard that the drinks inside are exclusive to the building, which is very good.

Therefore, rich households with some money, down to traffickers, pawns, all kinds of teachings and low-ranking people are willing to run to Zuihualou if they have nothing to do.

At this moment, Gu Qi was standing not far from the door of Zuihualou.

Seeing Zhao Yudong, Jin Dabiao and others entering Zuihualou surrounded by others, he turned around and turned into another restaurant diagonally opposite, sat down at a seat by the window, and asked the waiter to order a few simple side dishes.

(End of this chapter)

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