Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 101 Caught Into the Bandit's Den

Chapter 101 Caught Into the Bandit's Den

On the lush mountain road, a group of people gradually came out. They were ragged, dark and haggard, and staggered. Look carefully at their hands tied by a long rope, one after another.

This group of people is the captured refugees, and they all have blank and helpless labels on their faces.

Qing Yun and his party were also among the captured refugees.

Qingyun looked up at the front, and he saw that it was ten meters high, with a thick and majestic stone city wall, a heavy wooden gate, and a watchtower on the top of the city wall. No one was seen on it.

Qingyun guessed that this might be the cottage that the old man said, and the people who arrested them were the villagers of the cottage, and they took them around in the mountains, obviously not wanting them to know the way.

If she hadn't seen the old man's solemn expression and frowned, she might not have guessed at the cottage.

Qingyun sipped her teeth lightly, this was different from the cottage she imagined, or what she saw on TV.

The walls of the cottages in the TV are made of wood, or piled with mud, which are unsafe and unsturdy, and collapse when kicked.

Qingyun's heart is a little heavy, this cottage is not an ordinary cottage at first glance, and the villagers are not ordinary people, they all know how to counter reconnaissance.

She has never seen what an ancient city looks like, but she has watched a lot of TV!Possibly, probably, it is estimated that many cities are not comparable to the walls of this cottage.

Not only Qingyun was in a heavy heart, Song Wenqian and Tian Duoliang were also in a heavy heart.The two of them had seen many cities. The walls of this cottage were stronger than those of the wealthy Jiangnan Dao city, and there were no ghosts in it.

Song Wenqian squinted at Qingyun, and hinted several times that he was running for his life. The stinky boy was disobedient and had a stubborn temper.

There were villagers walking back and forth beside him, Song Wenqian couldn't speak, and patted Qingyun again.Qingyun looked back at him, Song Wenqian's eyes were dizzy, Qingyun shook his head and said he didn't know.

Then continue to look at the city walls.

Song Wenqian was almost out of breath, and Tian Duoliang, who was beside him, was too lazy to say anything.

"Open the door~~"

Someone shouted at the top of the city wall.

It didn't take long for someone to look down and see the crowd below, hehe laughed: "The eighth master is back, and the harvest is good, more than that of the sixth master."

Then he waved his hand behind him and shouted, "The eighth master is back, open the door!"


The heavy and thick door slowly opened from the inside.

Qingyun glanced at the open door, and then looked at the old man and the others. If she left the old man and they escaped alone, there would be no problem at all.

The problem is here, she can't do such a careless thing, she can only share weal and woe with them.

The slow-witted refugees finally discovered the anomaly, and couldn't get in after dawdling.

"What are you dawdling about? You don't want to live anymore, don't you? Let me go in. When you get here, it's better to disappear your thoughts, otherwise don't blame Grandpa for being rude. There are a lot of refugees outside, and it's not necessary for you to be." With a fierce look in his eyes, he pulled out the big knife he carried and slashed at the refugee next to him, blood spattering.

When the eighth master drew the knife, Qingyun covered the child's eyes.

After the death, the crowd screamed in fear. After being whipped a few times by the Eighth Master, the crowd slowly calmed down. Fearing the murderous and terrifying Eighth Master, they bowed their heads and walked forward slowly.

"A group of splatters, you can't do it without fighting. Bah!" The Eighth Master scolded and inserted the knife into the scabbard.

Qingyun and his party walked in slowly with the crowd, and the door behind them slowly closed again.

There is a lot of space in the cottage, and it is an open space when you enter it. It is very large, twice as large as the rice drying field in their village. There are rows of houses on the opposite side, sitting around the mountainside. At first glance, it looks like a village.

In front of the row house, the eighth master stopped to look at the refugees and said, "Men are on the left and women are on the right!"

There is definitely a problem with the separation of men and women.

Although on the way here, the robbers did not attack the women, but they entered the den, and some of these women were able to leave their bodies clean.

Some female relatives hid behind their relatives and shivered, but they refused to go to the right.

The eighth master waited for a while, but no woman came out, and impatiently ordered the people below to drag them out from the crowd.

Orchid hid behind Old Man Li, grabbed her mother's hand tightly, glanced at the robbers who were dragging people back and forth, and panic flashed in her eyes.

He glanced at Qingyun in front of him, walked out from behind Old Man Li, and slowly moved behind Qingyun.Fortunately, when she was going down the mountain, the young master asked her to cut her long hair and tied her chest. If she didn't look carefully, she thought she was a man.

When the robbers searched for them, Aunt Li took the initiative to walk out, and Orchid Lucky was not found.

Old Man Li watched his wife go out in distress and pain. For the sake of his daughter's innocence, he could only endure the pain.

Soon, a group of crying women gathered on the left.

The robbers searched back and forth several times, but did not find a woman.

Then the eighth master led the group of women to the left. In fact, the people were escorting the refugees to the right, bypassing the houses and going to the back.

There is a large playground at the back, which can accommodate several thousand people. In the two fields of the playground, there are several rows of wooden racks, which are full of weapons, most of which are big knives and tassel spears.

There were people practicing against each other in the playground, and big swords and big guns were dancing.

On the corner of the playground, there is a row of stables, and you can see that there are horses in the two stables outside.Several carts were piled up in front of the stables, and several wooden barrels were scattered on the ground.

There was a room on the other side of the stable, and two men with big knives stood at the door. When they saw them coming, they took out the key in their arms and opened the door.

That house was their destination.

"What are you looking at? Look at your eyes again?"

The detainee suddenly became angry, dragged a person out of the crowd, kicked him on the ground and beat him hard, probably hurting his hand, so he pulled out a stick from the wooden frame next to him and beat him, causing the refugee to scream again and again, and soon disappeared. Voice.

"Bah, bad luck!" The detainee snorted, dropped the stick, and summoned two companions to say, "It's dealt with."

Turning around, his eyes swept over the refugees gloomily, and he said gloomily: "If you see it, this is the end of dishonesty. Go in!"

Then a few people came, cut off the ropes in Qingyun's hands, and entered the door one by one.

Qingyun and the others were crowded together, Qingyun holding the child in front, Tian Duoliang and Song Wenqian in the middle.

When she entered the door, it was dark in front of her eyes, and a rotten stench rushed towards her face.

Qingyun frowned, and when his eyes got used to the darkness, he looked around calmly.

This is a dungeon, the cell is dark and damp, and there are stairs going down from the door, seven steps.Below is a road that leads straight into it.Both sides are full of cells, now full of people.

From their tattered clothes and numb expressions, I guessed that the prisoners were all refugees.

 Hee hee, is it a turning point of God?
(End of this chapter)

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