Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 108 Out of the Dungeon

Chapter 108 Out of the Dungeon

"How to get out?" Tian Duoliang pushed, but it couldn't be pushed, and the outside was locked.

"Look first, go out if you can, go back to sleep if you can't." Qingyun motioned her to get out of the way, lying on the door and listening closely, there was no movement outside.

Tian Duoliang also listened on the door, but didn't hear anything.

"There are guards outside." During the day, when they came in, they saw people from the cottage guarding the door.

She also knew that there were guards outside, so after thinking about it, she pulled Tian Duoliang to stand against the wall behind the door.

Tian Duoliang had a bad heart, thinking this kid wouldn't want to knock on the door, would he?I saw that Qingyun had already knocked on the door.

Qing Yun's strength was well grasped, he tried to hit it, and saw that there was no movement in the cell below, so he slightly increased his strength, and stared at the refugees below while he was beating.

At the entrance of the dungeon, the two drowsy people leaning against the door heard the noise for the first time and thought they heard it wrong. The second time they heard the noise, they looked up and looked around. There was nothing, and they immediately dozed off again. .

"Hey, did you hear that?"

Hearing the noise again, he woke up in fright, and pushed his companion beside him.The companion opened his eyes in a daze, glanced at the dark surroundings, and said impatiently, "What are you doing?"

"Did you hear the noise?" He glanced furtively at the dark night and asked his companion again.

"No, no, nothing. Don't be suspicious, okay? It's not the first time to watch the night. Except for the two of us, there's not even a ghost here. Where's the noise?"

After sleeping soundly, I was woken up by someone, very irritable, cursed and fell asleep again.It's bad luck to be on night watch with a coward and not even get a good night's sleep.

Qingyun knocked on the door twice, but the people in the cell were still sleeping like dead pigs, and there was no movement outside either. She wondered if there was no one guarding the outside, and suddenly heard a voice.

He leaned on the door and listened. There were people outside. Hearing what the outsiders said, he was a little speechless. Then he knocked again, this time with much stronger force.

Tian Duoliang was terrified when he saw Qingyun knocking harder and harder, and his voice became louder and louder.It doesn't matter if the people in the cell wake up, I'm afraid they will attract a bunch of copycats to deal with them.

Soon, the door of the dungeon was opened, and the door was pushed open by a third. The cold moonlight shone in through the gap in the door. The scene at the door and the two people in the darkness were clear at a glance.

Then a dark man asked furtively at the door, "Who is it? Who is knocking on the door inside?"

Tian Duoliang saw a toothache.

Qingyun pulled the man in with lightning speed, before he could scream, he held his mouth with one hand, knocked him unconscious with the other, and slipped the key on his belt. The whole process didn't take more than five seconds .

Then throw people on the steps.

Tian Duoliang: "..."

The two waited for a while, but before the other person came, Qingyun came out from behind the door, looked outside the door first, and saw the other one holding a long tassel spear sleeping soundly, without saying anything, he slammed fainted him.

"Drag in."

Qingyun kicked the fainted person, ordered Tian Duoliang who came out later to work, and picked up the long tasseled spear by the way, and held a spear flower in his hand.

Too light and difficult to use, better than nothing.


Tian Duoliang responded, dragged this villager in, threw one piece with the previous one, remembered the long tasseled spear in Qingyun's hand, and picked up the long tasseled spear on the ground.

As soon as Tian Duoliang came out, Qingyun locked the door, in case the two woke up midway, they couldn't escape.


Holding a gun, Qingyun walked all the way to the row of houses that he saw during the day, just after turning the corner, he saw a patrol team patrolling back and forth on the other side of the avenue.

The two crouched in a corner, waiting for the patrol to pass, then slipped out and slipped into the alley next to them.

The watchtower on the city wall was a little far away, and it was night, so they couldn't see what was going on here, so the two escaped the patrol's sight smoothly.

The defense of the big city gate of the Shanzhai is relatively strong, and the defense of the house is relatively loose. Qingyun Tian Duoliang walked all the way without encountering patrolling troops.When we approached the middle of the house, we saw the patrolling people.

The two parties almost collided with each other. Fortunately, Qingyun reacted quickly and pulled Tian Duoliang to the side alley, hiding in the darkness, waiting for the patrolling people to leave before continuing to move forward.

Without a map, the two of them were not familiar with the terrain, and wandered around like headless chickens, making Tian Duoliang dizzy.

"Brother, we can't run around like this. If someone from the patrol team finds out, we can't run away."

Tian Duoliang regretted going out with Qingyun, sometimes he entered an alley, Qingyun turned around and went to the other alley.

"Don't worry, with me, you won't meet anyone from the patrol team. If you're worried, go back to the dungeon and wait for me, and keep watch for me." Qing Yun went into another alley without looking back.

Whistle fart.

Tian Duoliang twitched, why did he not believe it!The dungeon is far away from here, and there is no way for him to notify him of the situation!
Besides, let him go back to the dungeon, how to go back?He can't remember the way!
There is a way to go to the dungeon in the playground outside, but he dare not go!There is no place to hide people over there, and there are patrols patrolling back and forth. He went out, not in a trap!

"I'll stay with you!"

Qingyun smiled clearly, turned around and approached a certain room, a woman's cry was heard intermittently in the room, Qingyun listened for a while, then turned and left.

"Is that a place where women are detained? Aunt Li was arrested, shall we look for it?" Tian Duoliang chased Qingyun and asked.

Qingyun glanced at him unexpectedly, after all Tian Duoliang is not a good person, it is rare to see someone who cares about his team.

"Go if you want."

Not much else to say.

"Aren't you going?" Tian Duoliang had selfish intentions, but Qingyun didn't see it.

"I won't go. The woman in that room has eighty if not one hundred. The same goes for the two rooms next door. They haven't slept yet. They saved Li Jian. They want you to save them. Do you save them or not? Save them, where to hide them?" If they don’t save them, if they make trouble from the patrol team, where will they flee?”

Tian Duoliang: "..." He really didn't think about this question.

"Aunt Li is so old, no one thinks highly of her, it's not dangerous to stay here for the time being."


Tian DuoLiang was persuaded by Qing Yun.Think about it for this reason, so many refugees, there are always young girls.

Humans are selfish, and naturally hope to be good to themselves.

The two of them didn't speak, they continued to turn around, and Tian Duoliang found that Qingyun seemed to be looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" Tian Duoliang looked back, as if trying to remember the location so that he could save others in the future.

"Aren't you hungry?" Qingyun asked an irrelevant question.


From yesterday to now, I only drank a bowl of porridge, so it's no wonder I'm not hungry.

"Follow me, it seems to be the kitchen over there." Qingyun was also very hungry, sniffing lightly with his nose in two directions, and then went straight away.

(End of this chapter)

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