Chapter 106
In the Gongyi Hall of the Shanzhai, on the high platform of the main hall, there is a long chair with a tiger skin covered on the chair. The left hand rests on the tiger's head, which roars towards the entrance of the hall, and the tiger's tail rests on the left arm.

At this time, a middle-aged man was sitting on it, with a full beard and a scar under his left eye. The scar was drawn down and hidden in his beard.A pair of shrewd eyes swept over the brothers in the hall.

This person is the head of the cottage.

In the lobby at the bottom, there are four chairs on the left and right sides. The first two chairs on the left are occupied by people, and the one on the right is occupied by one person.

These three people are the second head, the sixth head, and the eighth head of the cottage.

Behind the two rows of chairs on the left and right, stood two rows of villagers holding tasseled spears, showing their muscular arms, looking mighty and fierce.

"Old Ba, how many people have you brought back?" The head of the family glanced at the empty space, frowned, and asked Lao Ba.

"Not many, only 500 people, from last night to today, scattered and scattered." The old eighth is the eighth master of the cottage.

After squatting all night, being bitten by mosquitoes all night, and being punished by the boss, how could it be comfortable to sleep with a woman in my arms.

If it wasn't for the urgent need of people in the cottage, he would have run back long ago for fear of being picked up by the boss when he ran back.

"Lao Liu, what about you?" The head turned to ask Lao Liu.

"I am smaller than Lao Ba, about three hundred, and there are fewer people going to me. I heard that Lao Qi brought back more people yesterday, thousands of people, more than our two brothers combined." Although Lao Liu praised Lao Seven, but the banter in his eyes should not be too obvious.

"What's wrong with this? We need people. If he is capable, he will come back more, and the urgent need will be relieved." The second master smiled very kindly, and he looked like a simple and honest farmer.

At that time, many people were planted on the appearance of the second child.In fact, he is a military adviser in the cottage, and what he plays is his mind.

"The two of them haven't come back yet?" Lao Ba swept the empty seat across from him, his eyes were a bit fierce, "I said it a long time ago, they are not my brothers, and they are not of the same heart with us. All three were taken away by him."

The third child in Lao Ba's mouth is their own brother, and the seventh child is the eldest son of the former head of the cottage.

At that time, the head of the family brought his brothers to seize the cottage and fought with the villagers.The villagers only know how to farm and work, where the fierce masters are their opponents.

Most of the villagers were killed or injured, and the remaining villagers were captured by the big boss.

Overnight, Miaojiazhai changed its name and surname and became Tiger Hall.The villagers who were originally the masters of the family became enslaved people overnight. Their wives and daughters were humiliated to death, and they were beaten and scolded as if they were animals.

The head of the family wanted the rest of the villagers to work honestly and dutifully, and proposed the eldest son of the original head of the village to be the seventh head of the family, which was just a display for the villagers to see.

After that, life for the villagers became easier.

In the past, when discussing important matters in the village, Lao Qi was an outsider, and his brothers rejected him and never asked him to participate.Now tell him to come to participate, but he just won't come.It made the third child learn from him, and he would not come to the meeting every now and then.

"The third child took people down the mountain to find a doctor this morning, and he didn't come back so soon. The fourth child's leg has been hurting for a few days, and the doctor in the village can't cure it. His temper is getting more and more irritable every day, and he just lost his temper again. The doctor was too scared to enter the door. Lao Qi went to deliver food."

The old doctor in the cottage is still the barefoot doctor in the original cottage, he can treat a headache and brain fever, and if he is asked to treat a broken leg, the old doctor really can't cure it.

"Trash, let's feed the group of old people with good food and drink. We can't even cure a leg. What are we saving? Just throw it in the well and save rations." Lifting the fourth leg, the eighth annoyed Very dry.Last night, I fed the mosquitoes all night, and I was full of evil fire.

"Okay, I didn't ask you to come here to talk about this matter. You all go down, and the seventh master will come back and report." The eldest master waved his hand to let the idlers go out, leaving only his brothers in the lobby.

"Tomorrow, the second and the fifth will send out a batch of goods, and the higher-ups will definitely send someone over to check the accounts. What do you guys think about the new mine?"

When it comes to business, even the impulsive and angry Lao Ba became serious.

The second child and the sixth child looked at each other, knowing what to do.When the boss asks this question, it is obvious that he does not intend to dedicate it to his superiors.

It was the people above who discovered the iron ore that sent them over to seize the cottage.Who would have thought that there was a mine so close, two hills away, and it was a silver mine.

The brothers of them all went in to have a look. The silver mine was not small, and it was enough for several of their brothers to dig out.

It's normal for the head of the family not to want to donate. With silver in hand, who would pay for someone's life?
"There's nothing to think about, of course we'll stay here. We've paid for their lives for so many years, and we've given them some money like beggars. Big brother, so much money is sent up for nothing. We can't get it right, so we might as well keep it in our pockets." If you have money, you can live freely there.”

The Dayong Dynasty couldn't stay, so he went to another dynasty, became a rich man, married a concubine with ten families and eight families, life was very beautiful.

"Old Ba is right. Report this matter to the higher authorities. We have nothing to do here. The superiors will definitely send someone over to receive it. Back then, the cottage was really poor and had nothing, only a naked ass, and even the door panel was leaking."

"Look at this cottage now. The rooms are all made in the past few years, and the rows are all new. And look at the wall, which is stronger than the wall of the county town. Every brick and every tile is all made by the brothers. , from the mouth. Brothers take this as their own! You go, are you willing?"

Really reluctant, this cottage cost them a lot of hard work.

"If you don't report it and the people above find out, you won't show affection to us, you'll directly..." The sixth child made a gesture of silence under his neck.

With such a big silver mine, the sixth child is also excited.

"The people above only come once every three months. They do it in a more concealed way so that they won't find out. We will start mining after he leaves tomorrow," said the second child.

After waiting for the brothers and a few others to acquiesce in not offering up.The boss is very satisfied.

"The number of people in the old mine is fixed, and the food sent from above is only enough to supply the old mine. The people in the cell are not enough to open the new mine. The iron mine can be dug in a year at most, and the new mine must be dug within a year. use up."

"People need to worry. Tomorrow, when the people above leave, all the people in the cells will be sent to the new mine, and the vacated cells can be refilled. There are still refugees passing by down the mountain these days. Take advantage of the last wave, get more When people come up, the prison can’t fit in, so they will be loaded into new mines and old mines.”

"With so many people, it's hard to get food?" This is what the head of the family is worried about.No money!

"I'll figure out a solution for the food problem. It just so happens that Lao Wu and I are going out to deliver a batch of goods. By the way, I'll ask about the situation outside." The second son said with narrowed eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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