Gu Qi, she just wants to farm

Chapter 233 Crisis and Fortune Coexist

Chapter 233 Crisis and Money Coexist (6)

However, before Ah Da finished speaking, the owner of Wen's Silver House he was pointing at suddenly raised his head, coughing with difficulty with a pale face:

"Why are you slandering me like this? Just now, I just wanted to go out, but I was surrounded by you and your accomplices.

You gangsters, in broad daylight, dare to injure people so brazenly in Yuan'an Town! "
Gu Qi stood at the stairs, looked at the owner of Wen's Silver House who was talking, frowned slightly, turned to Shunzi and said, "This man didn't drink."

"This person is pretending to be drunk! They planned it from the beginning!" Shunzi gritted his teeth, "Seventh Sister, Ah Dazui is stupid, I can't talk to them, I'll go and talk to those yamen servants."

"No hurry." Gu Qi stretched out his hand to stop Shunzi: "Let's take a look first."

Downstairs, a group of brothers who followed Jiang Ping had already quarreled with each other angrily, and the other party from the owner to the manager to the staff below all agreed that it was Ada and Huang Shanhai, because when they checked in this morning The conflict retaliates against their employers.

Wang Changqing didn't speak after staying with the crowd at first, seeing that things were getting more and more wrong, he grabbed Huang Shanhai whose forehead had burst into veins, squeezed in front of the people, and said to the yamen servant who had a solemn face but didn't stop the two sides from quarreling :
"When our brothers checked in this morning, we didn't run into anyone else at all. The innkeeper can testify to this!"

"Oh?" The leading yamen servant glanced at Wang Changqing, with a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth, then turned his head and asked the innkeeper hiding behind the counter: "Did you see it?"

The innkeeper shook his head expressionlessly: "Master, I didn't see anything."

"Fuck!" Jiang Ping, who had already been unable to bear it, blushed and turned to look at the innkeeper: "Are you fucking blind?! Didn't you see so many of us this morning? If you didn't Now, how did we get in!"

The shopkeeper of the inn had long since lost the warmth of the reception in the morning, avoiding Jiang Ping's eyes, and replied lukewarmly: "I didn't see anything, sir."

The leading yamen servant smiled contemptuously, and then asked the men: "What about you? Have you seen it?"

The guys flinched, lowered their heads and said, "Master, we didn't see anything either."

The leading yamen servant glanced at Wang Changqing and Jiang Ping, and sneered: "It seems that you are lying. If that is the case, let's go back to the yamen with the Lord."

"Why! We didn't hit people first! They were the ones who did it first!" Ah Da's eyes were red: "Huang Shanhe and I were surrounded by seven or eight of them and beat them. Master, look at me and me!" Brother's injury?!"

The leading yamen servant's expression remained unchanged, he didn't even look at Ada and Huang Shanhai again, and said as if he was doing business: "Since both sides have made a move, and it's unclear who did it, then take them away together. It's usually okay."


Jiang Ping wanted to say more, but was interrupted by the yamen servant waving his hand: "But what, since you don't know what to say, just go back to the yamen with us honestly, and then the lord of the government office will handle it impartially!

Come, take all these people away! "

The leading yamen servant waved his hand, and the yamen servants who had been guarding the door rushed in and surrounded everyone.The leading yamen servant sneered at Jiang Ping and the others who looked at the angry red-eyed and bared eyes, and raised their voices:
"I advise you all to be more honest, obediently follow the messenger and I back to the Yamen. If anyone dares to act rashly, he will be charged with assaulting the servant. Don't blame the brothers in the water prison for being rude."
"Wait a minute!"

Gu Qi walked down the stairs, glanced at the middle-aged shopkeeper and the so-called Yinlou owner who had three teeth knocked out,

Then he turned around and said to the group of yamen servants: "Since both sides hold their own words and say their own reasons, the dispute cannot be resolved. They should all be taken to the yamen for interrogation as this messenger said."

The leading yamen servant heard the words and looked at Gu Qi, motioning for Gu Qi to continue talking.But the middle-aged steward who was supporting the owner of the silver building showed a complacent expression at this time.

Gu Qi glanced at the man, and said: "However, according to Dakang's law, the ones who should be punished are those who fight without permission in the city. The only ones who did the fighting that the other party insisted on just now are Ada and Huang Shanhai. Since the messenger wants to bring The person involved will go back and ask questions. Just take the two of them back. As for the others"

Gu Qi smiled lightly: "I remember that there should be no clause in Dakang's regulations that those who persuade a fight should follow the same law."

"Who are you?" The leading yamen servant looked at Gu Qi with displeasure.

Gu Qi's face was calm, and he didn't directly answer the servant's words, but turned to look at the middle-aged man: "This steward? Who do you think I am?"

The middle-aged man sneered: "You are with these gangsters!"

"Oh? Then have you ever seen me?"

The middle-aged man was stunned by the question, a trace of panic flashed across his face, he turned around and said calmly, "I must have seen it before!"

"When did you meet?" Gu Qi asked again.

"When else, naturally this morning, with this group of people!" The middle-aged man said angrily with a sneer.

Gu Qi looked calm, and continued to ask, "What time is it this morning?"

The middle-aged man froze for a moment, hesitated and said, "It should be Si. Si Shi."

"What time is it?"

"Perhaps it is three o'clock in the past."


"I..." The middle-aged man showed hesitation, and changed his words vigilantly: "I can't remember exactly when it was. Anyway, it's Sishi."

"What about you? Do you remember when it was?"

Gu Qi's eyes fell on the owner of Wen's Silver House and a few guys behind him.

The owner of Wen's Silver House avoided Gu Qi's gaze and didn't say a word when he heard the words, but those guys were panicked, and two of them said indiscriminately: "We don't remember clearly either."

"Even if you can't remember exactly how many times? Can you be sure it's Sishi?"

The two guys glanced at each other and nodded: "It's Sishi."

Gu Qi chuckled: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you can't remember the exact moment, as long as you remember it's Sishi."

As he said that, Gu Qi turned his head to look at the yamen servant, and said, "Master, I am the principal of Qi's Commercial Firm, and these people are my followers.

We entered the city at the end of Mao this morning. When we entered the city, the documents at the gate of the city made a registration.If you don't believe me, you can go to the gate of the city to check.After entering the city, my entourage and I came to this inn, and it was less than a quarter of the hour when we checked in.

I don't know if the shopkeeper of the inn has registered the time when several people will check in. "

Gu Qi's indifferent eyes fell on the innkeeper, and before the innkeeper could deny it, he calmly withdrew his gaze and continued: "Of course, it doesn't matter if you have these or not.

After all, the steward of Wen's Silver House said that he saw me and my followers at Sishi.Also had conflicts with my followers.

In fact, at Sishi, my entourage and I went to the official well and the restaurant for water supply in the town, and there were documents for registration in both places.There are also many merchants queuing up together who have seen us.

These bad guys can check it themselves.

It can be seen from this that it is not my entourage who lied, but the shopkeeper of the Wen family who lied on purpose. "

 After the first release, it will be modified. It will be modified at about two o'clock. Good night, little fairies.
(End of this chapter)

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