Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 100 Encountered a robbery

Chapter 100 Encountered a robbery
After eating and drinking, Qingyun and his party took the time to rest, and waited until it was dark to go to Huanggu Mountain. It was too conspicuous to go there during the day.

There are not a few people who have the same thoughts as her, and there are many people with bad thoughts who have gone to Huanggu Mountain to see if they can take advantage of the fire.

After dark, I didn't have so many worries. I took out the last dozen or so yams from the bamboo basket and ate them two by one person. There was no one around, and the nearest team was 30 meters away, so I didn't have to worry about being discovered.

A group of people hurrying on the road, rushing for an hour, away from the road, a few people did not leave, rested in place, took out the straw mat to sleep.

The sky was getting bright, so I packed up and continued on my way.The child hadn't woken up yet, and slept soundly, but Qingyun shoved him into a bamboo loin and didn't wake up.

"Old man, how far is it?" Qingyun wiped the sweat from his head, and for the first time felt the feeling of Wangshan running a dead horse.

From the morning to now, the big guy has never eaten anything, and of course he didn't want to eat. He drove for most of the day under the sun. He was hungry, tired and thirsty. Lament down.

"Further ahead, there is a fork in the road, and it's not too far from the fork in." Song Wenqian breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's weird. Last night, I saw people walking in succession, but I didn't see a single one today. They walked so fast! If they don't leave, they will have a rest."

After glancing at the tired few people, Qingyun stopped, glanced left and right, and then walked to the side of the road. There was the foot of the mountain. The trees on the mountain were lush, and many branches stretched over the road, and there was a large shady area below.

"You slept like a pig, and you couldn't wake up under thunderstorms. Those people didn't sleep and walked away in the dark. How do you know." Tian Duoliang wiped his sweat, the weather was so hot.

Qingyun glared at him, not even wanting to kick him.

The child woke up a long time ago. As soon as Qingyun put down the bamboo lobster, he immediately climbed out, busy like a little bee on duty, dug out Qingyun's straw mat on the floor, "Brother, come and sit down."

Then he went to lay a straw mat for Song Wenqian non-stop, and finally it was his own.

Qingyun glanced at the child, sat down and pulled out the bamboo jar and bamboo bowl, poured half a bowl of water for Song Wenqian, then took a bowl for himself and poured a small half bowl to drink.

"Do you still have water in that small bamboo canister?" Qingyun asked the child after shaking the half-bamboo canister of water.

"Also." The child took out a small bamboo tube and took two sips.

"Water is for drinking. Drink more. Your mouth is bleeding. After drinking it, I will fill it up for you. Don't be reluctant. I will go to the cottage immediately. There is a lot of water in the cottage. I want to drink as much as I want. Daliang, Uncle Li, you too, drink it all."

The child was still a little hesitant, but after listening to his brother's words, he drank again, and he stopped drinking after drinking most of it.

Qingyun filled his small bamboo tube with water, and poured another bowl for the old man. She didn't pour the rest of the water, she picked up the bamboo can and drank it directly.

After enough rest, the group continued to walk.After walking for another hour, I finally saw the three-way intersection. The three roads all lead to the mountains, twisting and turning, and there is no end in sight.

Qingyun and several people looked at Song Wenqian.

"The one to the left."

Several people went to the road on the left, walked for about half an hour, turned the second corner, and suddenly stopped.

On the road opposite Qingyun and the others, there was a road barrier, and twenty or so villagers dressed like cottages, each with a long tassel spear, pointed at them and stared at them fiercely.

Qingyun: "..."

Got robbed.

 Too late for overtime, so much first
(End of this chapter)

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