Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 107 He did the trick

Chapter 107 He did the trick
While Qingyun and the others were waiting to drink the porridge, the head of the cottage had already decided where they would go.

After the gong sounded, everyone flocked to the front to seize the most favorable position.

Qingyun looked at the old man, then at the crowded scene in front of him, and gave up dragging him to grab the porridge, don't push the old man out.

"What's the crowd, line up, and forget what you said yesterday?"

At this time, Wang Chaodong let out a loud roar, which made the crowd in front of him stunned for a moment, and then slowly retreated to the side.

Tian Duoliang took a look, and pulled Lan Hua back to the side.

Qingyun glanced at them, not knowing what they were doing, so he walked to Wang Chaodong and asked, "Eight brothers, who are you?"

"It's nothing, the third child said, the elderly and children can't stand it, drink first, then the women, and finally we men."

"It's a good idea, and the three brothers are more thoughtful." Qing Yun smiled and praised Chao Ming without hesitation.

While the two were talking, the elderly and children in the cell had already stepped forward. Qingyun went back and told Song Wenqian about it. Song Wenqian praised Wang Chaoming, took Qingtian's hand, and walked over to line up.

The people in the cottage want to send porridge, and the prison cell Li Rarely lights a torch.

Qingyun saw that the opposite cell was also lined up, except for their two cells that were modest to the elderly and children, the cells on the left and right were implementing the game of the strong respecting, and whoever's fist obeyed.

The weak person lying in front is immediately pulled away by the strong and strong person behind. The person who is pulled away dares not speak out.

Soon I saw two villagers pushing a wooden cart, and then lifted a large wooden barrel from the cart and placed it in front of the cell.

A cell contains a porridge bucket with a wooden spoon inside.The person in the cell stretched out his hand to grab a wooden spoon to make porridge.

This porridge is really thin, rice porridge, only a few grains of rice can be seen in a spoonful, and the rest are rice soup and vegetable leaves.

The people in their cell were more rational, and they didn't rob. Old people and children only took a spoonful, and left after drinking.

Unlike the people in the cells on the left and right, who swarmed up to loot, the capable people grabbed the spoon and drank spoon after spoon until their belly rolled, and they dropped the spoon when they couldn't drink anymore.

A lot of porridge was spilled on the ground in front of the porridge bucket.

To Qingyun, a spoonful of porridge feels like drinking saliva, and his stomach is still empty.

There is only one meal a day, and there is nothing to do after drinking, and the cell is cool, so they all sleep on the floor.

Qingyun and the others huddled in a corner to sleep. Before fleeing famine to sleep, they were used to a straw mat. The cell was dark and damp. Although it was cool, they couldn't sleep.

After the villager who delivered the porridge left, the cell was plunged into darkness again, and he couldn't see his fingers. It's not just a joke.

Qingyun sighed, last night the sky was still the bed and the ground was the bed, and the night scene was still full of stars, and he felt that life was really hard.Even such a simple request was gone tonight, and I became a prisoner.

Life is not the most unlucky, only more unlucky.

Song Wenqian sighed in his heart, but after sleeping on the straw mat for a few days, his body became proud.Glancing at Qingyun who fell asleep instantly, he really couldn't tell that he was the young master, and he was less particular than them.

At this time, the cell was suddenly bright again, and the sound of braids whipping could be heard faintly.The people who had just fallen asleep woke up again, and asked the people next to them, "What's going on?"

The person next to him shook his head, he was also woken up, what a fart!

Soon, everyone saw the villagers driving a group of refugees over, the number of them was much larger than theirs, and the cells in the back were full.

Qingyun glanced at it, then closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

The child lying in Song Wenqian's arms saw Qingyun fall asleep, crawled out of Song Wenqian's arms, and got into Qingyun's arms.Qing Yun, who was in a hazy sleep, pinched the child in his arms, confirmed it, and continued to sleep wrapped in it.

After the child lay down, he felt that there was something hard on his elder brother's stomach, which made him uncomfortable, and he wanted to touch it.

In a daze, she felt a hand groping on her stomach, which made Qingyun tremble with fright. When she woke up, she immediately grabbed the child's groping hand and asked the child in a low voice, "What are you doing? Don't sleep."

The official seal and the appointment document are on her waist, which are related to her life and cannot be sloppy.

"There's something here, hard and uncomfortable." The child said aggrievedly.

Tian Duoliang, who was next to him, hadn't fallen asleep yet, heard the child's words, and didn't know where he had gone, so he chuckled, "Your brother misses a woman."

"Brother," the child didn't understand, and turned to look at Qingyun. The cell was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything.

Qingyun kicked Tian Duoliang accurately, and scolded, "Don't teach the child badly. You go to sleep with Grandpa Song, be good!"

He couldn't help but stuff the child back into the old man's arms, and took the opportunity to write the official seal in the old man's hand.

What children say can easily be misunderstood.Not only did Tian Duoliang misunderstand, but Song Wenqian also misunderstood Qingyun.Thinking of two deadly things, tied to Qingyun's abdomen, holding the child and not letting him go.

The child pursed his mouth, knowing that his brother would not hug him, and lay obediently in Grandpa Song's arms to sleep.

After the early hours of the morning, there was no sound other than the rising and falling snoring that echoed in the cells.

Qingyun, who was sleeping in Luoli, suddenly woke up from his sleep, looked around, everyone in the cell was sleeping like a dead pig, listened for a few seconds, then walked to the wooden pillar of the cell , with the right ear turned outward to listen.

When he came back, he glanced at the sleeping people, and slowly touched the door of the cell. He took out a piece of iron wire he picked up on the road from his boots, grabbed the big iron lock on the cell door, and put the wire in along the keyhole. The light passes over the cell and the movement outside.

Tian Duoliang fell asleep, opened his eyes and saw a dark figure in the cell door, and subconsciously pushed Qingyun next to him, but the push was empty.

What about people?

Tian Duoliang was taken aback for a moment, and quickly understood, looked around, and then quietly walked towards the door.

As soon as Tian Duoliang woke up, Qingyun found out immediately, she was busy unlocking the lock and didn't have time to pay attention to him, worried that he would accidentally wake up the people next to him, but unexpectedly he was clever and walked towards her without shouting.

Tian Duoliang was shocked, it was really hard for him to believe that the young master in front of him, didn't he do the stealing?

Look at the level of proficiency, there is no shortage of work!

He looked at Qingyun, and then at the lock. Although the cell was dark and he couldn't see anything, he subconsciously looked at it.

The two of them tacitly kept silent, and when Qingyun unlocked the lock, the two quietly got out, hung the lock on it again, and it was unlocked.

Qingyun still remembered the road they walked during the day, the two left the cell, took the exit and ran.

People in the cottage may think that the refugees in the cells cannot escape, and there is no need to arrange guards in the cells.The two reached the door of the dungeon smoothly.

 Guess, can you get out of the dungeon smoothly?
(End of this chapter)

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