Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 232 Crisis and Fortune

Chapter 232 Crisis and Money (5)

After days of running around, everyone's exhaustion was hidden under tense emotions. After noon, Shunzi arranged for two people to patrol, and the others went back to the room to catch up on sleep.

Yuan'an Town lacked water, so the two buckets of water brought in were for eleven people to use, and they only ate and drank, and the rest was enough to fill their water bags.

After everyone went out, Gu Qi closed the door and turned around to find that there was still a bucket in the corner of the bedroom, about one-fifth of the water was left in it, which was enough to wash the face, save some use, and wiped the body by the way.It seems that Shunzi left it on purpose.

After a simple wash, Gu Qi changed into a whole set of clothes and went to sleep.

This sleep has been sleeping until the time of You.

Gu Qi was awakened by the noise outside the door.

"Seventh Sister."

Gu Qi got up, and a moment later, Shunzi knocked on the door.Immediately afterwards, Shunzi deliberately lowered his voice but could still hear an urgent cry for help:

"Seventh sister has an accident outside."

Gu Qi opened the door: "What's wrong?"

"Ah Da Huang Shanhai and the others started fighting with someone." Shunzi frowned, and added: "Jiang Ping and Liu Jiang just pulled him back. I didn't expect that just as soon as they pulled him back, the yamen servants who patrolled the street came. Somehow it was just a coincidence.”

"Where are people now?"

"Still under the inn."

"Go, let's take a look first."

Feeling vaguely that something was wrong, Gu Qi frowned slightly, and while walking downstairs, he asked: "What's going on specifically, Huang Shanhai is not impulsive."

"From Ah Da's point of view, those people are deliberately provoking trouble." Shunzi looked angry, and said in a low voice: "The brothers were all resting in the room just now, and Huang Shanhai and Ah Da stayed outside to patrol.

At [-]:[-] a.m., a drunk man came to the second floor, and he wanted to break into the brothers' room because of his drunkenness.Ah Da saw it, and stepped forward to stop the man.

I just wanted to ask the man if he had walked into the wrong room, but he didn't expect the drunk to punch him.Ah Da didn't notice that a back tooth was knocked out by that man.

Then the two started fighting.

At that time, Huang Shanhai happened to go to the backyard to go to the toilet. When he came back, he saw Ah Da being beaten together. He didn't know what was going on, so he thought of pulling the two apart first.

As a result, Huang Shanhai grabbed the drunk man's arm, and a group of people rushed downstairs, saying that Huang Shanhai and Ada had injured their boss.

A group of seven or eight people surrounded Ada and Huang Shanhai without listening to anyone's explanation. The leader yelled and punched and kicked Huang Shanhai and Ada in greeting. "

"Huang Shanhai fought back?"

"I fought back. Those people came prepared. Huang Shanhai and Ah Da couldn't argue with each other, so they had to fight back."

"Have you suffered a loss?"

"It's not a disadvantage. Those people's skills are ordinary, but they are more successful. After Huang Shanhai and Ada were angered, they didn't hold back and tried their best. The two sides fought a [-]-[-] split.

Just now, when Jiang Ping and Liu Jiang went to pull people, Huang Shanhai and Ada were both smeared.The person on the other side is also uncomfortable.The face of the leader was beaten into a pig's head by Huang Shanhai.The drunkard who pretended to be drunk had three teeth knocked out by Ah Da. "

While talking, the two had already walked to the corner of the lobby on the first floor.
The lobby was in a mess at this time, and many tables and chairs were kicked off and fell to the side.

The innkeeper and his two clerks hid behind the counter.There was not much panic and nervous expression on his face, which seemed to be commonplace.

Huang Shanhai and Ada were pulled back by Liu Jiang at this moment, and Jiang Ping and the other brothers were glaring at each other.

A few patrolling yamen servants stood between the two sides.The leading yamen servant scolded angrily, "What's going on?! Don't you know that fighting is not allowed in Yuan'an Town?"

"Master, it's not that we want to fight! It's this group of people who beat our boss for no reason."

A middle-aged man with a cloth scarf on his head and a robe, in his late thirties and with a goatee, squeezed out of the other party.He bowed his hands and bowed to the leading yamen servant.

"Who are you?" The leading yamen servant glanced at the middle-aged man.

Hearing the words, the middle-aged man was busy clapping his hands again and again, and said with a sad face: "The young one is the steward of Wen's Silver House. A few days ago, he accompanied my boss to Yuan'an Town to do business, and he stayed in this inn."

The yamen servant nodded, and continued to ask as usual: "Then tell me, what happened here just now?"

"Master! Please be the master of the villain. The owner is an honest and kind person. The few of us stayed with the owner in this inn for a few days, and we have been doing well. Until this group of people checked in this morning"

The middle-aged man paused at this point, glanced at Jiang Ping and the others, and then looked at the Yamen servant cautiously, with a look of fear of being beaten.

The yamen servant frowned: "What happened to these people after they moved in?"

The middle-aged man shivered, as if he had made up his mind, and said with a sob: "When this group of people checked in this morning, it happened that my host was going downstairs. The stairs were narrow, so the two parties met.

My boss is kind, and even asked us to wait aside.

In the end, this group of people even insulted our boss with rude words!
A few of our guys were so angry that they scolded their people.Later, they even threatened our boss, saying that they would teach our boss a lesson!

My boss didn't take it seriously at first, just thought they were talking casually.Unexpectedly, just now, this group of people took advantage of the boss's order and beat the boss!
A few of our guys saw it and wanted to rescue the owner, but they were also beaten by this group of people!Bad Lord!Look at the wound on the boss's face! "

The middle-aged man turned around and helped the drunk man whose three teeth were knocked out by Ah Da, pointing at the man's blood-stained mouth, weeping and cursing angrily:
"These people are simply bandits! Master, you must decide for the villain!"
"What nonsense are you talking about! We brothers didn't meet you at all when we came to the inn this morning, so why insult you!"

The sudden accusation made by the middle-aged man caught Gu Qi's brothers and others by surprise, and they were stunned.

Jiang Ping was so angry that he couldn't help taking a step forward, staring at the middle-aged man with wide eyes.

The middle-aged man seemed to be taken aback by Jiang Ping's look, and hid behind the yamen servant, with a heavy cry, he yelled loudly: "Master, look at this group of people, they dare to be so vicious in front of the lord, and they dare to be so vicious in front of the servant. There is nothing that can't be done!

My boss has always been kind to others, but I didn't expect to commit a serious crime today! "

"You are the villain who sued first! We never saw you this morning! It was obviously your people who beat me first!"

Ah Da really couldn't listen anymore, touched the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, shook off Liu Jiang's hand, rushed to the front of the crowd, pointed at the owner of the so-called Wen's Silver House who was held by the middle-aged man, and said angrily:
"Master, don't listen to these people's nonsense. It's obviously theirs, but this drunk man suddenly broke into the second floor and wanted to rush into the room. I went to stop him, and he beat him up."

(End of this chapter)

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