Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 11 Want to lie to me, but there is no door

Chapter 11 Want to lie to me, but there is no door
"Turtle son, is your mouth hard, or your bones hard?"

The gangster was really driven mad by Qingyun, "Hohoho" roared like a beast, ran towards her, and slashed the dagger towards Qingyun's neck.

Cold light flashes.

Qingyun didn't speak, squinted slightly, looking at him provocatively and sarcastically.

Suddenly, Qingyun's pupils shrank, and then his eyes showed panic, and he quickly looked at the old man, only to see the old man slowly sorting out his robes.

Qingyun: "..."

"Old man, don't worry about clothes," Qingyun's mouth twitched fiercely, stretched out his legs and kicked him lightly, making a strange sound of "呲呲", motioning him to look at the gangster.

"You kid can't let me..." The old man slapped her away in disgust. He didn't know how to respect the elderly at all, but he couldn't resist Qing Yun, who kicked him, glared at her, turned to look at the gangster, and was stunned, mumbling in his mouth. He murmured: "...let people...die well?"

At some point, a green giant python, the size of a bucket, was hovering on the tree behind the gangster.

The huge python's head opened its bloody mouth, like a huge cave with an invisible bottom.

The saliva dripped from the mouth and dripped onto the gangster's clothes, but the gangster didn't know it at all.

The huge snake head drifted as the gangster moved, as if looking for the best angle to eat.

Qingyun and the old man both had pale faces, the kind of grayish-white and grayish-white.


The gangster thought that the two of them were frightened by him, so he spat softly, looked at Qingyun's white and tender skin, and took a deep breath, "Don't worry, Grandpa will definitely enjoy your meat..."

Qing Yun didn't have time to talk to him, she was afraid, she couldn't see it on the face, she pinched her thighs behind her back, and the pain made her face twisted and she didn't dare to make a sound, trying her best to control her body not to tremble.

She turned her head to remind the old man to run away, but saw that the old man had no expression on his face, and he was much calmer than her.

It is not unreasonable to say that people are old and mature.

"Old man, take advantage of the big worm to swallow him later, let's run! How far can we run, and whether we can escape is up to God!"

After procrastinating for so long, Qingyun gathered some strength, sat up slowly, and approached the old man, the low voice only the two of them could hear.

Like a puppet, the old man turned his head "kaka" and said with a gray face, "I can't run!"

"Why?" Qingyun was puzzled, what a good chance to escape, even the bait.

"The legs are stiff." The old man was also very helpless. He still wanted to look like an expert in front of Qingyun's face, but the result was unsatisfactory.

Qingyun: "..."

At critical moments, the dead old man always loses the chain.

The old man persuaded Qingyun, "You escape! Leave me alone, old man, I have buried half of my body in the loess. It's not bad for a few days. In this world, I can't live for a few days if I escape."

Qingyun: "..."

That said, is she not saving or not?

"Okay, I get it." Qingyun was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, disturbed her heart, and simply made a decision for him.

At this time, the gangster was only four or five steps away from the two, and he showed his yellow teeth to Qingyun with malicious intent, hehehehe.

The bloody mouth of the big boa constrictor above his head was no more than ten feet above his head.

"look up."

Qingyun pointed to his head and reminded him.

"Bah, if you want to lie to me, there is no door. Today is your day of death." The gangster couldn't be fooled by her.

(End of this chapter)

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